episode 22

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--Good morning, Little Lord. --Good morning, Little Lord. Yeah. Little Lord, return to us safely. --Return to us safely. --Return to us safely. Yeah. Little Lord, have a good day at work today. --Have a good day at work today. --Have a good day at work today. Class 1-D, Ritsu Kasanoda" I'm always telling ya, don't call my going to school "work"! --Pardon us! --Pardon us! Little Lord, your car? That's okay. Starting today, I'm going to walk for a while. Tetsuya, I'm surprised that ya'd speak to Little Lord like that just then. Little Lord's glaring power's gotten even more scary lately. That's no doubt 'cause there's some bastard at school he's got a beef with. Today is the day Morinozkuka Takashi. --Welcome. --Welcome. "The Host Club is now open for business" Tamaki-kun, you're dressed as Sakamoto Ryoma, right? Wild and handsome! Yeah. I'm gon' make sure I get your hearts, too. Tamaki-kun, it's so fantastic when you speak in Tosa dialect! No, it's weird, just speaking Tosa dialect where he did. Still, I didn't know that late-Edo era cosplay would be this popular. What are you talking about? That's one of the basics of the basics. There are more girls that like the late Edo era than you can imagine. Especially the Shinsengumi. And in any case, among those who like it, there are lots of real maniacs. Perhaps the reason for their popularity was their gallantry in giving their young lives for the sake of the country, in their single-mindedness to live the bushido code, and in the stoic way in which they comported themselves. Or perhaps Don't you die. I'm done for. they detect the scent of something forbidden, coming from this gymnasium-type group of young men. The Ikeda-ya Inn may indeed be generally well-known, but for me, just imagining the back of Hijikata-san, facing the northern lands, following the battle at Tobafushimi, sorrowfully wandering, trying to defend the Shinsengumi by himself, I could eat three whole bowls of rice! Renge-chan sure does cover a lot of territory. Following your advice to not have us cast ourselves in any specific roles, saying it would be better to leave it up to our guests to freely fantasize for themselves, was the right choice. Naturally. Still, sure enough, having Haruhi-kun be Okita Soji is perfect. He does indeed fit in as the handsome, evanescent young swordsman! No, Haruhi-kun, don't die! Today, they're having a bargain sale on pork at the supermarket. Can I make it there in time? Mori-kun has to be Shimada Kai, huh? Huh? Yamazaki-san would be better. My dark horse choice would be Soma-san. Mori-senpai! Why the sudden lunge?! Discontent about not getting any attention? Mori-senpai, please calm down! I know that not only do you get only one line every episode, but that it's also the last half of our second half-season and you haven't had many showcase episodes, so you must be irritated No. We have a trespasser. Morinozuka Takashi! --Surprise attack?! --Surprise attack?! Senpai! Please take me on as your apprentice! --Huh? --Huh? "Mori-senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate! " Kasanoda Ritsu, of 1st year, Class D. Heir to the 3rd-generation head of the Kasanoda Syndicate, the most powerful line in the whole Kanto area. Admitted to Ouran for high school. Long red hair and a mean-looking appearance; taciturn, and without friends. If your eyes meet, you will have bad dreams for three months; if you bump shoulders, you will be sent to the hospital; those who attempt to talk back to him are sent directly to their graves. Also, he is feared by his classmates as "the human blizzard. " So, why does a human weapon like yourself want to become an apprentice of Mori-senpai? That's not true. I am not a human weapon. I was just born with a face that makes me look mean. Then you're aware of it, Casanova-kun. It's Kasanoda! Bossa Nova? I said it was Kasanoda!! You wanna die?! He does indeed have a mean look. Damn it It's all because of the way I look. From the time I was born, since I was just a tyke, my old man would always say 'cause of this mean look I have He's set to be the greatest gangster of our time. Little Lord, are you going to a rumble? --Little Lord, are you going to a rumble? --Little Lord, are you going to a rumble? And so, from the time I was little, I was taught how to be a godfather. Do not be too friendly when talking to others. They'll look down on you. Yeah. It's not "yeah," it's "yeah!!" Now you read it. "Yeah!!" Good. Nice and gangsterish. Next, try this. Ma! That's not a gangster, that's something-or-other-Robo, ain't it?! When am I ever going to use that word?! Anyhow, thanks to that gangster's education, nobody ever comes near me. Even my fellas got scared, and won't get too close anymore. And so, I am all alone. But really, I, too, would like