Hawk Point

512 73 36

Prologue- October 31st 1997

Christian Hansen doesn't want to die and with his wrists bound behind his back with thick coils of rope and his knees pressed against the soft mucky ground, he has to fight the urge to cry. His eyes sting as he fights his tears, his vision sliding in and out of focus, everything blurring together: the towering trees, the dark sky, the tall cloaked figures huddled around him...He can still barely see the blazing fire and the faces it illuminates. Each face is glaring down at him, his upcoming death sparking their eyes; they have always hated him.

"You should have stayed away." A voice whispers in his ear, hot breath tickling Christian's skin, "You should have left when you had the chance. You shouldn't have looked for answers." Christian twists his neck in an attempt to see the face owning the voice. All he sees is a shadow.

Christian Hansen didn't want to die. But at least it was quick and painless...

Hawk Point *ON HOLD*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें