Interactive behavior [at work]

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Now there is something that you need to know (or maybe remember), but Violet's personality is the same with all kinds of people. Maybe you'd think that that's something stupid as it could portray Violet's characters as monotonous and dull, but instead, it fortifies the fact that she treats everybody with respect and sort of to say "kindness" not caring about the status, race/ethnicity, age, etc. 

There are different people (with different status) surrounding Violet almost every day. 

-- Clients OR People of high authority:

^^^Charlotte Abelfreyja Drossel(The princess), Alberta (her teacher in the academy), Claudia Hodgins(CH Postal Company President )^^^

Violet always tends to address any superiors with respect. Remember: She is around 14 up to 18 (at least in the anime, ova, and movie), she is a teenager, and even if she lacks the power as getting her attention called, receiving bad or good feedback, that does not makes her feel any lesser than anyone in the room. Even if being a 21st-century person, having the belief that getting bad feedback than someone superior (as parents, teacher, or bosses) to you is bad, you should know that when you know your place at work or school and even at home (student/teacher, boss/employee) builds up a strong character and morality as to work yourself and get done any task you need to in order to always step-up your game and level up. Just because you are in a place or status doesn't mean you are going to stay there forever. 

Violet Evergarden behavior at work may vary as the clients which she has to write for always vary and are unique in their own kind. At the same time, Violet possesses a very good and high ability that makes rely on and directs towards different groups of people the same, which highlights the equality of her reasoning ( Chapter you are going to inspect later) with people. 

-- Close people or "same status" people :

^^^ Erica Brown(One of the Postal Company members), Cattleya Baudelaire(One of the Postal Company members and Claudia's lover), Benedict Blue(One of the Postal Company members), Iris Cannary(One of the Postal Company members), and Isabella York (From the movie ), Luculia Marlborough (a classmate from the academy for dolls)^^^

Violet seems to be the type of friend that will always tell you the reason for whether you are lying, wrong, lazy, etc. Violet having autistic tendencies, makes her act this way as we know that being completely honest all the time will do more bad than good. As in Chapter 4 when Violet joined Iris to go to her family due to an injury she got while walking downstairs, Violet wasn't being careful of her honesty and not being aware of Iris's feelings nor the emotional atmosphere around, which cause a very low and almost severe issue between Iris and Violet relationship as friends. 

--In violent situations: 

Even if she only portrays her dry, respectful, and pleasant personality. Violet manages to eventually treat others with respect, and swiftly caring and kind, even if not even a smile is involved. 

There are other times, of course, which tend to go beyond a peaceful and quite normal situation. 

I don't know if you guys remember, in Chapter 2, where Violet was still just an apprentice, starting to learn how to become an Automemory Doll

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I don't know if you guys remember, in Chapter 2, where Violet was still just an apprentice, starting to learn how to become an Automemory Doll. As accompanying Erica Brown (another Doll) doing a letter for a very violent and uneducated client who almost hit Erica, forcing Violet to react accordingly to the man's actions. 

How does this apply to modern life (Work/University/ School)? Yes, you might be shy, or clumsy, introverted, patient with the people who always bother you, or take advantage of you, but at the moment when you take control and get tired of something you do not accept; it all depends on your actions and/or words. Do not hesitate about what would happen next, think about what's happening now, and how you will stop it. 

If you guys need a more clear view on how she works: 

Basically, she is a "Don't mess with my work, my colleagues or me if you don't wanna be fucked by my silver hands, stupid hoes.", but in a more graceful and beautiful way. 

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