Chapter Ten || Lost In The Middle Of Nowhere

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❝chapter ten❞

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chapter ten

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Saturday morning, while packing my suitcase for the weekend, I texted Bonnie to tell her to come over after she was finished packing hers because I didn't want to be alone when Sawyer would try talking to me. I've been ignoring him for the past week which was really hard to be honest, especially when he would try to talk to me every few minutes but by the third day he got the idea and stopped. Though, I think he'll want to be on speaking terms with me for the trip, especially when we would be together for two days in the middle of the woods, but I still wasn't ready to speak to him yet. He should know what he's done by himself because I sure wasn't going to tell him. Bonnie FaceTimed me while packing her bag and we asked each other if we packed the essentials to make sure we didn't forget anything.

"Toothbrush, checked. Brush, checked. Straightener, checked. Dry shampoo, checked. Accessories basket, checked. Anything else?" I asked, looking at my opened suitcase.

"Do we have extra fluffy socks?" I pursed my lips and checked to see if I put my fluffy socks in.

"Yep, I do."

"Favourite hot chocolate cups?"



"You know it."

"Diet water?"

"Checked... wait what?" I looked up from my suitcase and stared at my phone comically. Diet water? Was that even a thing?

"Yeah," Bonnie babbled, widening her eyes and giving me her puppy looks, "It had less calories than water does!"

"I—" I shut my mouth immediately and shook my head at her, never would I have guessed that Bonnie was such a bonehead.

"I'm playing, raindrop!" She chuckled, bobbing her head to the laughter, "I'm not that of a bonehead." Definitely didn't think you were, so I raised my eyebrows and gave her a side glance to let her in on my thoughts, "Extra packs of films for the instax camera?"

"Four packs of twenty," I confirmed, showing her the bag of fujifilm films.

"Alright, I'm coming over. See you," She blew me a kiss and hung up, leaving me to stare at my own reflection in the black screen of my phone. Grabbing my chapstick from my nightstand, I tucked it in the pocket of my tracksuit bottoms and tied my hair up in a messy bun. When I was just about to walk out the room, I remembered I didn't grab my earphones and turned back around to take them off my bed but they weren't there. Looking at the nightstand, they weren't there either and neither were they on my desk, I even looked under the bed but they were nowhere to be found. I checked all of my coats' pockets, turned my school bag upside down, looked in every drawer, under the plant pots and even in the cereal boxes on the top of the fridge but I still couldn't find them.

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