episode 12

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Now that I notice it, you're always there next to me, but do I actually hate you? Love you? Or am I delusional? When I take a look at my feelings clearly, whether I'm a lady or a host, it doesn't matter to me. People fall in love for all sorts of different reasons, but I want to see you now, to give your tender self cherry-blossom kisses, and if your heart beats faster, let's let our love bloom. Right now is more vital than the future. The springtime of love's beauty is the aesthetic of a damsel in bloom. Now you've done it. It's done, all right. It's not our fault. Y-You idiots! You're the ones who bumped into it, right? That's just because Haruhi was running away. We wanted to have some fun, by having her do a little cosplay. We're always doing cosplay, you know! Not the usual Host Club kind. This time in a bunny girl costume--disguised as a girl. Disguised as a girl? You'd want to see that too, right, sir? I'd definitely want to see that, all right. No, but this isn't the time for that! And where do you get off trying to take advantage of this commotion?! Get away from Haruhi! No way! Guys, there aren't any guests here, so I don't mind at all if you make a racket, but are you sure you want to? You'll wake Honey-senpai. High school 3rd-Year, and he's still taking naps? Well, we can't help that his bunny has been stained. Let's wake him up and frankly apologize. Wait! Don't go near Honey-senpai! Hurry, come take shelter over here! What do you mean? Honey-senpai wakes up in a megaton-class ill humor. This is just a rumor, but once, when the Haninozuka family visited a U. S. military installation, to give hand-to-hand combat technique training, Honey-senpai is said to have slept the whole time, due to jet lag. Hey, master, are you okay? And when one soldier carelessly tried to wake up Honey-senpai, since he had been sleeping so long I'm still sleepy Two unfortunate platoons of green beret special forces were wiped out in seconds by Honey-senpai, and ever since, they say there have been diplomatic issues with America. It's terrifying What's worse, I've heard that Usa-chan was handmade by Honey-senpai's favorite late grandma. Judging by the way he always carries it with him, there can be little doubt that it's a precious article to him. Once he wakes up, and sees his Usa-chan irrevocably altered He's going to irrevocably alter us, too! You're exaggerating. Any way you think about them, those stories ring false. No, there is other evidence that Honey-senpai has an evil split personality. Honey-senpai is type AB. So? That means he has the same blood type as Kyoya! Do you have some sort of problem with my blood type? Oh, those of you watching who are type AB, please don't get upset. This is bad. We have to do something before he wakes up. --Hikaru, Kaoru --Sir! Get your folks' Cessna. Fly to Osorezan, and bring back a medium. We'll have her channel Honey-senpai's grandma, and make us a new Usa-chan. Take this map of Aomori Prefecture with you. Don't forget the apple juice, apple jam, and Nebuta doll souvenirs! We don't have that much time. We don't mind the derangement, but please come up with something more constructive. All right, let's go with this: While we send Usa-chan out for cleaning, Haruhi, you wear this fur suit. Nice idea! and the Twins' Minds" No way! And for that matter, where did you get that thing?! It's too obvious! It's okay. How can he tell such a slight difference with half-awake eyes? Then, Senpai, you wear it! It won't be cute if I wear it! We've given up on the bunny girl thing, so now you can be a real rabbit, instead! Be a real rabbit, instead! Oh, no! It's too late! There's no other choice but to use another substitute! Aaah! My teddy bear! It'll be our turn, next! Aah! He's discovered his Usa-chan! Who's the one who got my Usa-chan dirty? expression to your imagination" S-S-Save us, Mori-senpai! Usa-chan said that he absolutely had to drink some tea. He did? So that's why his face is all dirty, huh? Oh, do you think he wants some cake, too? "Honey's Three Bitter Days!" Honey-kun, what kind of chocolate do you like? Mousse? Bonbons? I'll bet it's chocolate cake that's your favorite, huh? Let's see I like them all. I love chocolate, Usa-chan, and all of you! Oh, how cute! Honey-senpai, or Haninozuka Mitsukuni, age 17. Ouran Academy 3rd-Year, Class A, registered in the Host Club. Favorite things include cake, chocolate, and bunnies. Possesses a loveliness befitting a 3rd-Year, and boasts an unassailable boy-Lolita quality. Honey-senpai is in a good mood, huh? Thank goodness. We settled the Usa-chan issue without any trouble. Honey-senpai's charm points include the phrases "I love candy" and "I love cute things. " Or so everyone says, but for my part, I'm not sold on the tepidity of his easygoing character! As it stands, there's just something missing! Honey-senpai, if you keep eating nothing but sweets like this, you're bound to develop cavities. It's okay. I make sure to brush my teeth. Honey-senpai, don't tell me It's nothing, really. Come on, open your mouth, please. Hold on. Honey-senpai, sit still. It's nothing! It's nothing! No! Yes! That's it, that's it! What was missing was this type of moe! Is it a cavity? Yeah. Oowie! Ouchie! Oowie! Ouchie! Oowie! Ouchie! No, I'm okay. Tamaki Yeah, all right, understood. Until Honey-senpai gets over his cavity, all sweets are off-limits to him. Further, in order to allow the entire club to offer its support, we ask you to temporarily refrain from consuming any snacks within the club. N-No, Takashi I don't want snacks to be off-limits. I'm not in pain I'm not in pain, okay? Stop! That's my cake! It's off-limits. And so, pitilessly, Honey-senpai's