Chapter 7

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Joseph moved out of bed, walking into the bathroom to take care of what he needed to do; brushing his teeth and washing his face. The male grabbed his phone from the counter and scrolled through his social media feed.

Eros was soon woken up, yawning quietly as he reached his arms up to the ceiling. A few little cracks from his shoulders came out. He soon sat up and got out of bed, stumbling some first before getting a hold of standing and unlocked the two glass doors that led to a small balcony outside which he stood leaning against the railing. Joseph heard his partner get up but didn't pay much attention, being sucked into some drama going on online. He pulled up Evan's contact and received a message; he was here.

Glancing downwards from where he was fixed watching previously, the male tilted his head a bit. "Joseph? There's a car outside." He called back, turning away from the balcony and walking inside. One arm on his hip while the other on his side.

"It's just Evan." Joseph walked out and changed into an outfit, sliding his phone into his pocket. Evan had let himself inside the house, waiting for Joey downstairs in the living room.

"Mmh." He nodded his head very faintly, tightening his grip on his hip for s moment before releasing it and shutting the doors. Eros grabbed up his phone, slipped into a pair of sweats and a sweater and stretched.

"Joseph i need to know if..we will actually be going out or not." Evan spoke quietly, just in case if Eros was listening in or not. Joseph shook his head and sighed. "Those times were only when Eros needed some time for himself.." He muttered.

He narrowed his eyes and sighed. Eros kept to himself. Though he did have exceptional hearing, he could only make out the syllables when the two spoke. In his free time Eros made the bed and quietly hopped into a chair that was in the corner of the, scrolling through his phone. Evan only stayed quiet and frowned, pushing Joseph away before making his way upstairs. He was obviously upset. The male pushed the doors open and looked at Eros. "You don't deserve Joseph, he puts up with all of your shit and never gets tired. You're a damn whore."

Eros tapped his middle finger on the back of his phone before setting it down and raising a brow. "Oh look. Another little play thing came through the door.." He looked at Evan and stood up, inspecting him for a moment. "Oh so I'm a whore?" His tone was honestly quite different from its usual purr. "You aren't any better you asshole."

"I'm so much better, physically abusing Joseph will not always work. He will leave your sorry ass one of these days." Evan growled, he didn't care about the harsh names he was being called. Joseph quickly followed after and looked at them. "Evan just stop, please leave."

"So you'd like to think." Eros rolled his eyes and put a finger under Evan's chin, a quiet hiss leaving his throat. "You should listen to Joey and leave." He glanced at the male who was behind him and smiled up at the taller, retracting his hand. He did stalk around him though in a small circle. "Talk to me like I'm below you again. I dare you."

"Fuck you Eros, you piece of shit." Evan raised his voice now and turned away, walking out the bedroom. Joseph only watched him, his eyes landing on his lover as he shut the door again.

'Ro bent over a bit, once the door was shut and took a few deep breaths calming his sporadic heart rate. Soon standing up straight he rubbed his eyes and took a few quick, short breaths. "B-bastard..."

"Baby..just calm down." Joseph wrapped his arms around Eros and walked over to the bed, sitting with him. "Don't let anything Evan said get to you." He kissed his cheek softly. His eyes closed halfway and he rested his head against his lover's chest. "He-.. You-" Eros covered his mouth and nose, holding his breath to prevent him from hyperventilating. He leaned into the other tilting his head back.

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