Chapter 15

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Aria's POV
I woke up to the dreadful sound of my alarm. I reached over to turn it off. Just five more minutes. I told myself, then suddenly jerked up hearing my mom scream,
"Aria Rose Henderson, get your lazy ass down here for school!"
Ugh. I got out of bed, got dressed, brushed my teeth knowing I wasn't going to eat breakfast. I decided to wear some black, ripped jean shorts. I put a spaghetti strap tank top.

I topped it of with a dark blue plaid elbow length cover and some black converse. I put on some light make up, grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.
"Ok before you all go I just wanted to say that Jasper is leaving and going back to his house today after school."

My face dropped but instead I said, "Oh my gosh finally, I thought you would never leave" I looked at Jasper's face with a sad expression as I headed out to my car for school.

I watched as my brother and Ross walked over to my car.
"You guys are coming with me aren't you?" I asked
"Yes" Ross said, I just rolled my eyes and started the engine.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Ross screamed, which scared the shit out of me.
"What is it now" I rolled my eyes again.
"Your wearing shorts!"
"And? I'm not listening to you Ross I'm going to wear what ever the hell I want to wear"
"Jasper close your eyes, now!" Ross looked back at him.

I just rolled my eyes, I have no idea how many times I'm going to do that again but I'm pretty sure this isn't my last time.

I parked my car in the school parking lot knowing that people are going to stare when Jasper walks out of my car hearing from Layla the other night that Jasper is apparently the schools bad boy so is my brother. Which I had no idea because my entire life is focused on reading. I guess I just didn't notice him at school. I got out and so did the boys. As I expected everyone started staring.
I was honestly didn't care so I just walked into the school like nothing happened.

I walked over to my locker to get my stuff out for my first class. I hear someone clear their throat I look over at Whitney, who is honestly the last person I want to see right now.
"What the hell do you want?" I said not a care in my voice.

"I want you to stay away from my boyfriend, Jasper" I almost lost it but luckily I didn't end up laughing in her face.
"Listen bitch, first off, I think you are the last person he wants to be with, second off, I have nothing with him, he's just my brothers best friend" I said and walked away.

I looked back at her and she had a look of disbelief on her face. I just smirked back at her and walked into my next class.

I sat down in math class bored out of my mind because all my teacher is talking about is what she did over Christmas break.
"Ok Ms. Henderson why don't you tell us about your Christmas break" Oh you have to be joking. I looked up from my desk and saw everyone staring at me.

"I just read and played some games I didn't really do anything" I lied
"Ok anyone else want to share?" What!she is giving them a choice! Ugh.

The class was basically people talking about their break. I really don't care about their lives so I just put my head down and ended up falling asleep. That was until I heard the bell ring.
I walked out of class super tired and I just wanted to sleep.

Hours past and classes past, it was finally time for lunch. I walked over to where Layla sat.
"Hey" I sat down by Layla
"Hi" I looked over at Jasper's table and saw Whitney all over him. I was about ready to walk over to her and slap her on the face but I knew I couldn't.

Layla saw the look on my face and spoke up,
"Girl, i net Jasper is loyal he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. And I didn't know that is was the Jasper that goes to our school! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I didn't even pay attention to the fact that he goes to our school, I'm too hooked on reading"

"You need to hold up on the reading" Layla laughed but instantly stopped and looked behind me. I looked behind me and saw Queen bitch walking over to our table. Oh gosh. I'm getting so sick of her and it's only the first day back to school.

She stopped at my table and looked at me.
"What do you want now?" I groaned
"Why isn't jasper talking to me"
"I don't know he never has so I don't know why you are surprised, he probably has a girlfriend or something." I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time today.

She just stomped back to her table. I looked back at her laughing and soon met eyes with Jasper. We just stared at each other until Ross tapped him on the shoulder and his other friends started talking to him.
Jasper's POV
I just stared at her and she just stared back I was looking into her beautiful hazel eyes but soon got pulled out of my thoughts when Ross tapped my shoulder and the boys started talking to me to get my attention.

"Who were you staring at?" Jonah asked.
"Oh, uh, no one" I fake coughed and put my face down to cover up my blush. Bad boys don't blush!
"I have to go guys I'll see you later" I said while writing a note to give to Aria.

I walked right past her table and secretly sneaked it to her.
Ross's POV
"What's wrong with him?" Jonah asked
I just shrugged until I watched him pass a note to my sister. I glared daggers at him. I'm going to kill him!
"Bro are you ok?" Jonah asked
"Yeah, I'm fine"
"Yeah, you looked like you are about to kill someone" my other friend Oscar asked.

"Oh I am going to kill someone" I muttered.
"What the heck bro?!" Jonah yelled

Something is going on between Jasper and Aria and I'm going to find out.
Aria's POV
Jasper walked past my table and handed me a note.
Meet me outside in the back of the school before you head to your next class.
We still had a lot of time left till lunch was over.

"I have to head out, um, I'll see you in class" I told Layla, she had a confused expression on her face but I didn't ave time to explain. I walked out of the cafeteria but not before seeing Ross stare daggers at me.

Oh crap!

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