Chapter 10

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Jasper's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night and felt sick. I sat up and felt even worse. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Dang it if I'm sick I might have gotten Aria sick when we kissed. I threw up a few more time before going back to my bed and falling asleep.
Aria's POV
I walked downstairs holding my stomach. I felt horrible and went into the kitchen.
"Honey, what for you want to eat?"
"Nothing" the thought of food makes me want to throw up.

I heard the other bedroom door open and Jasper walk out holding his stomach too. Oh no, is he sick too?
"Jasper do you want anything"
"No thank you, I'm not feeling too well I threw up a few times last night" Oh no, Jasper is sick too! Shoot what if Ross figures out!
"Uh, yeah I did too" I said awkwardly.
Mom looked at both of us with a confused face but just said,
"Ok, well go and get some rest both of you"

We both turned around and looked at each other. I'm sorry! Jasper mouthed.
Don't be, it's fine. I mouthed back as we parted our ways and went back upstairs.
Ross's POV
"Hey mom where's Aria and Jasper?" I asked.
"They are both sick so they went to go rest"
My eyes went wide, then anger swept over me.
"They kissed!" I yelled in disbelief
"Uh, honey what are you talking about?" my mom asked confused.

"How else would they both be sick at the same time! Their tongues were down each others throat at sometime! That's the only way this could have happened!"
"No, honey I doubt that they hate each other"
"Whatever but I still have suspicions"
Aria's POV
I heard a knock on my door, praying it wasn't Ross.
"Come in" thank God it's not. Jasper walked into my room.
"Hey" he said, "I'm really sorry"
"Why are you sorry?"
"I kissed you and got you sick" he sighed.

"Ok, first off I was the one who kissed you first, so I should be sorry, second off, Jasper it's fine you didn't know you were going to get sick" I said
"I know bu-" he started
"No buts" I cut him off

He smiled, "I really want to kiss you right now, but we are sick"
"I know" I giggled.
"We need to act like we don't care about each other and about that fact that we are sick" he said.

"Agreed" I nodded my head.
"Ok I better go before Ross thinks something fishy is up" he kissed my cheek, "sorry I had to" I giggled as he walked out of my room.

I sat on my bed and did nothing for the rest of the day. I really didn't have anything to do especially since I was sick. I tried to go to sleep and surprisingly it worked.
I woke up and it was morning. Gosh I really slept for that long. It is day 2 of me being sick and so I don't know what to do. I walked downstairs to see if I could do anything downstairs.

"Hey mom is their anything I could do"
"Nope" she said, At this point I just decided to go upstairs and go back to sleep.
It's been a a few days since I got sick and me and Jasper are now healed. I started to feel a lot better yesterday. I was to lazy to do anything right now so I just stayed in my sweatpants and bra.

I walked downstairs to get some breakfast. I took out a box of cereal and poured it into the bowl. I started eating it in a lazy manner while looking at my phone. I'm being so lazy today. I heard the other bedroom door open and Ross walked out.
"What the hell?!" he yelled
"Ok, can you not scream today like I'm like really lazy and exhausted right now and what?" I said and got back to eating my cereal.

"Jasper don't come into the kitchen!" Ross shouted at Jasper.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked.
"Your in a bra!"
"Your point?" I pointed my spoon at him.
"Aria the point is, your in your bra! My best friend is around you can't do that!"
"Ok, first off it's a sports bra, second off why can you boys take you shirts off but we can't stay in our bras?" I asked

"Well it's not my fault God made women have boobs!" he yelled, "now go put a shirt on!"
"Then Jasper can't come in"
"Umm, ok, does it look like I give a frick?" I gave him an annoyed expression, "yeah, I don't give a frick about your friend and I don't care if he sees me in this"

Jasper walks in shirtless and Ross starts to freak,
"Jasper! Aria! Put a shirt on!" Ross screamed obviously annoyed and frustrated.
"What is wrong with you?" I asked, "we don't give a frick about each other do you really think we are even going to look at each other!"

"Fine" he sighed, but I swear Jasper, look at her and your dead meat"
"Ok whatever" Jasper said.
We went into the basement after Ross left.
"Finally we aren't sick anymore and your brothers gone" Jasper said before smashing his lips into mine. I kissed back and this time, let his explore my mouth.

Suddenly we heard the door open and we instantly pulled apart. "I'll go upstairs first" I said, he just nodded his head and I walked up stairs. I went over to the cabinet and found some cereal and started eating it. Thankfully Ross had already gone into his room before I came up so it wouldn't make it obvious, when Jasper comes up, that we're making out down there.

Jasper walked up and headed into his room. I just sat there eating my cereal. Are we dating or what are we?

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