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As some of you are already aware, I was recently gifted with my first grandchild, Jack. Born to my son, Ross, and his partner, Amy.

Jack was born on November the 5th, which is celebrated each year in the United Kingdom, by the discharging of fireworks, and the lighting of bonfires.

This celebration marks the arrest, and execution of Guido Fawkes, and his colleagues, who attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament, with the hope that it would kill the King, and the politicians.

Their failure has always brought a sense of annoyance to me. :)))

Jack lives with his parents, in one of the loveliest suburbs of London, whilst I live some four hundred miles away, in one of the loveliest parts of Cornwall.

Naturally this means that Jack, and I, will not see as much of each other, as I would like.

Not being one to accept obstacles lightly, I intend to influence his development from behind this keyboard, with a series of letters.

I will not try to pass on any serious wisdom, (I do not have any) I shall leave that to his parents.

However, my letters will try to instill into the lad, a sense of mischief, a sense of humour, and a love of words, particularly, the more colourful words!

I hope they will come to be my personal legacy to Jack.

I will try to keep them lighthearted, yet educational, for example, I know exactly how to annoy his father, how best to annoy his teachers, and the best Christmas presents to buy his Grandpa!

He will grow up in a different world to the one I grew up in, so he will have much to teach me as I grow more decrepit, as he stops dribbling, I shall probably start!

So, if any of you do read these, I hope you enjoy them, they may even make you smile.

Grandpa Owain.

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