truth hurts

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I open my door and sit on my bed and think about what just happened, and I still can't believe Lizzie remembered everything she must be so mad that I said that we should wait, but I couldn't help it I still love Landon even after he called me a slut. I felt a little tingle on my arm, and I knew it was Lizzie, sending me a message. I looked at it, and I couldn't help but smile, she drew a flower, and below it a little poem. I got inspired. I ran out of my room and into my original, and it was still vacant. I grabbed my art supplies and my way back to my room and set them down. I grabbed my phone and looked for a picture of Lizzie, and I found one of both us, and a tear fell out, thinking about that night.
I had my brush in my hand and just painted the picture that was in front of me. As I painted the last brush stroke, another tear rolled down my face. I couldn't wait to give it to Lizzie, but I had to sort my feeling of Landon first. I left the painting to dry and went to his room. I know he's going to be mad, but I have to be honest, or I will always regret it. I was about to knock on his door when the door opened, and he said: "Hope I was just coming to see you come in."
I was surprised, so I walked in, and he closed the door behind me. He said, "so why did you come here, Hope." With a soft tone
I looked at him and couldn't help but smile after everything he was still that kind-hearted kid that gave me my milkshake when I was feeling low. He kept staring at me, and I realized I hadn't answered him, so I got flustered and quickly said: "I needed to tell you something, and it might be hard to hear, but you have to hear it."
He nodded and said, "okay, go for it."
I paced around the room, trying not to look in his eyes. I just looked at everything but him. That guitar on the wall, the new horror posters up everywhere, and a picture of him and Josie, and then I felt like I couldn't tell him and said: "you know what nevermind."
A smirk grew on his face, and he said: "I guess I owe Josie five dollars."
I was confused. I looked at him and said, "what are you talking about."
"before Josie and I got together, I felt lost, and I didn't know why, so I killed myself every time I felt depressed knowing that I would come back. But after dying, I would see flashes of images, and I didn't know from where so I went to Josie. She helped me see the whole picture. She killed me over and over until I remembered everything."
So he knew this whole time and didn't come for me when I was in Malivore. I said, "so why didn't you say something."
"because I don't love you. Hope I never have."
I felt my heart break into a million pieces, and a tear fell out when he heard a knock on the door, and Lizzie said, "hey Landon is Josie there. I need to talk to her."
It was like everything went in slow motion. I heard the doorknob turn, and I wasn't paying attention to Landon so when I turned back around, his face was inched next to mine he pressed his lips on mine and Lizzie walked in. She started to cry and ran away. I tried to stop her, but I couldn't. I turn to Landon, and he said: "now you will feel what it's like to feel alone."
I couldn't deal with him right now. I had to see Lizzie and tell her that wasn't what it looked like, but before I left, I snapped Landon's neck and ran back to her dorm. I knocked on the door but no answer, so I opened the door, and no one was in the room, or that's what it looked like at least.
I looked at the bed. It looked like someone was sitting on it, but they were invisible. I ran back to my room and grabbed the painting and ran back to Lizzies, and said: "When I told you I wanted to wait, I lied. It's not because I wanted to work on myself; it was because of Landon I had to tell him the truth."
That's when Lizzie uncloaked herself and said: "so you like playing with my heart, don't you realize that I am a person that gets teased and bullied my whole life and for once I thought it would be different with you, but I guess I was wrong."
I tear fell out of my eye, and I said, "Lizzie, I swear I would never hurt you on purpose, and what you saw in Landon's room was fake he kissed me to hurt you. Not even a minute before he told me he knew this whole time and didn't say anything because he never loved me."
She looked at me and said, "I believe you."
I said, "what does this mean for us Lizzie because I do love you, and now there's no excuses or anything why we can't be together."
Lizzie teared up and sobbed "Hope I loved you for so long, and all I want is to be with you but I can't because right now I need a friend to be there with me no matter what and being in a relationship could ruin that so it doesn't matter how much I love you."
I understand where she is coming from; I am the only one that she has right now, and being in a relationship could ruin having the last person she has or trusts. I said in a sad tone, "Lizzie, I will always be here for you as a friend may be in the future as a girlfriend, but right now, just a friend and I am okay with that."
I grabbed the painting and handed it to Lizzie and said: "remember this."
She laughed and said, "yea, of course, I do. I made you join Miss Mystic Falls, and you won."
I said, "that's not what I remember. That day you knew something was wrong and tried your best to make me feel better, but at the end of the day, I just needed to cry, and you held me as I did."
We looked at each other with sad eyes, and I said: "I guess I should get going."
Lizzie looked mad and said, "oh no, you don't. You said we would watch movies all night, so you're not getting out of it."
I laughed and agreed Lizzie put on the Christmas movie marathon on TV. We cuddled during the movie when curfew hit. I knew I had to leave, so I said: "I will see you in the morning, I guess."
Lizzie looked sad and said, "Hope, please don't leave me alone I am scared just, please stay with me."
I shook my head and laid back down with Lizzie with my head on her shoulder as we went to sleep.

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