Chapter 1

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The male fumbled with the keys, unlocking and opening the front door. Joseph listened to the soft creak it made before heading inside, shutting door behind him. "Eros, baby. I'm home." He called out for his lover and walked down the hall, kicking his shoes off. The young man was ready to call it night for it was a little past midnight, he just wanted to hold Eros in bed. There his love would be safer and better, not out in the city by himself. Eros was in he bedroom already. He was sitting in the bed - well more like sitting up - with his phone in his hands. The calling of his name from his lover and the shutting of the door snapped Eros out of his more euphoric coming down state that the male was in. There was a bit of dread that came with that feeling though. Eros did love his significant other- for the past four years in fact, but he'd started to do.. rather questioning things. He'd been sleeping with his "friends" for the past few days, even after his shows at his club, the bluenette would stay after just to hit on some of the customers. "Baby~ I'm in the bedroom." He called back, pulling off the covers before wrapping a fluffed up gray blanket around his thin frame. He was sporting a pair of shorts, a dark gray cut-off cropped top, along with his regular black choker slim around his neck. The male hummed and set his phone face flat on the covers.

Joseph smiled warmly when hearing the male respond, he knew that something was up with Eros but couldn't quite put his finger on it. He entered the dark lit room, his eyes focusing on his lover on the bed. "I missed you. Come here baby boy and please me and I'll do the same for you." He cooed softly and stood at the foot of the bed, pulling his shirt off. His gaze soon shifted over to the phone laying face flat, tilting his head slightly. The same smile tugged at the corners of his lips, though this one was almost forced. Eros got up on his knees for a moment. His arms in front of him now as he reaches for the male. He soon got up and practically pounced at the male, arms wrapping around his neck and his legs around the waist that he had bitten and marked with bruises a previous night before. "I'm here baby." He practically purred, he could tell that smile was nearly a fake one Eros ignored that fact and sealed the close proximity between the two with a heated kiss. His right arm falling over his shoulder while his left held onto the back of Joseph's neck, fingers burying into his hair. He soon pulled away just to get some oxygen in his lungs, and to study his playful partner of his. "What do you want tonight love? I'm sure you want to relax after working so late today~" Eros kissed his cheek lightly and held a gaze with him.

Joseph's hands rested underneath Eros' thighs, he leaned into the kiss and slowly turned. He took a seat onto the mattress and sat his lover on his lap, one of his hands moved up the male's back. " do know that I love you right? So much and I would never do anything to hurt you." He gazed at him intently and leaned back, reaching his hand back until he was able to grasp the phone. The male straightened his posture once more, looking down at the phone in his hand. Eros then held his breath. He wanted to reach out and snatch the phone right out of his hands, protecting what was on the phone's main screen.

Text messages to one of his clients from work.

This made Eros cocked his head to the side before ultimately snatching the phone back. "I know you do sweetheart." The Elyus smiled and let his his arms rest on the taller male's shoulders. "C'mon babe... pay attention to me, not the phone.." Eros pouted, obviously it was fake, but just enough to the point where it looked real. He was trying to avert attention away from the text messages and pictures.

"What are you hiding from me?" Joseph nuzzled his face into Eros' neck, his hand stroking the back of his head. "What is my little whore up to?" He lifted his head up to meet the other's eyes quietly, waiting for an answer. This time his gaze was cold.

"Nothing~ I'm not hiding anything dear." Eros looked at Joseph and swore he felt a shiver send up his back. He glanced away for a moment before letting out a little nervous giggle. Eros ran his fingers through his dark blue hair before moving to get up off of his lover's lap. He rolled his neck from side to side, cracking it a bit as he did.

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