The Perfect Moment

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Franks POV
This was it. Gerard took my hands in his, just looking deep into my eyes as I stare at our hands, intertwined. Gerard looks like he's in deep thought about whatever he's going to do next. What is he going to? I look up at Gerard, he smiles and looks down. Seconds later he looks up again, smirks and leans a little closer. He slowly gets closer and closer to my lips. He kisses me, ever so gently So soft, almost as if he's scared to hurt me. He pulls away, kind of half smiles, and looks moving his black hair into his face. I can't help but smile with this big grin spreading ear to ear.
Gerard gets up, I'm scared he's going to walk away, when he puts his hand down to pull me up. He's holding my hand as we start to walk towards his house. I don't know what's about to happen, but god am I excited.

Hey sorry this is really short. Also sorry if this is horrible💜❤️💜

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