Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sun shining right into my eyes,
I said to myself, then got up to get ready for my trip. I brushed my hair and teeth, I got my stuff and went downstairs.

I walked downstairs and saw mom, dad and Ross. Right beside him was Jasper, he obviously isn't good at whispering because we all heard him pretty clear,
"Your sisters really hot"
You could tell my brother was not happy about that comment,
"Jasper shut up, don't touch her, talk to her, or even look at her"
"Overprotective much" Jasper muttered, sounding disappointed.
We left a few hours ago and my back is killing me because of sitting in the car for so long and not to mention I'm on my period which is bad for other people because my mood is really bad so yeah. Jasper ended up having to sit by me which earned a few glares from my brother.

"Hey! Stop looking at her!" Ross yelled Jasper just rolled his eyes and continued looking at his phone.

An hour goes by, driving to the mountains but we only have 1 hour left.
Jasper starts annoying me and my brother knows this isn't going to end well.
"Look, you need to shut the hell up because your really annoying and I'm trying to read here!" he then tried to touch me and that's when I slapped him,
"Owww" he cried
"Sorry, I forgot to warn you about how she is when she is on her period" Ross said
"What did I tell you"
"What?" Ross answered
"You guys try being a girl, it's not easy"
"Yeah I don't think I want to, now that I know what happens to girls when they are on their periods" Jasper joked, I just glared at him and continued reading.
Finally, we pulled up to a cabin.
I hopped out of the car, got my stuff and ran up to the door. My dad unlocked it and we went inside. My eyes went wide the second we walked in.
"It's beautiful!" I went over and hugged my parents.

Then the boys came in and Ross yelled, "I call the upstairs bedroom!"
"Crap, I call the downstairs one!" I yelled back.
"Uh, guys you do realize there is only 3 bedrooms right?" My mom said,
"What does that mean mom?" I asked her
"Hun, that means one of you guys has to share a bedroom together. See Jasper coming was kinda last minute"
"I'm not sharing with Jasper because that means I have to share a bed with him!" my brother called from upstairs

"Wait, your telling me I have to share a bedroom with Jasper!?" I yell in disbelief. "Well, yeah" mom replied to me.
"WAIT!" Ross yelled from upstairs again, "there is no way my sister is sharing a room with my best friend!"
"We don't have a choice honey, like I said Jasper was last minute" mom told him.
"Urgh, Jasper you better sleep in the floor!" Ross glared at him.
"Why doesn't she get to sleep on the floor?" Jasper faked his sadness
"Because she is a girl and the right thing for you is to let her sleep in the bed" Ross said in a frustrated tone.

"Why can't I sleep with her in the bed?" Jasper is really trying to die isn't he?
"Are you kidding me? No!" Ross yelled,
"Jasper I mean it, do anything to her, touch her or anything I will slice your throat!" and with that my brother slammed his bedroom door shut.

"Jeez, what's his problem" Jasper said as he grabbed his stuff and headed into our room. I went after him into our room.
"Ugh," I sighed
"What's wrong princess?" Jasper asked. What the hell did he just call me?
"I'm sorry, what the frick did you just call me?!"
I looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.
"Uh, I called you princess, what's the problem?"
"The problem is that you are not allowed to call me princess because I said so, and Ross said not to get involved with you. You need to get over it because your never going to date me or whatever the hell you wanted to do with me"

He just stared at me like I'm insane. I decided to start putting my stuff up in the drawers and into the closet in silence so I didn't have to make conversation with him. As I started to hang my clothes on the racks I heard Jasper say something.
"What are you doing?" Jasper asked from behind me.
"I'm hanging my clothes up"
"You can't just take up the whole closet"
"Yeah I can it's your fault that you came so your gonna have to deal with the consequences" he rolled his eyes

I laid down on the bed and got my phone out
A-Hey sorry I didn't text you all day today but ya so what's up?
L-Hey! It's fine, soooo how is it with Jasper?
A-Yeah about that, I have to share a bedroom with him
A-Yeah and he is really annoying And he tried to get my brother and parents to let him sleep in the bed with me but I'm making him sleep on the floor.
L-Oh I guess that's good
A-Well I will inform you on anything else that happens
L-Ok bye
A-Bye love ya

"Who are you texting?" I heard Jasper ask.
"Why do you care? It's none of your business and you know, I do other things on my phone too, beside text people" I replied
"Well you were typing"
"I could have been looking stuff up- you know what, I have no time to argue with you right now"

I decided that I would get something to eat before going to bed. After I was done eating I went back to my bedroom and got into the shower. I felt the warm water soak through my hair as I thought about my life. There is a random boy that has to share a bedroom with me. Why? I got out of the shower and put my hair in a messy bun.

"Hey princess, can you get me some blankets and a pillow for me, since you made me sleep on the floor?" Jasper asked as I walked out of the bathroom realizing that I'm wearing a low cut tank top and booty shorts. Hey it's not my fault this is what I wear to bed every night.
"Umm no, get them yourself and don't call me princess"
"Please" he pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine" I walked out of the room and got everything for Jasper to sleep on.
"Hey sis, you good?" I heard Ross whisper yell from upstairs.
"Yeah, just getting blankets and a pillow for Jasper"
"Ok, but remember, don't get involved with him"
"Oh no, this is a terrible idea" I heard him mutter to himself but I still heard it.

I walked back to our room and gave Jasper the blankets and the pillow.
I then realized that he is in his boxers only.
"Like what you see?" he said, that caused me to blush for some unknown reason, but it quickly went away.
"No, now put some clothes on"
"But your wearing a low cut tank top and booty shorts, which, by the way, nice ass"
"Eww, why are you looking at my ass!" I yelled
"Well it's hard not to with those shorts on"
"Ugh, go to bed" I said
I turned the light off and went to bed.
Tell me it you guys want a Jasper and Ross POV!

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