episode 18

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Excuse me, are you a member of this club? I would like you to please call You mean, Honey-senpai? Huh? Chika-chan! What's up? It's so rare for you to come over to the high school. Mitsukuni, defend yourself! J-Just a minute! --Mori-senpai! --Hmm? --Whaddya mean, "hmm"?! --Whoa! Honey-senpai confidently dodges Chika's leadoff attack! Renge Hoshakuji" What's going on? Honey-senpai nimbly, gracefully flies through the air, like a modern-day Ushiwakamaru! Chika attacks again, not even giving him a chance to regain his footing! Honey-senpai dodges him, while tripping him up! Neither of them gives an inch, as they both unleash ferocious techniques on each other! Oh, they're going at it. I wish they would have at least chosen a better location. How can you be so calm?! Now, Chika produces a weapon! H-Hang on, that's against the rules, isn't it? Honey-senpai got knocked flying! Will this be Chika's first win?! Gotcha! No, this fight goes to Honey-senpai. Renge-kun is right. Kagenui. [Kagenui: shadow-stitching.] "Kagenui" When did you Honey-senpai deftly handled his shuriken when Chika was not looking! Shuriken? Chika can no longer move an inch! Wow, what a great fight we were just treated to! Uh I'm not following this at all. To begin with, who is that? Can't you tell by looking at his face? He's Honey-senpai's younger brother. he's the spitting image" "Chika's 'Down with Honey' Declaration!" The Haninozuka family is a noble one, 'Chika' for short" which has excelled at martial arts since ancient times, Captain (also in the Judo Club)" and has created its own original style of martial arts by incorporating the combat skills from all the others. And so, while the men in the Haninozuka family learn karate and judo outside, at home, we work to master the Haninozuka form, and to keep us from getting careless at any time, we have been taught that whenever members of the family see each other, we are to engage each other. So that's why. That thing they did earlier was a family rule, was it? Here, Yasuchika-kun, help yourself to some cake. I don't like sweets. The rudiments of the Haninozuka form include refraining from selfishness, and striving for selflessness. Indulging in pleasure or appetites would be out of the question. You don't have to take it so far over a single piece of cake Um, there's a sweets-loving, overly pampered little boy-Lolita who happens to be the next head of the Haninozuka family right over there. Let me just say, there is no way that I will recognize a halfwit like Mitsukuni as the next head of the family. My brother is indeed strong. However, having failed to govern himself, and becoming depraved, he is not fit to call himself a practitioner of the Haninozuka form. Even if he is my older brother, I cannot allow someone who arbitrarily quit the Karate Club a year ago, and became hooked on stuffed animals and cake, to succeed the Haninozuka family. I've wanted to make that clear for a while now. And another thing, Mitsukuni, I know I always say this, but you stay away from me at school! Um Honey-senpai Honey-senpai, what should we do with this leftover cake? I'll eat it! --Sure enough, everyone here has a different situation at home. --Yay! Usa-chan, that was delicious, huh? So Honey-senpai, you used to be in the Karate Club? I never knew that. What made you quit that, and join something like the Host Club? "Something like"? What do you mean, "something like the Host Club"?! Well, no matter how you cut it, the Karate Club is a far more reputable club activity, isn't it? In order to find that out we have to go back into the past a little bit. Back before the Host Club was ever founded. Let us tell you the legend of Honey-senpai, crack captain of the Karate Club. crack captain of the Karate Club" Oh, Eldest Son is now in high school? I've heard he's been appointed as captain of the Karate Club, as a 1st-Year. That is outstanding. However, I know he's still going through his growth phase, but he's quite diminutive, huh? If he's to be the next head of the family, then I have to say Mitsukuni, you are aware of all the attention from those around you, right? Yes. You must work even harder to maintain your self-discipline. Completely cast aside all weakness and leniency, and take hold of true strength. Right! Honey-senpai did put in the effort. Indeed, he tried his hardest. He applied himself to his martial arts training, right? Wrong! That