confidential pt. 16

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The knock on my door echoed in the hollow apartment. It felt empty, somehow, despite having double the amount of people in it than usual. I was sat on my couch, occasionally sipping from my cold cup of tea, staring at a wall. I didn't even have the motivation to turn on the TV. I also was worried I'd wake James up, so I just sat there. Waiting for something to happen.

It felt almost like my life had just met its season finale. And now I was stuck on a cliffhanger. I had to wait for the next episode. Phil kissed James: now what? Time was paused until something happened. Then my crazy, upside down life of Living Next To Somebody I Used to Know by Executive Producer Philip Lester would be renewed for another season.

Then came the knocking. James had mentioned someone would be coming for him, but James had also mentioned that he was in danger, so I had very conflicting feelings about what to do with the door. I tried to remember that one quiz I took– The Watson-Scott Personality Test– and the answer I gave to a strikingly similar question. Someone is at your door asking to get in.

I'll answer the door, but make them wait outside until I could get James to confirm who they are. Hopefully it's a person he wants to see.

I tentatively pulled the door open and grinned, though I'm almost certain it was more of a grimace.

"Hello Philip Lester," the man said, his sunglass-ed face tilting ever so slightly up and down, examining me and, I assume, scanning me with his terminator vision, collecting bits and pieces of information about me.

Or something.

"My name is PJ Liguori. I'm here to see James, is he here?" His tone of voice made it seem like he knew exactly where James was, and that there was absolutely no way he would go away if I said James was not here, and that I could not stand in his way. I couldn't tell if it was in a good way or a bad way.

"You stay here, I'll... I'll go check to see if he's here." I mentally kicked myself as I quickly shut the door and slid the bolt into place. This Liguori guy definitely knew James was here. But I'm proud of how I resolved the situation. I was going to keep Dan safe no matter what.

Except for in his marriage. I was in no way saving his marriage. But just one problem at a time.

I slipped into my room, where James had fallen asleep. I had to just look at him for a few precious moments. I had to stare at him, I had to imagine running my finger through those curly chocolate locks, pressing my lips to that soft, pale, freckled skin. I caught my breath for a second as he shifted, suddenly, restless. I reached out to him and pressed my hand to his cheek, then pulled away quickly.

"Dan?" I whispered, testing the name on my tongue. It tasted like him, like his lips and tongue and sweet breath. His eyes shot open, and he scrambled away from me.


"James," I mumbled, trying to rectify my mistake. His breath came heavy and forced, and I smiled at him. I was close to his face, too close, and all I wanted to do was kiss him.

"There's someone here for you." I felt like if I raised my voice, even a little bit, the room would disappear, and all that would be left would be James' wide, terrified, suddenly awakened eyes. It was like my insides were made of glass, and one wrong move and I would just shatter. It felt like everything was just about to go wrong.


"A man named PJ Liguori. I locked him outside just to make sure he was someone... someone you wanted to see." I wish I could lock myself outside too.

"Oh." James sat up and pulled my shirt down from where it had ridden up in his restless sleep, exposing his stomach. My mouth started to water and my hands started to shake. What is wrong with me? "Yes, he's a good guy. He's the one I was waiting for."

"Oh. Good. He's outside then. Do you want-" but before I could ask James if he wanted to borrow some of my more presentable, less t shirt-y clothes, he pushed the covers away, and flipped his bare legs around so he could stand.

"Give me just a few minutes to change?" I nodded, quickly, hoping I could get out of that god forsaken room before my face just exploded with the sheer amount of blood that was rushing... everywhere.

James emerged from my room dressed in what he was wearing this morning, though severely less disheveled. His button-up was tucked in to his slacks, and he had chosen to go barefoot. His hair was clearly finger-combed, but it still looked amazing. He always looked so good, especially when he smiled.

"Let's just... forget what happened. Before," he mumbled, finishing tucking in his white shirt. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. "Thank you. For... everything." I nodded again, and kept nodding, nodding, nodding as he padded gently to the door. He checked through the spyhole.

"Hey, Liguori," he said, an almost-grin gracing his otherwise exhausted-looking face.


And, unfortunately, that's how I have to end this sucker. I wish I didn't leave you guys with so little, and more importantly, with false promises of continuation. I know how immensely frustrating it can be to find a fic you like, only for it to not, and never, have an ending. I know that. But I really am having trouble writing fan-fiction nowadays, and I feel almost guilty writing anything else. Time to confront the issue head-on, and admit it-- this fic won't continue. I can, however, give everyone the bullet point list of everything that was going to happen, if it is at all any consolation.

Charlie was going to find Dan and continuously threaten him, mostly with harming Louise and Phil, until he agrees to not testify in court against Charlie.

However, his agreement was a lie, and Charlie knows it/ figures it out.

Phil is taken and tortured (to an extent) after he and Dan sort-of kind-of admit feelings for each other.

Dan and PJ, and some other cast of characters (probably Louise) figure out where the videos/pictures of bruised Phil were being sent from and find a location. They call the cops but Dan decides it's just not quick/ good enough, and goes to confront Charlie himself.

CLIMACTIC BATTLE ENSUES. PROBABLY WITH THE PHRASE "SICKENING CRUNCH," as every physical fight I have ever written contains said phrase.

Eventually, Charlie is taken into custody, and all is la-di-da. But what??? There's 3 chapters left???? (Lol sorry.)

Charlie, as he does, escapes custody, but it is assumed he won't come after Dan or Phil again.

Dan and Louise "divorce," allowing for Dan and Phil to publicly be an item and for Louise to go on living her life as the boss lady she is. They both remain in witness protection, leaving the plotline completed but, in my opinion, still sequel-worthy had I wanted to do that.

There you go, party people. Sorry, again, for not finishing. But since I am still writing, just originals now instead of fic, I may post again. All is to be seen, as the future cannot be know! Etc.

Peace out guys, and happy holidays.

-GypsyRover <3

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