New friends!

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Chapter 5: new friends

Day 1.2:understandment & a blossoming attraction

While the two are walking towards the echo fields,they are greeted by two skeletons.

Mecha face lit up as he saw the two,he then called out,”ava! Novia! Hey guys!”,he was greeted back by the two as he looked at kin,who looked a little catious when he saw the two.

Mecha then said,”is alright these two are the friends I'm talking about-”,ava then cuts in & says,”yes! We had heard from Mr.rune about your situations so we are here to help!”,Novia then said calmly,”we can give you guys a special location for only the two of you..”,ava then spoke,”c’mon! We will show you!”.

Both mecha & kin,starts following the two siblings unto Their location,while still holding their hands,mecha saw kin looking little nervous,he looked back ahead as he squeezed gently his hand,kin felt it & uncounsly squeezed back.

Both got into the said location & the siblings left the two alone,but not before ava teases them being lovebirds,while Novia had to dragged him away in annoyance,mecha looked embrassed & so done,while kin looked confused.

Both sat down while taking of their jacket,both are just silent for a moment,mecha rubs his neck as he tries to find his voice to start a conversation,he breaths & for a minute he posture himself,he looked up & said”uh,so hoe do you like this place?...Kin?,”mecha looked at kin & saw kin was in a trance staring at the fields of echo flowers.

Mecha just stayed quite & he too stared at the fields,as much as he wants to talk,he decided that is better to stay quite for awhile & enjoy each others company,even if the atmosphere is rather awkward.

Afterwards the two got back home & reported to rune & firefly what they had done nothing more aside for talking,they both left for today.

For the rest of the year,the two decide to keep doing it,even if the solution had finished,success or not,for some unknown reason…..they…..liked each others company……

They manage to bond each other by understanding each other,little by little,day by day,weeks by weeks,months by months,they slowly they manage to gotten a little closer to each other, the abyss team seems to notice the two start talking to each other,beats & v are happy that kin is now slowly becoming sociable,mecha somehow manage to pick up some new hobbies.

However doesn't mean that even if the solution was successful or not, firefly & rune decided to extend this one,but for…...other reasons,but mecha & kin doesn't mind it.

Few later months now….


The abyss team decided to visits multi-city,on that month from Oct.-Nov., it was auntumn day.

All of them decided to enter the antumn celebration,the abyss decide to split into partners,however it seems decided to mix it up a little.

It was supposed to go”abyss+mecha,ganz+color,v+cross,kin+beats”


It somehow ended with mecha & kin being partnered up together.

While the others goes to each places they decided to visits,both kin & mecha are left on their own accord,both just stand awkwardly,realizing what happend,mecha cleared his throat & said,”so uh,we’re partners then,huh? Sorry if you didn't get partnered with beats…”,kin just said.”mm,is fine I can trust v with beats…”,mecha looked at kin with an awkward look & said,”w-well since we are here now,how about we look at some attractions here”.

kin glances at him,somehow his cheeks flushed greener & said quietly but enough for mecha to hear,”s-sure”,mecha saw it & smiled,his cheeks unknowingly flushed & said,”welp c’mon”.

Mecha grabs his hand & Starts leading him into different attractions,kin was suprised by this & let him do this.

For the rest of the celebration,the two enjoy the celebration with the others,despite kin having some issues with other people & mecha having flirted on,they manage to find away to enjoy it together just the two of them,among those times something blossom slowly between the two,despite there differences to each other,they manage to find a way to get along.

Is safe to say,something will change through their time together,when unexpected blossoming feeling grew sooner than expected.

V & beats are sitting somewhere,looking at the some views,both eating some cotton candies.

V then starts to talk,”so….what do you think of kin & mecha being...ya know…-ahem-....together?”,beats looked at him suprised & softly said,”i-i don't know….b-but they d-do l-looked nice T-together”...,both stayed quite but beats then asked,”why d-do you a-ask that?”,v just finishes eating his cotton candy & now drinking a fresh bottle of water,he then said,”well…..”


I met someone in the multi-city back then,he was very odd for a femmine looking Skeleton,but…

His aura screams mysterousness,I didn't know what I did for asking about some...personal info to him,in truth he told me he can see what will happen in the future,so...I asked him about mecha & kin’s future…..

He told me kin will be more sociable & will soon be a royal advisor, mecha will settled down with a family….

I was suprised so...I ask something I never thought……

“so um..-ahem-....what will happen if kin & mecha got together & is it impossible for them to be together…?”

He was silent but then he said…….!!!!


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