wasn't it. Aware of the attention from those around him, he followed his father's orders and one after another, sealed away all of his cutest possessions. And then, he tried hard to develop a fearless, manly image. However, his efforts were quite transparent to those around him. Um, Haninozuka-san, would you like some, too? Hold on! Don't do that! No, thank you. Geez, Haninozuka-san is exercising self-control! Oops, I wasn't thinking He's holding out! He's still holding out! How how touching! And so, the touching sight of him going without the things that he liked spurred on the girl students' sense of moe, until eventually, a fan club was organized around him. So how is that the legend of the crack captain of the Karate Club? You see "The Ouran Academy Karate Club" All right, ten minute break! Y-You know, I have to say, Captain Haninozuka sure is a manly, strict, crack captain, huh? Yeah, yeah! He's a crack captain! "Strict""Manly" --He's a crack captain. --And manly, too. Such a tear-jerking story! That's tear-jerking? That brings you to tears? So, what ultimately happened? Hello, Haninozuka-senpai. I know this is sudden, but would you like to form a club with me? Suou-kun, isn't it? From the middle school. What kind of club? I'm so glad you asked, Haninozuka-senpai! Wouldn't you like to put those looks of yours to more effective use? Wouldn't you like to use your cuteness to offer solace to young maidens, who have too much time on their hands? With cute little accessories, and sweet cake all around you, wouldn't you like to spend some fun time with me? Huh? I I mean, I don't like cake and such. I'm not interested in cutesy things, either. N-Not at all interested in cutesy things I don't know a lot about martial arts, but what exactly is strength--true strength? Forgive me for saying so, but hiding who you really are, and putting on airs, seems to me like running away. Knowing what you truly do like, and acknowledging it-- having the affirmative power to enjoy yourself-- isn't that what true strength really is? I will ask you again later. Please think it over carefully. What did you want to talk about? Father, please tell me one thing. What exactly is true strength? I will show you directly, on that body of yours, what it is. Come to the dojo! Honey-senpai's father is a martial artist, said to be gifted like none other since the beginning of the Haninozuka family. Begin! However, I believe that at the time, Honey-senpai's martial arts prowess had actually already achieved the same level that it is at now. Isn't that right? According to the story, the referee that happened to be officiating was the Secretary of Defense at the time, and ever since, Honey-senpai has been asked not to fight all-out in public, for any reason. Why is that? If Honey-senpai's true abilities were ever exposed to public view, our country would be suspected of possessing a weapon of mass destruction, and he was afraid that we would receive U. N. inspectors. How terrifying! So, Honey-senpai quit the Karate Club, and came over to the Host Club. Now, maybe Honey-senpai's unconventional size makes it impossible for him to fit in with the Haninozuka form. In contrast, his brother, Chika, seems to have been strictly raised according to Haninozuka family custom. But, as a result, Chika-chan really doesn't like me. All right, everyone! As of now, we're commencing Operation Haninozuka Brothers Reconciliation! I knew he'd say that. Ten minute break! Y-You know, I have to say, Captain Haninozuka sure is a strict, crack captain, huh? Even so, he's still a far cry from his brother, Mitsukuni-san, when it comes to ability, isn't he? Do not talk about my brother when I am here. Look, look, there's the captain, Chika-kun! He has such a handsome face! Still, for cuteness, he's no match for his brother, Honey-kun. What are you looking at?! Move on to the next drill! But, we're still on our break You don't need a break, after the level of training you've done! What good will having such a soft will do you?! This is just a simple inferiority complex, huh? He's always being compared to his brother, which raises a greater pattern of hatred than there's call for. His cuter, more popular older brother also has far greater ability than he does, and it has warped his personality. It's so commonplace, it's boring. Let's go find something else to amuse us. Hey, hey, hey, what's with the uncooperative attitude? Well, we thought that there'd be a more interesting, hidden