episode 2

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[Haruhi] They're going to hound me if I'm late. Where is this? --Welcome! --Welcome! When I opened the door, there were the south tropics. Mother, up in Heaven, this is the club I was forced to join last week, the Ouran Host Club. "The Job of a High School Host!"
Oh, it's you, Haruhi. You're late. According to my calendar, this is definitely still early April.  Huddling under a kotatsu table, fearing the cold would be nonsense! Why else do we have this perfect heating and cooling system. Do you have some sort of criticism of our club's policies? Haruhi-kun, you owe us a debt of 8 million yen. Fine men do not bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be a chilling early spring out in the world, but in our club, we welcome our chilly little kittens to a warm, south tropical aura! Yes! Today, this place is a supreme paradise, a hot, hot island of everlasting summer! I, on the other hand, feel a chill, in every sense of the word. Those with the wherewithal--first in social standing, and second in money--spend their time here, at the private Ouran Academy. As such, Ouran Host Club is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain the girls, who also have too much time on their hands. It is the school's own personal, elegant playground for the super rich. What Heartlessness! Even with my lustrous skin, like ivory, and my outfit, like that of a Balinese king, all too fitting for me, I am no more than a slave before my goddess, kneeling, and swearing my loyalty. Tamaki-kun Tamaki-sama Fantastic! Oh yes, next week, Ouran Host Club will be sponsoring a dance party. A dance party? What will you be doing at this dance party?  We're renting the large hall in the central building Although, I really wanted to spend the time alone with you, Kaoru. Don't say that, Hikaru. I'm the one who really wanted it Fantastic! Brotherly love, with a south tropical flavor! The guests seem even more worked-up than usual, huh? A little moderate exposure is popular.Did you come up with this tropical project, Kyoya-senpai? I have no decision-making authority. This club's policies are all laid out by the king, Tamaki. Although, I may have found it worth the effort to casually slip a photo book of Bali onto his desk. This guy is the shadow king. Ta-da! ! Honey-kun, you're so cute! Hee hee, these are Balinese flowers. We had them flown in. Ah, Takashi! High School 3rd-Year" "Mitsukuni Haninozuka ('Honey' for short) High School 3rd-Year" Look! Now we match! You're all in camellias! As usual, I'm not sure what what those two are doing means. Haruhi-kun Haruhi-kun, aren't you going to wear a south tropical outfit? I'd sure like to see that. No, I I just think that it's natural to wear an early-spring outfit during early spring. Haruhi, we have one ready for you. What's more, it's paired with mine. No, thank you. Haruhi-kun, you have a strong sense of the seasons, huh? Then I hope that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom for the dance party. The two of us, dancing among the fluttering cherry blossoms It's so dreamy You really think so? Ladies, you're so cute to have such dreams. Excuse me I believe that it's just about time for designee changes. Oh, I'm sorry. You must be my next appointment, Miss Kasugazaki Kanako, 2nd-Year Class B. You're even cuter than the rumors. I've made up my mind. I'm going to make you my new favorite. "Ramen" I can't accept this. Sir, stop eating that commoners' ramen, and come help us with the dance party planning. Is Princess Kasuga taking a liking to Haruhi really bothering you that much? Her illness isn't something that just started, right? Illness? Wandering host-hopping disease. Otherwise known as never-the-same-boy-twice disease. Usually, our regular customers designate the same host in perpetuity, but she tends to change her favorite on a regular basis. Up until last time, she was with Tama-chan, right? Ah, this is because he had his guest taken from him. It is not! That's not why! I'm at the limits of my patience! Haruhi, start dressing like a girl! Why do you have to be so woefully popular with the girls, when you yourself are a girl?! To put it bluntly, the only ones who know that you're a girl are in this club! She's opted out of taking any gym classes. Attendance numbers are mixed between boys and girls, so no one can tell. "King's private property" Daddy Daddy wants to see you the way you were back then! Please don't go blowing up my photos without asking me! The more