to play with everyone else. I'd like to play kick the can with the fellas that follow me. To be sure, playing kick the can is nice. But I don't know how I'm supposed to associate with other people anymore. Poor guy. Morinozuka-senpai, that's why I need you to show me. How can you be the way you are? As mean-looking as you are? Expressionless, unspeaking, and unsociable, you've got a mug like the watchdog from hell, so how is it that you're able to get those who are around you to like you so much? Please, teach me your secrets! Takashi, are you okay? I'm a little lightheaded. Sir are you sure we shouldn't do anything? No, leave him be. He said that he wanted to become Mori-senpai's apprentice. Mori-senpai must be the one who decides what to do. This is not something that we can interfere with. Tamaki Very well. Mori-senpai, if you insist, I, Suou Tamaki, will do whatever little I can to help you out. Actually, you wanted to get involved so badly, you couldn't bear it, huh? Lift your head, Bossa Nova-kun. It's Kasanoda. For the time being, you can call me King, Bossa Nova-kun. --I told you --Are you listening, Bossa Nova-kun? Yes, sir. There may be many points of difference between you and Mori-senpai, but there is one definitive thing that you are lacking. That being, a lovely item! Lovely item? I would now like to introduce to you this lovely item, "Mitsukuni-kun. " Sure, maybe Mori-senpai does have a mean look, and gives off a feeling of iciness at first glance. But what if we put this "Mitsukuni-kun" atop his shoulders? It's almost like he's a forest teddy bear that little animals are fond of. In addition, this item also plays up Mori-senpai's tight-lipped character. Even without saying anything, just by placing Honey-senpai with him people discover a tolerance for Mori-senpai all on their own, and they are left with a positive interpretation of him as a nice, quiet young man. That's the plan. It's no exaggeration to say that Mori-senpai's charm was first established once Honey-senpai was there. --Indeed, you're right. --Indeed, you're right. Now that you mention it, Mori-senpai basically doesn't do anything. His position is a big "bzzt"? Takashi Were you just using me? But "Mitsukuni-kun" is on long-term contract to Mori-senpai, so you cannot borrow him. Have I been rented to you, Takashi?! Well, I'll think of something to take his place. The next thing to address is your "yankee" fashion. Hitachiin Brothers Sir! Come up with an image change for this man's fashion. Roger! Good work, Tetsuya. Ah, Little Lord, welcome home. Little Lord, welcome home. --Welcome home. --Welcome home. Yeah. Little Lord, what's going on? Did something happen at school? Little Lord Damn it all! This is completely wrong, ain't it?! Why, those miserable So that kid just now was the 4th head of the Kasanoda Syndicate? What do we do? We can't very well go bustin' into their estate. We'll get him at school tomorrow. Gotta make sure he pays for what he's done. The weather's turning bad. Looks like it's going to rain. Huh? Did Little Lord take an umbrella with him? Aniki Morinozuka, [aniki: brother.] Aniki Morinozuka, good morning. Good morning, Bossa Nova-kun. Hey there, Haninozuka-senpai! Hey there I will carry your bag to the classroom for you. That's okay, I can manage. What is it?! Mori-kun, are you hurt? Are you okay, Morinozuka? Who on earth could have done this? Are you all right? Yeah. He's incredibly well-liked. Even as scary as he looks. No, this ain't no time to be going on about that Huh? Someone is out to get Mori-senpai? No doubt about it. I was there when it happened. Clearly, he's gotten on the wrong side of someone. Oh, no way, no way. Mori-senpai would be the last person to get on someone's wrong side. You don't know that for sure! Never mind that, Bossa Nova-kun, as of today, we start "Operation Bossa Nova-kun Image-up" in earnest! --Yes, sir! --Yes, sir! Hey, just a minute! What do you mean, "as of today"?! Don't go pretending that thing yesterday didn't happen! Thanks to that, people were even more afraid of me yesterday than usual. Bossa Nova-kun, I hope you don't misunderstand. We really are behind you on this. That thing yesterday was just the twins getting a little carried away. I hope you'll forgive them. They really are behind me? Sorry. I am in your hands. All right, does anyone have any ideas? Um, Casanova-kun You're better off not putting too much faith into what those guys say. But they were recommended to me by Aniki Morinozuka. Besides, I'm the one who's imposing, and asking a lot of them. Huh? Come to think of it, who are you? Fujioka. We're both 1st-Years. I was also admitted once I got to high school. I guess that makes us mates. Mates D-Do you like playing kick the can? Well if I had to say, I'm probably not too interested. Still it might be fun, once in a