Maybe He Needs It

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Franks POV

Gerard looks stunned by my statement, but he laughs as the juice from the pear drips down his mouth. He gets up and walks over to his desk, still not giving a shit about the brushes. I don't know why but I find it funny. He opens the drawer on the bottom and moves some paper out of the way. He pulls out a plastic bag that has a green plant in it. I had no idea Gerard smoked pot, but I'm not complaining because I do to, not that he knows. He turns to me and asks "Is this okay Frankie?" I chuckle and nod. He reaches back in the drawer to grab a small pipe. In my opinion they all kind of look like dicks. He grabs a lighter out of his pants pocket. He makes his way back to me and sits on the floor. He opens the bag and dumps the contents on the floor. I see something shiny, a razor. Shit please tell me that's not what I think it's for. He quickly grabs it and shoves it back in the bag, avoiding eye contact with me. I try to ignore it for the moment because he obviously didn't want me to see. We're still naked so I look for scars. I feel bad looking but he's my best friend, maybe more than that now.

He puts the pipe to his mouth and inhales. He holds in the smoke for a moment as he passes it to me. As I inhale the smoke, the exhales and blows the smoke in my direction. I return the favor, except I lean in, putting my hands on his thighs, blowing the smoke into his mouth. I can't get too high right now because, sadly, I do have to go home at some point.

I get up and make my way to my clothes and put my boxers on. Gerard looks at me worried, like I'm leaving him, like I didn't care. "Don't worry I'm not going to leave, I'm just cold." I say, reassuring him. I'm actually pretty worried about him right now. Just then we hear the front door close. Gerard looks at me, "Frank, you need to go, I'll see you tomorrow!", he says panically. I'm confused but I obey and put my shirt on as fast as possible. Gerard's still naked so he just jumps up on the bed and covers himself in blankets. There's still some pot on the floor so I throw his shirt over it before I go to the door. We hear footsteps coming down to his room. "I'm sorry" he whispers as I walk out the door. I nod back with a little bit of hurt in my eyes.
What the hell was that, I ask myself. With the razor, the frantic rushing me out the door. I hope he's okay. Also since when does Gerard get high? Maybe he needs to? Is he keeping something from me that I should know?

Hey sorry for the quick mood change. I was on a coffee high. Also it's really short cuz I was next to my dad and a toddler.❤️💚

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