The Note

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This is a note, it has no POV, so pick whether or not you want it to be a Frank reading it, or Gerard reading it.

Dear Frank,

I know that you are angry with me, I don't want you to be angry. But see, I am not like the other people that the feel similar things to me. They try and want to get better, I don't want to be better. I tried for a while to get better because you don't deserve this. No one does. And yes, you say you care and that you'll always be there for me but, you'll run away. I know you will, just like my brother. Or you'll stop caring, like my father. I want you to know that this is not blameful on anyone other than myself. It is my decision and mine alone. I'm sorry Frankie but this is the only way for me to be happy. So please, you be happy too. I'm going to the park bridge. I left at 8:30am so it's probably too late. Once again, I'm sorry.


You think you know what's about to happen. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!

PerfectDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora