Part 20

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The next day Sunday, my mom had a small get together with her friends and she woke up early to cook. I hadn't wanted to go to Daniel's house early, especially because he might have gone to church with his family. 

I decided to go to the candy store at around ten in the morning. I took my bike to get there faster. I pretty much always go to the candy store for one thing. Sour jellies. Today I decided to get lickerish as well. 

I was at the counter paying for my things when Reggie and Sizwe walked in. They ignored me and walked to the biscuits section. I had to speak to them. I had been trying to prolong the inevitable, trying to ignore them by all means and pretend that they didn't exist just like they've been doing to me. but I had to make them understand and make things civil between me and them.

 We didn't have to go back to being friends, but I just didn't want them to ignore me or give me harsh stares every time they see me. I took a deep breath when the cashier gave me change and I grabbed the things I bought before I headed to where they were. They looked at me as I approached them.

"Hi guys." I said giving them a slight smile

"What do you want?" Reggie said in a harsh tone. I should have expected that, but I flinched.

"Look, I know you guys are mad at me..."

"Jeez I wonder why?" Sizwe said, sarcasm dripping in his tone

"Can you just hear me out, just a minute. Please?"

They looked at each for about a second before turning to me "Fine, a minute." Reggie said, sounding impatient

"I don't know if you guys notice but, ridiculing others does hurt them."

"Oh please, don't tell me this is about your nerd friend." Reggie said, both of them about to turn, but I continued talking.

"It's not just Daniel." They turned back to face me "You guys sometimes belittle other people and think you're better than everybody

"Did you just come here to badmouth us?" Sizwe asked, sounding hurt

"And I don't recall you having a problem before that nerd friend of yours came around." Reggie said, "Please Alec, as if you're better."

"I'm trying to explain why I left our click. I don't hate you guys, you've been my friends for quite a while, but I don't like the way you guys treat others and I don't want to ever treat others like that either. And you're right, it took you guys doing it to Daniel to realise how much it hurt. In ways that you guys might not notice, you're doing the same thing as the bullies. Even if you might not be beating anyone up, your words hurt just as much as that if not more."

They seemed to come to a realisation when I mentioned bullying.

"What do you want us to do Alec?" Forgive you and accept you and Daniel into our click?" Sizwe asked trying to understand what I was getting it.

"No." I shook my head "I just wanted you guys to understand why I left so you wouldn't hate me and perhaps change the way you treat others. That's all. I'll see you guys around." I said before I turned around and exited the store. 

I caught a glimpse of the old man at the cashier, staring at me with admiration or something like that. He must have heard the conversation I was having with my former friends. I really did hope they'd change and perhaps someday we could be friends again.


"What did they say when you told them?" I asked Alec when he came to my house in the afternoon. He had been telling me that he approached his friend and told them the reason he stopped being their friends.

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