Blossoming Attraction

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Chapter 7:a blossoming attraction


Year 2017…..

(this now where kin & mecha are now close friends….)

It’s been almost a year now since kin & mecha had gone through the process of having their souls Stablize,but also train on how to use each others weapons & abilities,is needles to say their progress of their training helps them,but the last they are supposed to do,is fuse. a concept kin & mecha had not yet had done but waiting for the right time for it,despite how close they are,they still worry for the fusion,they don't know if it will happen again,They don't want to go back to square one,so they decided to wait & let Themselves be distracted from the topic at hand.

So here they are walking together outside the multi-city,drinking some cold drinks & eating some savory foods,it’s been a year to kin & mecha,they had gotten close & had somewhat stable relationship as friends, least that’s what they thought,when kin & mecha together their friends keep teasing them about being lovebirds,kin couldn’t understand why,he knew he had an unintentional feelings for mecha,a genuine attraction towards him,but is impossible for him & mecha to be together.

As for mecha,is safe to say it could be the same for him,he too had grown feelings for kin,only because he wanted to fix their relationship as friends, hard to,when you grew feelings for that said friend when you try to fix your friendship with them,he decided to keep it to himself since,whether or not he felt the same. is very unexpected to walking around,joining everything together,&.....holding hands,yeah….fingers intertwined with each other,everytime or sometimes when they are together,it was the reason they teased the two for it,really it was a first time kin to hold hands longer with someone else aside from beats.

“so….how was your day kin?”mecha asked,kin who was staring at the sea,glances at him & blushes,softly response”normal,well aside from the same-old teasing I suppose…”,mecha then commented”you able to talk more now...heh…”,he too blush & gently tighten his hand,kin did the same & lean on him.

Kin breathes & says”yes I suppose I uh first time I did this longer than usual...i-ahem-..yeah”,he keeps his blushed face in his scarf,mecha smiled at this,he really liked kin Seeing him like this,it was cute & he couldn’t resists,it was a cute impression on him.

Mecha just chuckled & put his arm around while kin just pull his hood up to hide his blushing face,mecha laughs at this,it was so cute!,mecha then put his other arm around him,ending kin up in his embrace,mecha grins & kept hugging him,kin swore incoherent swears at him.


Not far away from the two,behind the tree was V & firefly with beats,who looked really tired at what they are doing,while V & firefly are grinning at what they are seeing,both looked at each other & nods,beats see this & start to panic.

While kin & mecha are having their time to each other,none of the two seem to notice that they are being followed by V,firefly & beats,both V & firefly are trying to find a way to get this two closer even more,when they saw a bunch of vendors & entertainers around.

Both V & firefly glances at each other & grins slowly,they both know what to do,the two starts doing their plan as beats tries to catch up to them,beats felt this was a little bit absurd,but…..he did want to see mecha & kin got together,he shakes his head & follows suit at the two.

Mecha & kin are having a conversation when all of sudden,someone called out on them,”you two!” Both looked at the disguised of V & firefly,who now rather looked ridiculous,beats hid under the table of the counter,V & firefly had talked to the vendors about it & they somehow let them use it,”yes you two lovely couple!!! Come! Come! You must try out our special drinks for special couples!”,both mecha & kin blushed & they try to explain that they are not couple but the disguised-vendor V said”nonsense!,you two make a great couple & i think my companion here agrees”V said as he turns to firefly who was holding the said drink with a funny grins.

Mecha & kin are now same color as there coat,mecha cleared his throat & said”j-just a s-sip right?” he asked as his voice was stammering a little,kin just hid in his hood, disguised firelfly winked at them as V put the one drink with two straws on each side,both did not looked each other but both kept drinking the special beverages.

Back at them….

Both V & firefly are silently giggling as they both watched the two flushed-soon-to-be-couple,both looked each other & grined,they decided to get the others to help them,so they left the two alone as they go to the other vendors & entertainers,told them what they are planning & while this is happening,beats looked like he doesn't know what to do anymore,when he looked back,he saw both kin & mecha are finished but not looking each other with their face flushed.

Beats just sighed & shakes his head as he follows both V & firefly,hoping this doesn't end in a wrong way.

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