episode 24

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Welcome! business?" My, what is that unfamiliar-looking piece of furniture? That is a kotatsu, if memory serves. Oh, is that what those are? It's my first time seeing one. Me, too. Normally, kotatsu are only used during the winter. As such, it may be a little early in the season for these, which makes this fitting for all of you, who are ahead of your time, to take pleasure in. Ladies, please fully enjoy the home-style kotatsu service of the Host Club members today. Is sitting under a kotatsu really all that fun? They're a hit, aren't they? Is providing kotatsu service like this one of Tamaki-senpai's ideas? Yeah. What's the matter? Are you discontent with this? I've always thought it was pretty remarkable, but Kyoya-senpai, the Host Club was originally founded by both you and Tamaki-senpai, right? Yes, and? Kyoya-senpai, why would someone as cool as you are go in for something as crazy as the Host Club? Because it was so crazy. Back then, being born the third Otori son as I was, I was about to embark on my last spring in middle school. "And so Kyoya Met Him!" Kyoya-kun! Otori Kyoya-kun! My father attended the completion commemoration for your folks' new hospital yesterday. He was so surprised! He said it was like a who's who of faces from the top of every field! My father said to be sure to extend his regards. This is the son of the chairman of a major electronics maker. Thank you. I hope you will come with him to the next one. Otori-kun! We heard you were at the head of our class again. This is the son of a major department store family. You've got the class chairmanship locked up for 3rd Year, huh? This is the youngest son of a well-known member of the Diet. Look, look, it's Otori-san! He looks so sharp today. He really does. Some frivolous-minded girls. Otori-kun How about coming over to my mountain villa sometime? He is the son of a well-known fund manager. How about you guys, too? The stars are extraordinarily pretty from there, and we even built in a small observatory. It's a villa that my father uses for vacations, so we might see him there. I don't really care about the stargazing I look forward to it. but I am very interested in your father. My, my, my, Kyoya-san, you've decided to impose on their mountain villa for such a reason? I'm not imposing. They are the ones who wanted me to come over. This is pure give-and-take. It's absolutely impure, isn't it? Perhaps they purely do want you to come look at the stars, Kyoya-san. It's so romantic, isn't it? Strengthening friendships under a starry sky? Sister Fuyumi, pardon me, but could I ask you not to rummage around in my closet drawers? Oh, no, Kyoya-san, I thought I would organize your clothes for you. It won't go back in Please let the help take care of that. Say, Kyoya-san Father being as strict as he is, maybe you have a hard time under all the pressure, but you are different from your older brothers, so maybe you could relax a little bit. It's true, I will not be succeeding the Otori family. I am not like my untroubled brothers, who simply had to go along on the route that they were promised, and keep heading upward. It's because I am the third son that I cannot relax. I will certainly fulfill the expectations placed upon me, and yet always respect my brothers, and never step too far forward. How far can I demonstrate my abilities, without exceeding the limits of being "third son"? Painting the perfect picture on a canvas that has already been placed inside a magnificent frame--that is my task. Kyoya-san, you are so bright, you will accomplish everything you ever do well, but will you be happy with that? Whether I am happy or unhappy has nothing to do with it. My oldest brother had already graduated from medical school, and was already in training at the same hospital as my father as his successor. My second brother is still in medical school, and after graduating, he plans to get an MBA, and support our brother. And then, there's me, the third son. Kyoya Today is when that son of Suou's was going to transfer in, right? The Suou group and we have done much business, going way back, and our ties run deep. There is also much business in which we compete with each other. Which is exactly why it would not hurt to become good friends with him. Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer. Yes, Father. Keeping yourself at the head of the class while you're in school is an accomplishment that your brothers have achieved. You must know that it will take more than that to satisfy me. Yes, Father. I had confidence that I could see through people, but they could not see through me. Whomever the son from the Suou group's family might be, making friends with him at least would be easy. I would do all that my father wanted. Suou Tamaki. The child that the Suou chairman had overseas. Having no children with his wife, now divorced, the chairman took him in, after much dismay. And his love child becomes the heir to the Suou group overnight. What a lucky guy he is. Chairman, vice-chairman, come over here. Let me introduce you. This is Suou Tamaki-kun. Pleasure to meet you. Class chairman Otori Kyoya-kun and vice-chairman Jonouchi Ayame-kun. Your hair is so straight and pretty. I'm sure your heart must also be as true and beautiful as your hair. Cultural differences? It's a pleasure, Otori-kun. The pleasure is mine. If you like, how about I show you around the school? I'd be thrilled. Up ahead here is the west school building. The special classrooms are all on the other side. Oh, right. By the way, Otori-kun, do you have a kotatsu at your house? A kotatsu! Kotatsu sure are great, huh? Here in Japan, where you have the charming culture of sitting right on the floor. I made up my mind to be sure to sit under one, once I got to Japan. But we only have western rooms at my place. Ah, he's one of those. The sort, common among foreigners, who is in love with Japanese culture. Unfortunately, we don't have any kotatsu at my place, either. We do have some Japanese rooms, though. What? Did I step on some sort of land mine? I see. You don't have a kotatsu, then? I'm sorry, Otori-kun. It was insensitive of me to ask, without knowing. The family relations at your home aren't all that close, huh? No, it's okay, you don't have to hide it. The kotatsu is the symbol of a happy home life in Japan, is it not? In Japan, you kick each other's feet under