Chapter four. November 27th 2019. Kilian.

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I somehow ended up in the boys locker room. I honestly wish I knew how I got here, seeing as the locker room is on the other side of the school. And our school isn't that small. I sat down on one of the benches and relaxed. I laid down, using my backpack as a pillow. I should probably leave and get to class. My first period is supposed to start soon.

I dug my phone out and checked the time.



I grabbed my bag and ran out as fast as I could. I waded through the other students who were also hurrying to their classes.

I took a left.

Straight forward.

Another left.

Up the stairs.


The warning bell rang throughout the school.

Almost there.

I took a right and found my first class. English literature. I ran inside and sat at my usual seat at the back corner. Yes. Very cliché. I tried calming down my beating heart and placed my head on the table, taking deep breaths. My pulse had finally slowed down to a normal speed but increased rapidly when I heard the sound of someone pulling out the chair beside me to the double desk. I didn't have to look to know who it was. I could smell his enticing cologne from miles away. I discretely sniffed the air, breathing in the comfort. I shyly glanced up at him from underneath my arms that I was using to shield myself away from the world.

He was fumbling with his backpack, getting the material out. He placed a black notebook on the table before picking out a mechanical pencil and eraser, completely prepared for class. I realised at that moment that I never got to get my things from my locker. I opened my bag and breathed a sigh of relief that I hadn't taken my supplies out of it. I placed my pastel blue notebook on my table along with my pencil. I felt a gaze on me and my cheeks flushed a light shade of pink, which I covered up with my jacket sleeve. It was getting warm so I decided to shrug my coat off and hang it on the back of my chair.

"Good morning, class." Mr. Wilson called out, getting a few mumbles back. He began with discussing an assignment we were going to do. It was a collection of different poems that we had to read and then explain what they meant. Easy enough. He handed out the papers around and arrived at our table last.

"Hmm, that's weird." Oh god, please tell me he's not gonna say what I think he's gonna say.

"I didn't print enough copies. Damian, you'll have to share with Kilian for now while I go make more copies." He commanded. Damian gave him a nod and moved his chair closer to me, sliding the papers between us. Mr Wilson announced to the class that he had to print some more copies before leaving the classroom. Soft murmurs spread throughout the classroom as the door closed.

I leant over to look at one of the papers and began reading. It wasn't that hard to decipher. The text was about the pain of losing a loved one and how their world felt like it was falling apart. I can't relate to it as I've never been in a situation like that. But I could assume it was similar to losing an important piece of you, that made you feel whole.

I wrote down my thoughts about the first poem, carefully making out what each sentence and paragraph indicated.

I got halfway thought when I felt a hand creeping up my leg. I visibly tensed up and looked at Damian from the corner of my eye. Not one sign of what he was doing was highly inappropriate, his actions were discreet from the world. The hand went further up and started squeezing my thigh. I inhaled sharply through my nose at the action and looked at him again through my peripheral view. He was deciphering a different poem on another paper. I tried ignoring his hand by going back to working on my own poem when his grip got tighter and a gasp threatened to spill from my lips. I grinned his wrist to try to move it, but all I got in return was increased pressure. This time I audibly gasped. I could feel the smirk on his face that he hid with his left hand. Discretely biting on the end of his pencil. I dug my nails into his wrist and heard a low growl spurt from the side of me. I shivered at the sound and bit my lip. His hand trailed further up my thigh before he dug his fingertips into it. I felt tears prickling my eyes. Not because it hurt. Not because I didn't like it. Because it felt so, so good. My body failed me and let out a pathetic little whimper. I tried covering my mouth but it was already too late. He had heard it. I know because he growled once again and tightened his grip on my thigh.

Oh god if he keeps squeezing my thigh, something bad is going to happen and I don't want to be inside a classroom full of annoying students when that happens. I turned my head and looked at him to see him already looking at me from the corner of his eye. His defined jaw was held up by his large veiny hand that I wanted more than anything to be wrapped around my throat. I think he sensed what I wanted as he chuckled and looked down again. Releasing my thigh. I greedily breathed in the oxygen as it felt like my body had been starving for it. I felt the tightness in my pants and blushed hard. I looked down and saw what he had done to me. That prick. I felt him closing in on me, his breath fanning my neck and ear. Goosebumps spread throughout my neck and down my arms.

"I'll finish it later, Kitten." He whispered huskily into my ear before biting the shell of my ear. My eyes rolled up at the sudden pain as I hit my lip to contain any sound that wanted to escape. He pulled away as the teacher entered the classroom once again. He gave me the rest of the poems and I diligently wrote down my thoughts about them and my assumptions on what they meant.

The bell rang after I had finally finished writing down my last sentence. I packed my bag quickly, grabbed it and ran out the door. My jacket hung from my arm and flowed behind me as I escaped that beast inside the classroom. I probably could have made him stop. But a part of me really wanted him to continue pinching and squeezing my leg. I wanted it harder. Rougher. More pain.

Oh god. I'm disgusting.

I cringed at myself before I ran to Allison's locker for comfort. She was stood there next to her boyfriend Ryan, happily chatting while exchanging her other books for the ones she would need for her next class.

I ran and attacked her into a hug. She chuckled and pet my hair. She was three inches taller than my 5'6 length. I always felt awkward about being shorter than nearly than every girl in school. But it also worked for me as I wasn't looked at as much. I easily blended in with the others.

"What happened to you?" She asked me as I finally let go of her. Ryan also gave me a confused look. I looked around me, carefully. Making sure he wasn't around. When I was sure we were safe I told her about everything that happened
during class, leaving out the part that happened yesterday and the fact that I liked the pain for some reason. Oh god, am I a masochist? I couldn't be. That's insane. I just found the pain a bit exciting. I don't think I would have enjoyed actually being dominated.

I'm just curious.




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