reason. What do you think Honey-senpai and Chika's feelings are?! Tama-chan, it's okay. Honey-senpai You know what? I'm okay with Chika-chan hating me. Just as long as Chika-chan grows up happy and healthy, I'll be fine. Uh, he's already a lot taller than you. He's growing up plenty healthy. Um, could you keep it down? Mitsukuni, I just got done telling you to stay away from me at school! Why, you you alien! Chika-chan Alien? However much stronger his brother may be, there's no need to call him an alien. What's so wrong about cake, and his stuffed animal Usa-chan? If it was just the cake and Usa-chan, I wouldn't say anything. I don't regard my brother as an alien because he's so strong. Don't the rest of you think anything of it?! Every night, he eats three whole cakes after supper, like it was nothing! You understand? I'm serious, three whole cakes! I humbly accept this after-dinner dessert! That was delicious! Honey-senpai, that's how you live when you're at home? And then, just last week, I woke up in the middle of the night, and noticed that there was light shining out of the dining room. What's going on? It's the middle of the night. Ah, Chika-chan H-He's eating cake, in the middle of the night? You know what? Tonight is my once-weekly "special cake night. " It's a snack time that Usa-chan and I set up. Chika-chan, care to join us? B-B- Be honest, are you not terrified?! Are you not terrified?! Did you think that any earthling like that could exist?! Using Usa-chan's electronic waves, he eats cake all night long! Honestly, don't you think he's an alien?! For some reason what the younger brother is saying is starting to sound correct. And even so even so, in the past, we used to get along. Brother just had a little more of a sweet tooth than others, and was fond of cute things. But for a time, Brother gave up all of those things. And then, someone put some ideas into his head that he could have done without. Something about true strength being the acknowledgement of what one really likes. After that, he suddenly fell apart, and became the alien he is now. I see, so Chika's troubles can all be traced back to you, sir. W-What are you talking about?! I-I'm sure there must be a good way to solve this! There is a way to solve this. Mori-senpai Isn't that right, Mitsukuni? Chika-chan, I'm sorry for all of this. I never knew you hated sweets that much, Chika-chan. No, that's not what the issue is here. Still, I'm grateful to Tama-chan and the Host Club, and I don't want to change who I am now. So let's settle this like men, in the Haninozuka style, Yasuchika. Where do they have a place like this at the academy? Remember, Chika-chan, this is a one-point match. And if I win? Then I will at least give up eating cake at night. All right. Are you ready? Then, begin! Huh? Is it my imagination, or is this unfolding a lot like when they fought in the classroom? Albeit in an opposite version. Mitsukuni, at least, is doing so on purpose. Yasuchika will probably throw his shuriken next. You're right! Tell me, where are they hiding these shuriken? I have watched these two spar for many years, and Yasuchika always incorporates moves that Mitsukuni used in the previous match. Mitsukuni has realized this, and yet creates opportunities for Yasuchika to use those moves anyway. He may call him an alien, but where martial arts is concerned, Yasuchika respects Mitsukuni, and it's clear that he wants to be even a little bit more like him. They are indeed connected where they ought to be. I think that, as brothers, that much is good enough. Besides, you need not worry about this match. Mitsukuni intends to throw the fight, and let Yasuchika beat him. I know everything there is to know about him. Defend yourself! Yay! I won! Cake! Cake! Cake! Oh, I have an idea! Since I won,from now on, I'll have special cake night three times a week! Mori-senpai, don't mind it. His love of cake is even greater than for his brother? What a dreadful person Knowing what you truly do like, and acknowledging it-- having the affirmative power to enjoy yourself-- isn't that what true strength really is? Usa-chan, I love you! What?! The Zuka Club from Lobelia are the ones who took Haruhi away?! Just you wait, Haruhi! I'm coming to save you now, right this minute! Next time, "Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back!" Ouran High School Host Club will be waiting for you, next week!

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