Chapter six. December 4th 2019. Killian.

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It's been a whole week since Damian was last here. I kept hearing his name being whispered throughout the curious teens that had nothing better than to mix themselves up in other people's business. Ever since he disappeared all of a sudden, more whispers about him has travelled throughout the hallways now. Each one more ridiculous than the other. It made me audibly snort. Some people have creative imaginations.

I quit listening to their nonsense and went straight to my first class and sitting down. It was none of my business what he was doing. I shouldn't involve myself with him. It's not good for my anxiety. I had woken up at 3am, gasping for air. My anxiety was very prominent during the hour it took for my medicine to kick in before I had finally managed to fall asleep again, only to be waken up three hours later, nearly sleeping through my alarm. I internally groaned as I rested my head on my arms on the table. I heard a few people entering and taking their seats. I didn't bother looking up, exhaustion overwhelming me.

"Did you hear? Damian ended up in the hospital!" Some girl whispered to her friend a few seats vertical from me. My ears piqued at that.


I raised my head slightly, resting my chin on my arms, pretending I wasn't listening in on their conversation.

"What? What happened?" A brown haired girl asked her silver blonde friend.

"I heard he was shot by a gang member! That must mean the rumours are true! He is involved with gangs. Oh my god, what if he's in the mafia?" The silver blonde squeaked. I quietly snorted, not believing the bullshit. But something inside me didn't sit right. My right leg jumping up and down in anxiety.

"Is he still in the hospital?" The brown haired girl, that I now recognised as Alice, asked.

"I think so. I mean, no one has really visited him. Everyone is too afraid to come near him. If he didn't look so scary, he would have been so much hotter." The silver blonde dramatically fanned herself with her hand. I rolled my eyes, looking down at my table. My anxiety was increasing.

"It's his own fault for involving himself with gangs and whatnot. He only has himself to blame, in my opinion." Alice spoke to her friend.

I stopped listening to their conversation, anxiety and worry making my body start to tremble. A bad feeling creeped into my body. Something was telling there was something he was hiding. I didn't want to be curious, but I was. I wanted to know what happened to him.

Without hesitation, I stood up, grabbed my things, and left.


What am I doing? I asked myself for the 6th time before stepping off the bus. I began walking the short distance towards my destination, keeping my eyes planted to the ground as I stepped closer to the building. I hesitated for a second before entering the automatic doors. As you would imagine, the building had that distinct smell of disinfectant and cleanliness. There were a few people sitting on chairs in the waiting room to the right of the entrance. Most looking exhausted, some reading a magazine. I walked across the sparkling white tiles towards the reception, watching doctors walking around and people entering the cafeteria next to the waiting room.

I stepped in front of the reception, feeling uneasy. The lady at the counter smiled kindly at me. I read her name tag.

Karen Johnson.

I looked into her crystal blue eyes and smiled back. I felt my anxiety flowing through my body but I ignored it.

"I'm here to see Damian Rella?" I squeaked nervously with a slight hesitation to my voice.

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