Chapter one. November 26th 2019. Kilian.

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I fell to my knees on the white tiled floor the second I entered the school bathroom. I shouldn't be sitting on the floor as it was most likely dirty, being the boys bathroom as most boys don't have any respect to the janitors who has to clean up their mess. From underneath the sinks, beside where I was sitting, I can see some gun stuck under the sinks, instead of throwing them inside the large black bin next to the exit. Some forgotten crumpled up hand towels were still laying, hiding underneath the sinks furthest away from the door.

I rested my head on my palms, attempting to calm down my beating heart. I've never ran away from something or someone faster in my life, and my problem solving method is usually that. Never in my life did I expect to end up in such a situation as I had just been in. My body was still shivering.

Everything went fine before now! I'm almost out of high school, so why now? It honestly felt like my life was ending.

Jesus is testing me.

I placed one of my shaky hands on the sensitive skin around my neck and feel the goosebumps come back.

I added a small amount of pressure.

I gasped.

I pressed harder.

"Mmmh." I involuntarily moaned before slapping my available hand over my mouth.

I felt the tightness in my pants increasing and getting very uncomfortable.

I looked down at my obvious bulge.


I softly touched it and lightly moaned.

I needed to relieve the pressure.

But not here.

As if on queue, my phone vibrates, indicating a new message. I locate my phone inside of my skinny jeans back pocket and fish it out and read the message. It's from the driver father ordered to take me to and from school. I let the phone scan my face, successfully unlocking it, before answering the message. He simply notified me of his arrivance. I sent him a quick text, saying I'll be right out before I reach up to the sink and pull myself up onto my feet. On my still-shaky legs, I make my way towards the black Mercedes with tinted windows, parked in a nearly empty school parking lot. I hadn't noticed so many had already fled the grounds. I pulled my black hoodie further down in an attempt to hide my shame and hurriedly made my way to the passenger side of the parked car.

"Good day, Kilian." The driver, David, gave me a gentle smile before starting the car up again. A song on the radio was slowly playing in the background. I recognised the song. It was a song from the band I Don't Know How But They Found Me, Choke. I listened to the song and shivered when I heard the lyrics.

Stop, drop

And drag me into place

And lock the fire escapes

I'll break your pretty face

Oh, you clever little things

The sycophantic teens

What a precious basket case

Now shut your dirty mouth

If I could burn this town

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