Chapter 9

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"This isn't the way I wanted to do this but I don't want to wait anymore." Joseph held it in front of himself and opened it. "We've been through so much and yet we still stuck together. I can't see myself with any other man other than you. You make me so happy Eros, will you marry me?" He asked with a bright smile.

Eros' posture was straight up now, his eyes had widened and before he could think he tackled Joseph onto the bed. He was smiling from ear to ear, even a few little tears pricked his eyes. "Yes! Yes of course I'll marry you!" The male nodded frantically.

He chuckled, holding him tightly for a minute or so before sliding the golden ring onto his now fiancee's ring finger. Joseph couldn't be any more happier at the moment.

Verus looked at the golden band with all the love in the world, his eyes practically sparkling. "I'm really yours now.." Eros whispered and ran his thumb over the ring before cupping the others cheeks gently.

"Damn right, my handsome baby." Joseph stared into the other's eyes, leaning in and pressing his lips softly against Eros'. He kissed him for a couple of seconds then pulled away. Eros practically purred into the short kiss, pressing his forehead against Joseph's with a sigh. "You really are such a treat~"

He closed his eyes, his fingertips gently running up and down his lover's back. Joey hummed quietly and laid back down. A soft exhale left his lips as he relaxed on top of his partner. He smiled lightly, rolling his thumb across the gold ring before tracing over his jaw and front of his neck with his thumb. Joey nuzzled his face into Eros' neck and slowly drifted off, his arms loosening up around him. He moved onto his side, still keeping him close. Eros pet his lover's head gently, letting the strands fall out of his hand gently. He smiled gently, leaning back into Joseph's now light grip before pulling a blanket over the two of them. Three knocks could be heard coming from downstairs on the front door. Joseph remained asleep as he snored softly. "Mm.." He turned his head to the side. Eros fluttered his eyes a bit before rubbing at them and sitting up. He groaned and slipped gently out of bed trying not to wake up his lover. Quickly slipping on a hoodie he slipped on some slippers and made his way downstairs. He rubbed at his eyes trying to clear the sleepiness out of them before opening the door just a bit. "Hello?" 'Ro's voice was quiet and husky from the sleep.

A strong pair of arms wrapped tightly around Eros, yanking him outside. He threw him into the other men waiting out there and let himself into the house. "Tie him up and throw him into the van."

The only thing that could come out of his mouth before he was grabbed was a little yelp. He thrashed around, even elbowing one of the men behind him in the side. "Joseph!!" The male yelled, growling a bit while he tried wriggling his way out of their grasp.

Joey's eyes opened when he heard Eros call for him and looked around. "Baby..?" He muttered softly, sitting up and flinching slightly when the door swung open. The buffer male barged in, drawing his gun out. "Get your ass up and follow me." He ordered.

The one fucking time he didn't have a glass he could smash or a knife. Eros narrowed his eyes, taking a deep breath before trying to scratch one of the taller male's cheek. Ultimately this only pissed them off and his hands were bound together by now. "Let me go you bastards!" Joseph stayed silent as he rose up from the bed and narrowed his eyes. "Where is Eros? I swear to god, if you did something to him." He growled and walked out of the room, bolting down the stairs then into the kitchen.

"Shit- take the other and leave!" The man ordered those outside, firing at Joseph. Eros closed his eyes, opening them up soon after with a dark gray replacing the light gray. "JOEY!" He yelled once more before the doors of the van shut. The male practically threw his weight against the door trying to get it open but ended up flat on the floor of the vehicle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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