while. What? He's a lot like a chick. Bossa Nova-kun! Yes? We've decided on a strategy for your lovely image. He's a cat-monster. That's strange. I was told by Renge-kun that these days, kitty ears are quite the do-it-all lovely item. Well, naturally, there are limits to what placing ears on him can do, to temper the frightfulness of his appearance. Sir, that came off pretty weak. Yeah, yeah. If you're going to do it at all, then look you've got to go all the way, and make him a kitty-eared maid. Are you guys making fun of me? Excuse me, is Little Lord Kasanoda in here? I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your private pastime. Who are you saying has a private pastime!? Damn it! I can't take this anymore! Little Lord! Little Lord! But really, I, too, would like to play with everyone else. I'd like to play kick the can with the fellas that follow me. I wonder if Casanova-kun really needs an image change. Yeah, you're right. I sure hope he realizes it soon. Kasanoda-kun is always in such a bad mood. Yeah, he scares me. They say not to look him in the eye. Why am I always so Look, I brought you something to eat. Let me see how that wing is doing. Oh, it's looking all right now. Ah, a sparrow. Eh? What are you doing here? What happened to your sparrow? It got hurt, and had fallen down here the other day. I took it to a doctor, who said it would heal in no time. Can I give it some food? Y-Yeah Fujioka. We're both 1st-Years. I guess that makes us mates. Now that I notice it, this guy don't seem all that afraid of me. What huge, dark eyes he's got. So sparkly. He really is like a chick. Chicks are especially afraid of me, so I've never been able to talk to one like this. But he's a guy! What am I thinking?! Look out! It flew away. H-Haruhi, are you all right?! Is that blood?! No, I just got some paint on me, that's all. Are you sure you're all right, Fujioka? Mm-hmm. Let go of me, you bastard! You big behemoth! This is dirty of you, Kasanoda! Not only do you kidnap our boss's kid, you're also using musclemen like this one! You rotten kidnapper! Give us back the kid! Silence, you ruffians! Here's some rope! What's this about? You know what? You were the one they were after all along, Bossa Nova-kun. We decided not to say anything until we caught the culprits. To avoid having any disturbance, you know? So then, you helped me? Why? We can tell just by looking who the bad guys are. I'm going to go change my clothes. Need some help? No thanks. You dumbasses! Sonny! That's enough of your misplaced blame! Don't you get it yet that I left because I was sick of hanging with the likes of you?! Get lost already, will ya?! Tetsuya, you're I'm terribly sorry for not telling you. I am Sendo Tetsuya, son of the godfather of the Kanto branch of the Sendo Syndicate. I have long been opposed to the any-means-necessary methods of the Sendo Syndicate, and at length, one rainy day, a year ago, I got into a big blowup with my old man, and ran away from home. I'd never felt as anxious before as I did then. I had nowhere to go, and everyone else along the street just passed by me, as though they couldn't even see me. Just then, Little Lord Little Lord, you're exactly the sort of person I thought you'd be when I first saw you. Afterward, when I went to join up with the Kasanoda Syndicate, you accepted me with kindness. I know, Little Lord, that you're more self-conscious and awkward than most people, and yet, you're warmer than most people. And it's not just me. Everyone in the syndicate knows. They just don't say anything, since it would embarrass you. I, Sendo Tetsuya, wished to be someone like you, Little Lord, so I cut my ties with the Sendo Syndicate, and consigned myself to make my home among the Kasanoda Syndicate. Please, allow me to remain at your side, Little Lord, from here on out, as well. Oh, right Here. The weather is turning bad, so please keep this. If our 4th were to get a cold, everyone would worry. You guys I-I will use it, then. Right. What a great story! I'm touched! Oh, I should apologize to Fujioka. It's 'cause of me that he got paint all over him. Haru-chan went to the club room, to change. Oh, thanks. I'll be right back. Right. Oh, Little Lord! Let's play kick the can later! Yeah! We've done a good thing here. Sir, you didn't do anything this time, did you? More importantly, doesn't anyone care? Haruhi went to go change clothes. Ma!! Fujioka? Huh? Is he in the prep room? Fujioka? You okay? I'm sorry about-- Hey! M- Ma- Ma!!
Bossa Nova-chi is coming to the Host Club now, as a guest! What's more, he's asking for Haruhi! If Bossa Nova-chi starts chasing after Haruhi like this Sir, do something! Next time, "Tamaki's Unwitting Depression! " Ouran High School Host Club does not need any male guests coming in next week!

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