Chapter three. November 26th - 27th 2019. Kilian.

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I entered my room after arriving at the house. It was a decently big one as well, with a second floor. The living room was directly to the left of the hallway with a big open entrance leading in to it. The couch was a large L shaped 4 seater in a black leather fabric with white fluffy pillows and matching blankets placed on it, one on each armrest. The coffee table was also a matching black but with a glass lid on it, resting on top of the white fluffy carpet. The walls were a light grey with small, almost indistinguishable patterns of white on it that you wouldn't see unless you stood really close to the wall. There were two love seats on each side of the couch, all of it pointed directly towards the flatscreen tv. Beneath the tv was a DVD player, an old Nintendo 64 gaming station that was placed next to the Xbox. To the left of the tv was a dark brown, nearly black cabinet with glass doors that held many varieties of movies, those bulky Nintendo cassette-like things that you always have to blow inside for them to work, and Xbox games.

If you took a right from the hallway, you would immediately step inside the kitchen. The kitchen floor had a nice black tiled floor with white specks on them, contrasting the tiles above the sink and stove. Above the sink and kitchen counter were white cabinets that matched the cabinets below the sink and counter. In front of the sink and stove was a white marbled kitchen island with grey specks on it.

If you walked into the kitchen, then took a left, walked straight forward past the kitchen island and dark coloured kitchen table with matching chairs, you would enter the dining room which had a nice brown carpet cover wing the entirety of the floor, which in my opinion was a bit foolish to have in a dining room. The carpet had nice flowery details on it, with light browns and black in it, matching the dark wood of the table and chairs. The walls were a nice burgundy colour that seemed to warm up the room.

The staircase to the second floor was straight forward as you stepped inside the house. If you walked past the staircase on the right side, you would enter the master bedroom that had a conjoined bathroom with an extra door that led into the hallway.

I walked up the white carpeted stairs, took a right and entered the last door straight ahead and entered my room.

I face planted into my large bed before groaning loudly. I somehow managed to shrug my pants off and put my phone to charge before passing out on my fluffy queen sized bed. I can honestly say I had very interesting dreams concerning a special green eyed boy.








I finally woke up by my phone blaring annoyingly on my nightstand beside my head. That ringtone has severely traumatised me. Sometimes I hear it when it's not even playing.

Bad shivers flowed through my body.

I got up and dragged my cold weak body over to my large bathroom. The white tiles sparkled in a gold-ish tone as I turned the light on. I felt completely spent. Remind me to never fall asleep before dinner again because I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep until three hours later.

Yay me.

I slipped out of my boxers. The only thing concealing my body from complete nudity. I woke up around 1 am from sweating too much. I'm sure you can guess what kind of dream I had that could have caused my profuse sweating.

I had a quick shower and washed myself with my strawberry minty shampoo and conditioner and scrubbed my body with my coconut shower cream.

It's not illegal to want to smell delicious.

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