hellish days had begun. My, Honey-kun looks so tormented. The Host Club is to refrain from having snacks. That must be quite a shock to him, huh? But, at the risk of being improvident, he looks just like How lovely! Mitsukuni, your bag. I can carry it myself. Not that. Let me see it. I was just looking at them. I wasn't eating them. I see. If you're just looking, you can have this. I'll keep the real ones. Aww, that's rough. Poor guy. You know, I didn't think that Mori-senpai could be so firm. You wouldn't expect it, huh? I thought his principles kept him from doing anything to upset Honey-senpai. To think that he could get his highness to go along with him, too Tamaki-kun, it's too bad. I wanted you to have some of the chocolate that was specially made by our new patissier, which my family hired in from France, but I understand that you're refraining from sweets. Do not fret, my princess. For Honey-senpai's sake, we all want to help him in whatever way we can to abstain from sweets. My, sir, your friendship is so beautiful. Besides, I'm sure it's better this way. However delicious the chocolate may be, in the face of my heated love, it would probably melt, and go to waste, as it vanished away. Tamaki-kun Impressive, sir. Nice little act. You changed over quickly. Buzz off. Our priority at all times is to keep our guests smiling, isn't it? You guys watch yourselves, too. Make sure not to give any kind of candy to Honey-senpai, no matter what tricks he resorts to. Oh, incidentally, those instructions come from Mori-senpai, not me. Kyoya-senpai seems to be unusually enjoying this, huh? I can't hold it in any longer. I just have to have you accept my feelings for you, Mori-kun. Can't you do that? You don't, by any chance, have someone else that's dear to you, Mori-kun? There is, isn't there? I I number 1 : The Cute Appeal" Takashi! It looks like my cavity got better! Has it? The swelling has gone down, too! Has it? So, can I have just one piece of cake? Full recovery still seems a long way off. number 2: The indirect method" What are you drinking there? D-Darjeeling tea, Honey-kun. What are you eating? A-A spot of a sandwich. You know what? I think some sweet candy would go well with the tea. You know, like cake, or something. Right? Right? - YesI suppose it would - Oh boy, oh boy! Oh boy, oh boy! --It sure would --Oh boy, oh boy! Oh boy, oh boy! We're sorry, Honey-kun! It's for your own sake! W-Wait! number 3: Pulling at heartstrings" Honey-senpai Haru-chan, am I bad? Have I done anything to make God hate me? Okay, look just a little one, okay? A snack? Yes. Here. The color is kind of similar to chocolate. He's on edge. Somebody talk to him. He's scaring me. Ah! He's headed for the candy shelves! Relax. They're all empty, anyway. Kyoya-senpai, you seem to be in a good mood. Aah! Not my teddy bear again! Ah, he's breathed his last. He's given up after three days. H-Honey-senpai? He's gonna eat me! Mitsukuni, don't take it out on other people or things. You saved me. I got away without being eaten. It's disgraceful. Takashi, you idiot! ! Just a little bit won't hurt, right?! You cheapskate! You hardhead! Takashi Takashi I hate you! Ah, Honey-senpai! Mori-senpai Hey, are you okay? Takashi, I hate you! Takashi, I hate you! Takashi, I hate you! Mori-senpai, you've taken heavy damage there. But whether you had no choice, or you're just self-destructing if you're going to be so depressed, then you shouldn't have acted in such a way to make him hate you in the first place. It was on purpose? Mori-senpai, by any chance, were you trying to get Honey-senpai to hate you? That couldn't be right, could it? Having Honey-senpai hate him would be like the end of the world for Mori-senpai. Why would he do it on purpose? Well, in order to punish himself. Am I wrong? Because it's all my fault. Mitsukuni's cavity was due to my carelessness. I forgot to make him brush his teeth before his nap, twice. But Mori-senpai, that's not your responsibility, is it? If Mitsukuni has to get false teeth, I'll I'll No, that won't happen, that won't happen. He's surprisingly negative, huh? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Mitsukuni hadn't thrown me down. The rough treatment he got from Honey-senpai was the punishment that Mori-senpai gave to himself. Still, while it may sound like a nice story in the short run, it's a bit much over a single cavity, right? So, there you have it, Honey-senpai. What will you do now? I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Takashi! I won't ever forget to brush my teeth again! I won't forget! Several days later, after Honey-senpai had recovered from his cavity, rebounding from the candy prohibition order up until then, he greedily stuffed his face full of cake. Kyoya-senpai looks oddly depressed about something, huh? Honey-senpai's snack costs are just that expensive. Ahem Oh, could we have a new guest? Are you a fan of Mori-senpai? She's that girl from earlier I understand. Mori-kun, I now know who it is that is so dear to you. Mori-kun, having the person most important to you being Honey-kun is so it's so somehow, it's just so terribly nice! It would appear that you have just taken your first step into a new world. Mitsukuni, you have some cream Moe! What moe! It's the greatest! It's the greatest! This seems to have the same mood as a happy ending, but are you really sure this outcome should be viewed as a happy ending? Moe!! Good grief.
Tamaki-senpai, why are you wearing a silk hat? Kyoya-senpai, why are you on top of a mushroom? It looks like you're not keeping up with the storyline on your own, huh? Next time, "Haruhi in Wonderland!" Ouran High School Host Club will be waiting for you, next week!

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