Chapter 6

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Mature scene ahead!


"I can walk.. but thank you." 'Ro nuzzled his face into his lover's neck and gave light love bites and gentle nips up to his jawline. His arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist.

"Eros you're going to turn me on again.." Joseph's hands slid down to his lover's ass and walked up the sidewalk, their house in view now.

"Should I stop then?" A little giggle passed his lips before giving one last nip, sucking on the spot this time. After pulling away there was a purple-red hickey placed on the top of his neck on display. Joseph set Eros down in front of the door and slapped his ass before unlocking the door. He let him in first as he rubbed his neck with a faint chuckle.

Eros stepped inside, twirling in a small circle before leaning against the back of the couch for a moment. His light gray eyes looking over every detail around him for a moment, a small smile spreading across his lips. Soon spotting his fluffy gray and white cat, Orion, picking him up and putting his face in his fur for a moment. Soon pulling away and going to sit in a chair that was placed in the living room. He stepped inside, closing the door behind himself and walking over to his partner. "There he is, he only ever goes to you." Joseph grumbled, flicking the feline's ear and leaning down to kiss his forehead.

Eros chuckled a little and looked up to see his lover and smiled lightly. "He goes to you sometimes." 'Ro scratched Orion's back for a moment before moving him off of his lap.

Joseph walked away from him, heading upstairs to take a shower. He remembered being told that he would get a prescription for the seizures. Standing up, the male grabbed a gray blanket from the back of the couch and grabbed the television remote. He switched on the television, snuggling down into the cushions. The male came back down thirty minutes later and took a seat on the couch, leaning back with a sigh. "What do you want to do tomorrow baby?" He looked over at Eros.

Eros glanced over to his partner, shrugging lightly under the covers. "Mmh.." He thought for a moment before sitting up and laying his head on his lover's lap. "Let's go shopping and eat out," A small smile spreading over his lips. "It's been awhile since we've gone out and ate together."

"Alright." He now looked down at him, his hand gently rubbing Eros' hip. "It also has been awhile since I've eaten you..~" He whispered and pulled him up on his lap. "No fucking, just eating."

He enjoyed the rubbing against his hip for a moment before rolling his eyes lightly and nuzzling into his lover's neck. "Oh? And what're you saying baby~?" Eros nodded a bit and placed a kiss on the warm flesh before pulling his face away.

"Let me eat that pretty little ass~" Joseph pulled the blanket off of Eros and leaned up, kissing him softly. He slid his hands into the back of his pants.

'Ro smirked a little into the kiss, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip. Getting up on his knees, he straddled Joseph's hips and held his hands underneath of his jaw.

Joseph squeezed his lover's ass gently, he gently bit the tip of the male's tongue and pulled away. "You're very handsome babe." He spoke quietly.

"I could say the same thing about you." Eros purred, holding his arms around Joseph's neck. He ran his fingers through his hair, tilting his head to the side a bit.

Joey leaned up after Eros tilted his head, his lips latching onto his neck gently and sucked on the skin. He left a dark purple mark behind. Joey leaned up after Eros tilted his head, his lips latching onto his neck gently and sucked on the skin. He left a dark purple mark behind. The male moved Eros onto his hands and knees, sitting up behind him. "Are you up for it?" His hands sliding over in front of his lover's body.

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