Chapter 7

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She had woke me up that morning I was at the lot got kicked out of my place I hated being out alone but I didn't want to disturb the Curtis's. I felt her shaking me she looked like she had been crying but I didn't say anything.
"Hey baby"
I said pulling her lips to mine. We greeted each toner with a little bit of kissing. She was so beautiful in the moonlight just like the first night we kissed at the end if every month we would go back to the lake we first got together and put a new mark on the tree we first kissed on a couple of hours ago we put number eight on it.
"Can we go back to the lake please"
She asked. I gave her a confused look.
"Um sure baby if you want"
I said. She nodded and she was trying to hold back tears. We didn't talk the whole way there just held hands and found our way. I was slightly freaked out just a bit every time I heard a car I grabbed my switch and flipped it out and when I realized it was nothing I would put it back. I started keeping a switchblade since the accident. Dally had been looking for the Soc.'s that hurt me too. Once we got there and I wrapped her in my arms she started crying.
"Baby what's wrong"
I asked before I pressed my lips on her forehead. She wiped her tears away and gained some strength to talk.
"Johnny I got a call a week ago when me and Dallas first left New York I didn't want to leave so I sent a letter to a starter course at New York University I did so good in school I have enough credits to graduate in tenth grade and know they want me to come in and start a nursing course for two months then volunteer in a hospital somewhere I don't know where yet. I have been packing and unpacking all week I don't want to leave you but I want to follow my dreams so I decided to go I wanted to tell you the second I got the call but I just couldn't find my strength to do it"
I sat there shocked at every word she ripped out tears streaming down her face. I wanted to cry but I just kissed her.
"Don't ever let me keep you back from following your dreams go for it and come back to me as soon as you can"
I said. She cried even more.
"That's the thing Johnny medical school takes years and even more if you do the started course. Johnny I know other girls will look at you and I know other guys will look at me and being apart for as long as this is going to take I feel our love will fade I'm leaving in a couple of hours he University is providing my transportation and I think we should break up"
She started crying but kept going.
"I don't want to Johnny and we don't have to right now but the second we say our goodbyes and I step foot onto that train I want you to know that is the end I can't come back for holidays I'm broke and there only providing my important transportations"
She said balling know I started crying myself and pulled her close to me.
"I understand"
I said before she let more sobs out. I didn't want to understand but I did it for her own good to follow her heart. She fell asleep and I carried her back to her place. I then went to the Curtis place. I walked in I was stained with my tears and her tears and I felt broken but I wasn't going to show it. Once everyone woke up we all got a call to meet at the train station in an hour. I knew what was happening but the others didn't and I didn't say anything because I knew she wanted it that way. I held back my tears the whole way to the train station. When we got there Dally was crying as he looked at his sister with her packed bags and train ticket. He second the boys saw the sight they ran out I walked behind. I saw her turn with tears falling down her face then she left the words fall out before she couldn't.
"Guys I'm heading to New York to start college early"
Soda and Two Bit started crying Steve walked off trying to keep his tears in he kicked a trash can trying to turn his sadness into anger. I felt my tears from earlier come back and Darry stood there trying to be strong for everyone. We all hugged her and I saw Darry finally shed a tear when he hugged her and kissed her cheek. I was last and I stood I front of her. She cupped my face and I held my hands on her waist.
"I love you Johnny"
She said. I started crying even more. She brought my lips to hers and I wasn't letting her to for the most passionate kiss I could give. When we were done she started crying like crazy but I pushed her back before I fell head over heels all over again. I watched her step on that train and she turned and said.
And at that second it was over.
After that me and he boys agreed not to speak of her because we were all still really hurt. She was our baby greaser and now she was gone.

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