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Gerards POV

I felt bad for pushing Frank out like that, but my dad was home and he's homophobic. Therefor hates me. He didn't take it very well when I told him, granted my mom had just died in a car crash.
My dad still blames me for it, he says that it's my fault for being beat up and needing mom to come pick me up from school. On her way to get me a drunk driver ran into her head on. The guy nearly died but made a remarkable recovery, where as my mom died on impact. At my moms funeral, I wasn't even invited. I wasn't welcome to mourn at the loss of my mother. So mourned in my own way. See, I wasn't able to talk to my brother, Mikey, because he was in a fancy high school in Germany. He basically cut all of is off. So did I cope with my mother dying, my brother shutting me out, my father disapproving me? I drank. Yeah, I know it seems weird seeing that a drunk driver killed my mom.
The alcohol numbs me, at least it did. But one night when I was at a party, I had to much to drink. I went home with a guy and we fooled around. My dad was out, probably looking for hookers. When he came, drunk, he came into my room while the boy and I were fucking and he flipped. He grabbed the boy off me and threw him to the ground. He kicked him and punched him, almost to death. As much as I tried to stop him, he just threw me back. Once he finally stopped he turned to me, grabbed me by the shirt and said "Go ask your so called friend for pity, you fucking faggot" and threw me to the ground next to him. My dad gradually got more and more abusive over the years. I didn't want to get drunk anymore, so to cope I started cutting. When I was hospitalized from blood loss, the doctors gave me a medical marijuana license.
That's why told Frank to go, because if he stayed, he'd get hurt. I care way too much about him to hurt him like that. So when my dad opened the door, drunk, he walked over to me and punched me in the eye. I'm glad it was me and not Frank.

Hi so I'm sorry about this. I was in a mood/zone and this will explain a lot later on❤️

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