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I just saw the Violet Evergarden Movie and see how a girl called her 'A princess Knight' plus I got to watch Violet from a very new perspective, with some Sebastian Michaelis vibes from Black Butler. From that perspective, I'm able to write and inspect so much more about her personality. 

-------------Going into Topic---------------------------

If you were to compare Violet Evergarden with any type of student she would be the calm, silent, and maybe "nerd" who always sits in the first seat in the class. Not getting into drama or problems with no one. At the same time, and fortunately, in the anime and movie, we are able to inspect this area in many different ways. The way she interacts with:

--  Clients OR People of high authority as Charlotte Abelfreyja Drossel(The princess), Alberta (her teacher in the academy)

-- Close people as Claudia Hodgins(CH Postal Company President ), Erica Brown(One of the Postal Company members), Cattleya Baudelaire(One of the Postal Company members and Claudia's lover), Benedict Blue(One of the Postal Company members), Iris Cannary(One of the Postal Company members) and Isabella York (From the movie ), Luculia Marlborough (a classmate from the academy for dolls)

-- Not so close people (but likable): Tiffany Evergarden(Grandma who initially wanted to adopt Violet), Leon Stephanotis (her partner).

-- Clients of low authority or no recognition: Oscar Webster (The one who lost his daughter and writer), Clara Magnolia (the mother with a terminal illness)

-- Kids: Ann Magnolia (Daughter of the mother with the terminal illness) and Taylor Bertolet (Isabella's York sister) 

Also, there are other aspects to check out as the way she reacts or behave towards the people respond in:

-- An aggressive/angry way

--An emotional (sad) way

--A stubborn and difficult way

--A calm and kind way

Lastly, Violet Evergarden behavior in different areas as in:




--Open Space (e.g Streets/Travelling)

--When visiting a client 

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