new daily routines

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Chapter 3:New Daily routines


Early morning….

The meeting was slightly…..awkward,mecha fiddle his fingers as he sat in the table across from kin,who woke up with a grumpy mood.

He came to visit-advise by rune-he didn't know he came early,with him standing in the front door with just woken up-papyrus,who looked genuinely suprised at his appearance,with an irritated kin trailing behind him,needles to say at least the morning meeting was awkward,but NT!papyrus was a warming host for him.

“so-ahem-sorry for the,uh early drop by….”,mecha said as his face was flushed in embrassment,kin just grumbled as he looked away from him,his face also flushing a little,mecha coughed as he tries to stop his face from flushing even more,{in all seriousness he doesn’t understand why he was acting like this},kin then clear his throat quietly as he spoke,”so,rune gave me some instructions on how we are going to do this-well mostly a list-he said I should gave it to you”,kin hands over the list.

Mecha takes the list,as he look at them he was suprised,but unknowingly his cheeks flushed as he looked at kin,he gently slapped both his cheeks,as he posture himself,& then he asked”uh,I suppose we should start at 7:40,I uh can wait for you outside,heh….”mecha said as he about to stand up,papyrus then stopped him & said”oh no! Your our guest! You can wait here,while you-*points at kin*-can prepare for the day!”,both kin & mecha,we’re suprised at his suggestion,both looked at each other & looked away in embrassment.

Papyrus we’re surprised at there reaction,then remembered rune mentioned something to him,after bringing kin home-who fell asleep,bringing him home-,about kin & mecha being soul bonded,he then finally gets the idea,& grins,he then go back to his work as he thinks about the two & grins about it.

(eeeeeeshhhhhh,he had different idea-though he’s not wrong…)

Both kin & mecha tried not to feel even more awkward,since they had...problems with their souls recently…

Kin then just said”alright,let’s just get this over with,we can deal this later”,both decided to eat silently-curtsy of papyrus-,afterwards kin stood up & goes up stairs to get ready,while mecha ends up outside with papyrus having a conversation.

Both of them heard kin come down from the stairs,having his outfit on & ready to do their plan to extecute,

Kin then said”alright,let’s get on with this”,walking up to both mecha & papyrus,halting the two’s conversation,mecha then said”oh! Then suppose we better get going then!”,he then turns to papryus & said”thank you for your generosity by the way”,papyrus happily said back,”of course! anything for the “partner”of my friend! Nyeh!”,papyrus winks at the two,mecha then laughed dryly,confused at what he said,kin also looker confused,but brushed it off & turns his attention to mecha & said”I suppose we should go”

Both leave as papyrus waved them goodbye,once they are gone papyrus immediately called rune & told him the two had finally left.

Rune then said”welp let’s get this started then,”Both he & firefly watched in the hovering camera they make to follow both mecha & kin,while the two didn't know.


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