Chapter 2

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Joseph walked past the living room, not bothering to pay any attention to Eros and opened the front door. He cursed quietly to himself when patting his pockets for his phone and turned back around. Eros furrowed his brows a bit at being ignored. The bluenette wasn't used to being ignored, especially not by Joseph. He huffed softly and held the phone in between two of his fingers, index and middle. "Joseph Clark, listen to me."

"Shut up Eros and leave me alone, i had Evan move your shit into the guest bedroom." Joseph ran his fingers through his curly locks and glanced over at the shorter male. He had enough of his bullshit.

"You. What? " The shorter narrowed his eyes and held a hand behind his back, digging his nails into his other arm; little half crescents being left behind afterwards. He raised a brow and locked a cold gaze with his significant other.

"Did i stutter?" The male grinned, he wasn't interested in getting into a fight with Eros but he did enjoy aggravating him. "Anyway, what did you want?" He asked quietly and crossed his arms over his chest.

Eros groaned, taking a step forward twirling the phone around in his fingers with ease. "Moved on pretty quick.." A little 'hmph' leaving his throat while moving his hands to rest on his hips. "Don't be a dick, I came here to apologize. Unless you want me to keep sleeping with other men since you slept with Evan."

"I didn't sleep with Evan, he was only here to comfort me, I'm not you..yet. An apology isn't enough Eros. I don't know how long you've been fucking around my back." Joseph stepped closer and moved his hand onto Eros' cheek, swiping his thumb gently underneath his eye. "I still love you so much but I know that you're not the one for me." Eros looked away with a very slight eye roll. He didn't back away, nor really react to the thumb that had found its way under his eye. His blue wavy locks covered his face now, forehead leaning against his chest. "Lies." There it was. The defensiveness that he had a habit of putting up if he felt pressured. "You were the one that asked me four years ago, Joseph." Eros never really showed emotions that often, but now, now was one of the rare times he let a little tear prick his eyelid. He just stood there, nails still digging into his forearm. "You chose me because you loved me you asshat..-"

"I did..and it's obvious that you lost that love for me a long time ago, I put in the most effort for the past year." Joseph softened his gaze, his index finger raising the male's chin up so he could look him in the eyes. "I can't be with someone who isn't loyal." He spoke while being hesitant and stepped away from him.

It felt like Eros' world momentarily fell apart. He looked at those hinted green eyes that he'd once adorned. His lips turned down into a momentary pout, arms coming down to his sides now. Phone now on the floor Eros held his head down before a quite upsetting sort of giggle had left his lips. "Awh baby.. you think you're going to be with anyone else besides me?" He walked over and shut the door, locking it as well. "Don't play games with me sweetheart." The small Elyus has seemingly snapped. One.. small.. sanity string.. at a time.. "I'm the only one that can have you." He looked up at the taller and smiled, standing in front of the now locked door.

"If you think that this is going to keep me in here.. Eros what are you doing now?" Joseph picked the phone up from the floor. "Step away from the door or I'm calling the police." He had meant what he said, slowly approaching him and grabbing Eros' shoulder.

"Call the police.." A quite sadistic and dark laugh left his throat. A light sigh left the male's stained lips soon afterwards. He looked at the phone that was in his hand before looking up at Joseph. His eyes going a darker gray for the moment being. "You seem to forget what you dragged me out of when we met, baby.." Eros winked and wrapped a leg around Joseph's pinning him stomach-first onto the floor. "I did this kind of shit for a living." His hand was pressed in the middle of his back and one leg tight around his. The only reason why Eros hadn't been killing anyone or torturing people down in their basement was because he didn't want to drag Joseph into that kind of a life. It was full of paranoia, police always wanting to know where you were and always having to be one step ahead of your prey.

Joseph hit the floor with a grunt and turned his head to the side. "You can't keep me in this house forever." He growled softly, jerking his elbow back into Elyus' side and thrashed around. "This isn't funny so cut the bullshit right now!" His patience was wearing thin now.

Eros winced, letting his grip slip just slightly one his side was hit. He growled pushing down harder on the spot in his back and leg. "Cut the bullshit?!" Eros bared his teeth, turning him around and sitting on his chest now, arms pinning both shoulders down. "I can do what I damn well please.." He could tell the other was almost done with his antics, but Eros didn't do anything but scream. Tears now coming fully to his eyes. "I'll keep you here forever! Tied up and bound so you can't escape.. nobody deserves you except me dammit!" Usually the male was a stone, not showing any emotions like crying before.

Alright baby, alright. Just let go of me and I'll stay." Joseph looked up at the male on top of him, huffing out and raising his hand up a bit to grasp Eros' shirt. "I love you." He forced a smile and laid his head down on the floor.

Eros narrowed his eyes, moving a bit so his legs wouldn't be pinned as much anymore. He laid his head down on his chest and let the fabric catch the tears that fell from his eyes. "Do you mean it?" He hadn't fully gotten up off of him yet, but it was definitely a weight change.

"I mean it sweetheart." He lowered his hand back down to his side and watched him. "Just please..never cheat on me again and quit your job." Joey spoke louder now, he didn't want to repeat the same actions anymore.

Eros was just mentally pulled now. A slight snap into his psychotic part had happened only moments ago in front of someone he never dreamed of wanting to see that side of him. "I'll quit.. I'll stop going and I won't cheat on you ever again.." His tone was quite meek now, it did have some authority in it, yet it was quieter.

Joseph pulled Eros off of himself quietly, rising back up onto his feet and making his way into their bedroom. He wasn't sure about what he was feeling at the moment. Shock? Afraid? Or even Anger. All he knew was that he'd never be able to look at Eros the same way for a long while. He hadn't seen his lover like that before, for the first time in three years he didn't know exactly what to feel about his love. While Eros composed himself he thought silently while he stayed in the same position that he was in for a bit. What was he going to do? Really, he honestly hadn't ever had a breakdown like that for a really long time. The male pinched the brim of his nose - hard - walking over and collapsing on the couch. He pressed his face against the cushions, hugging a pillow against himself. 'Ro fucked up.

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