I look at this, the more I marvel at it. How is it that this can become that? The day before the entrance ceremonies, I had some gum stuck in my hair from one of the children in the neighborhood. It was such a pain to get out that I cut it off. "Ore" didn't really care if I looked like a boy. [ore: I.] Girls should not be referring to themselves as "ore"! Mommy! Haruhi is using dirty words! Who's "Mommy"? From a club position standpoint, I guess I am. Well, after all, I can pay back more of my debt before I graduate by being a designated host, than I can as an errand boy. By the way, do you have any experience in social dancing? It's essential for the party. Huh? No, but the party has nothing to do with my quota, right? I'm not all that interested in going to events, so if I could be excused No, social dances are a common practice for a gentleman. If you want to walk the path of the host that badly, then you have to show us how far you're willing to go, Haruhi-kun. If you cannot master the waltz in one week, and demonstrate it to us at next week's party, then I will expose the fact that you are a girl, and bust you back down to errand boy! Quick, quick, slow Quick, quick, slow Good, Haruhi-kun. On "slow", bring your feet together. The gentleman always leads. Be sure to look at the girl you're dancing with. Right. I'm so sorry, Kasugazaki-san! That's all right, Haruhi-kun. You're looking gloomy, sir. He said that he wanted to be the one she practiced with. He's too tall to stand in as a woman for Haruhi-kun. Thank you so much, Kasugazaki-san, for letting me practice with you. Oh, that's okay. I hear you're refraining from entertaining any customers, so you can get in some special training, aren't you? I'm that much happier to have you all to myself. Yeah Oh, my! You got new cups? Ginori, right? Jinori? [Jinori: land-grown seaweed.] You do indeed have a keen eye. They arrived only yesterday. Lately, our club has been seeking to improve its tea sets. I see. It's a nice color. Very lovely. You must really like tableware, huh? N-N-Not really, no, I don't. My word, what are you talking about? She does like it. But why would she hide it? Hello, I've brought the teacups you ordered. Ah, thank you. Every item that you choose for us is popular with the girls. It's very impressive. That's good to hear. Are you a dealer? I'm just a regular student. I'm wearing a uniform, see? Haruhi-kun, you're so funny. Still, I can't blame you. He doesn't look like the heir to a first-class corporation, after all. Heir? His family business, Suzushima Trading, is a company whose business centers around the importing of tablewares. Currently, it has the top market share in the country. Oh, yeah? So whenever anything exceptional comes in, we've asked him to send it our way. That's because we trust your eye for these things, Suzushima-kun. Oh, no, my eye still has a long way to go. Your studying abroad in England starts next month, was it? Yes. Well, I'll be off. Are you enjoying the Host Club? Are you close to that man who was just here? Huh?! N-N-Not really, no, I'm not! M-My word, what are you talking about, Haruhi-kun? N-Now, if you'll excuse me Take care. Haru-chan! You know what? Suzushima-kun is Kasuga-chan's fiance. Kyoya, how long have you known? About him being her fiance? I do, of course, conduct general research on our customers. The two are childhood friends. Their engagement appears to have been arranged by their parents. It didn't particularly seem to be information that we could use, so I just left it alone. Why, you Suzushima Toru: Outstanding grades, fair social status, ordinary looks, with reliability as a strong point. If I had to fault him for anything Not much presence. He's faint-hearted. In other words, he's plain. That's it. They're all but merciless toward other boys. Toru-kun is a good boy. Right? Yeah. All right, then Let's examine our strategy. Which one? Ouran Host Club exists in order to bring happiness to the girls! My little lambs, who have gathered here tonight, Ouran Host Club bids you a fond welcome to this dance party. We invite you to enjoy yourselves to your heart's content, as you dance with the Host Club members. In addition, the guest who is recognized as the best dancer, and is chosen as tonight's queen will receive an impassioned kiss on the cheek from the king. Good luck to you, baby. Haruhi, your enthusiasm is low. I'm not used to this sort of thing. The only dance party I've ever been to is the bon-odori festival at the neighborhood park. You probably