Chapter Seven || Breaking His Face

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❝chapter seven❞

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chapter seven

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Friday afternoon, the Bruins were having a match against Stanford. Everyone was getting ready in their places while my mom and I took a quick detour to the changing rooms. Mom was supposed to be at a shift right now but they sent her home because apparently they called too many nurses and most of them had nothing to do so she came to watch her son's match. It was obviously a surprise because she didn't call him to announce her presence and I was the only one aware of this. When we made our way to the changing rooms, Sawyer was not expecting to see mom go over and hug him. He stood there completely taken aback for a second then put his arms around mom and rested his cheek on top of her head, smiling slightly. She hasn't watched one of his matches in ages and no one blamed her, being a nurse at a really busy hospital was going to be a tough job. Both of us were understanding of this and tried to not complain at all.

"Mom, I'm so glad you're here!" He says wholeheartedly, not letting go of mom. She chuckles and pats his back with her right hand while rubbing his shoulder with the other. Sawyer's hair was all ruffled up, his auburn strands going all over the place. His brown eyes were sparkling with delight and his nose squinted as the corners of his lips lifted into the biggest grin ever. It was clear that he was more than happy that mom showed up and honestly so was I. We haven't spent time together in a while.

"Of course I'd be here, hun," she replied, the same grin plastered on her face. Sawyer was the perfect combination of mom and dad, if you looked at him you would think he is the masculine version of mom but from certain angles he was a carbon copy of dad. There were times I couldn't even look at Sawyer because all I could see was dad and it was way too painful for me. The feeling of something missing was to hard to bear, it was like a piece of my heart was gone and I didn't know where it was. All the memories were a blur and I didn't remember anything about him, all I had were pictures of us at Sawyer's matches and Friday nights when we were all cooped up eating Indian food and watching tv. The only reason I remembered bits of our tradition was because of those photos but most of my life was like it never happened. I remembered nothing of my past.

"Ivy!" Sawyer pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. His shoulders were extremely big from the kit so I just put my hands around his waist. I stood by his side as mom took a picture of us two then it was my turn to take a picture of them. The halls were all empty and the only noise was coming from the changing rooms. Sawyer hugged us once more and went back inside to hear the pep talk that the coach was giving. Mom and I took this as our queue to head back to our seats next to Bonnie and Max.

Max was never a football type of guy, he was mostly into boxing. In fact, he was teaching kids at the gym how to box and everyone loved him there. Girls and boys went every single Wednesday and Saturday to be taught boxing by Maxwell and not only did he make the lesson hilarious but he also made them really hardcore— not too hardcore that the children wouldn't be able to get up from bed the next day. He's been doing that since eighth grade so I was really surprised to hear that he wanted to major in Economics. He could've done sport sciences but he chose economics.

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