can't call that a dance party. Well, you're here anyway, so why don't you at least try the cuisine? There's a real spread. A spread? L-Like with fancy tuna? Fan- -cy tuna?! --Get some fancy tuna here, stat! --You poor thing --Add some deluxe sushi. --Oh, you poor thing You poor thing --Damn these rich people --Oh, you poor thing You poor thing Um Haruhi-kun I've been looking for you. You'll dance with me, won't you? Yes, of course. Kasuga-chan is here. Well, then that means that the mission is underway. Roger! What's this? A kidnapping? They're here! You didn't have to be so high-handed. Never mind, just get changed. Having an "accident" happen right at the end would be more thrilling. Remember, Haruhi, your time limit is 20 minutes to the party climax. We've already called Suzushima to the adjoining classroom. Gracefully ask him what his feelings are. Although, since this is his highness's strategy, there's something unsettling about it. Hey! What's the big idea, having everyone in here? Who's looking after our guests-- What do you think, sir? Haru-chan, you look cute! My face feels heavy, and it's hard to walk in these shoes. Good luck in there! S-S-She's just too cute You wrote this letter? You're a lot different from what I imagined. Letter? From the first time I ever saw you, my heart fell in super love-love! Tee-hee! It's like, I'm in a never-ending tropical cyclone, not unlike a typhoon, where love is whipping around in my heart, and I want to have a rendezvous with you on Noah's Ark! I do, I do!" Who wrote this letter? Huh? Have we met somewhere? No! We've never spoken before! I'm sorry. I appreciate what you've said, but I cannot respond to your letter. I already have another girl who is dear to me. Suzushima-san, is she your Unfortunately, she isn't my girlfriend. Or I should say, she's through with me. She'd be better suited having a more dazzling, self-confident man. Just where exactly is it that you're taking me? You You probably aren't the sort of person who is cut out for manipulating others. I'm not sure what you mean. No matter how many hosts you hop around to, in order to gain his attention, you always seem happier when you look at the teacups. Look at these, Kanako. How pretty! A Wedgwood a Foley a Worcester Over here is a Ginori, and a Meissen. Kanako, you're going to be my wife, so I'll tell you about all of them, okay? Mm-hmm! It doesn't matter. No matter what I do, he doesn't notice me in the least. He even decided to study abroad without me knowing it. That's why I'd like to change, as well. Looking at the world, I want to become an even greater man. I know it's selfish of me, but what if you were to wait for me? That really is selfish of you, huh? It's crazy to think she'd understand you, unless you tell her so. You have clear feelings for her, so where is the need to put it off? I think that people can begin to change from the moment they decide they want to. Kanako Oh, I'm sorry. I seem to be interrupting something. I'll just Kanako! Kanako!! Didn't we just complicate things? He did go running after her. Ouran Host Club exists in order to bring happiness to girls, huh? And now, ladies and gentlemen, this enjoyable evening of ours has at last come to its final song. The Host Club's last waltz falls upon this couple. Princess Kasuga, may I have this dance? Yes. I love you. I've always loved you. I'm proposing to you once again. Tonight, my hopping around to different hosts is over. May this awkward couple be blessed! Tonight's dance queen is hereby declared to be Princess Kasugazaki Kanako. Now then, the blessed kiss from the king I'm on. has been switched to Fujioka Haruhi! Hey! After all, Kyoya-senpai said that having an "accident" happen right at the end would be more thrilling. It's just on the cheek, right? Go ahead and accept it, to commemorate your graduation from host-hopping. Of all the things to put me through We'll cut your debt by one-third. Well, as long as it's just a peck on the cheek Say, by any chance, could this be Haru-chan's first kiss? What?! Hold that kiss! The course of events played out such that my first kiss went to a girl, but it was such a pleasant evening so I guess that's good enough for me. If word got out that I'm a girl, I couldn't very well stay in the Host Club. Don't you worry, Haruhi. Whatever happens, I will protect your secret! Next time, "Beware the Physical Exam!" Ouran High School Host Club will be waiting for you, next week! Previous EpisodeNext Episode

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