the kotatsu in playful fighting, while watching Costume Grand Prix, and building bonds of trust among the family, right? Oh, right, and you can't leave out the Mandarin oranges! But, I guess, you don't have that at your place, huh? Let's just put your mistaken understanding aside for now. If you like, I could put a kotatsu in one of our Japanese rooms. Thank you, Otori-kun! You're a good friend! My best friend! Hey, I know! To make us closer, would you let me call you --by your first name from now on? --Suou-kun, um Bravo! Kyoya! Mon ami! Mon ami! Yahoo! My, my, my, Kyoya-san, you mean, best friends, in one day? He probably doesn't comprehend the meaning of "best friend. " I'm not sure if he's really fluent in Japanese, or if he isn't. And, like I said, Sister Fuyumi, please don't go rummaging around in my closet drawers. Today, he drew me into playing everything at his pace. Well, I am well aware now that he is a fool. Kyoya-san, there is too much crammed in here. Once you pull something out, it won't fit in again, you know. Like I said, please don't take them out. Kyoya! I need a special favor from you. You see, I want to go to Kyoto. I had forgotten about it in my joy over the kotatsu, but I made up my mind to go to Kyoto first, once I got to Japan. The Great Buddha at Nara, Goryoraku Park, some Shisa, the Namahage, I want to see them all! None of those are in Kyoto. He's a bigger fool than I thought. All right. Well, shall we see them in turns? First off, we'll go to Kyoto this weekend, and the next extended holiday we get, we'll go to Okinawa. Thank you, Kyoya! You are a god! The great Buddha! Bravo! Kyoya! Mon ami! Mon ami! Mon ami! Yahoo! Again with the "mon ami. " And the second day after I've met him, I'm elevated to a deity? It's like I can't get a grasp on this guy, somehow. Before I knew it, he was fitting in with the class Kyoya! I found a Namahage! Namahage! Namahage That's a Shisa. My, my, my, Kyoya-san, I thought you were up this late studying, but what's this? Sightseeing guides? Oh, you're going to go to Hokkaido next? That's nice. But if you need a guide, I'm sure if you ask the driver That won't do. Not for that Suou Tamaki guy. When we went to Kyoto, he said he wanted to see the Daimonji bonfire, even though it's still spring, and as we were eating Okinawa soba noodles, he suddenly said he wanted to compare it to Shinshu soba. Then he said he wanted to have a dream co-starring a Shisa and a Namahage. And then, after all of that I'm sorry for asking you to indulge my capriciousness. You're right. It's no use asking you, Kyoya. Sorry. I've overestimated your abilities. But I will be fully prepared for him this time! I will respond to his every whim when we are in Hokkaido! Huh? Hokkaido? I understand that you want to enjoy yourself to the fullest, but this is the time when we should be studying for tests, right? Once the tests are over, I'll play with you, but you should study a little, too. My, my, my, Kyoya-san, what on earth is the matter? That bastard! I knew the guy was a fool, but I had no idea he was such a complete dumb ass! "Tamaki Suou last week" Next week, let's go to Hokkaido! Have I ever felt like slugging someone as much as this before? No! Definitely not! Whoa, calm down. Despite everything, he is the heir to the Suou family. What good will it do to get emotional about it? What Father is testing me on is my ability to cope. Still, you bastard, I won't forget this! Suou Tamaki, you expect me to get a kotatsu ready for you?! I was going to tell him that if he can't stand him, there's no reason for him to force himself to hang around with him, but I've never seen Kyoya-san enjoy himself so much. It's been a while since I've had a day off without having him along. Your friend is here to see you. My friend? Beautiful, isn't it? It's bringing me to tears. Honestly, when I first heard him play the piano, I was astonished. Not because my brothers were in tears, but because, unwittingly unwittingly, for some reason, I started weeping, too. Sorry for just coming by out of the blue like this. If that's how you feel, go home. What happened to studying for your tests? You sure you're okay? I have to say, your house is huge, Kyoya. I wonder which is bigger, this, or my house back in France. Snide remarks, now? I don't know about your mansion in France, but clearly, the Suou estate is bigger, isn't it? Well, I don't know, since I've never entered the main estate. The second estate is much smaller. So, Kyoya, are you going to take over the Otori family later on? Is this guy trying to pick a fight?! There's no way I will. You saw that I have two older brothers, right? I will end up working under my brothers. Huh, that's a surprise. I thought you were someone who wanted more than that. I mean, your eyes say that you're completely unsatisfied with your situation. I'm surprised you're giving up so easily. It's not a question of whether I'm giving up or not It's just the way it is! Someone like you, who is going to succeed their family as a matter of course, wouldn't understand. Whoops It isn't certain that I will succeed the Suou family. My grandmother doesn't like me. So, if it keeps going like this, they say that I won't be the heir, or anything. Call it a probationary period, I guess. Didn't I ever tell you? Still, think about it. It's not like I'm not interested in my father's work, but I've got these looks. Those around me can't leave me alone. Maybe with my outstanding smarts, I could be a brilliant scientist, and more than anything, I'd love to create an animal kingdom in the lands up north. Come off it! What kind of bull crap is that? How can you talk like you've given up so easily?! You aren't like me! You have a chance to go as high as you want to, if you'll just try! So why don't you try harder?! Why don't you use the position you've been blessed with?! You're just you're just Who the hell are you?! How can you see through me?" Yeah I'm sure that my brothers' aptitudes are no better than mine. But But I will always feel the frustration of not being allowed to exceed my frame, just because I am the third son. Hold on, you're the one who isn't trying, right? If you want to surpass your brothers, then go ahead. The one who isn't doing anything, and has given up here is you. By the way, Kyoya, where is your kotatsu? The truth is, I thought you would have gotten it ready for me by now, which is why I came over. What? What's so funny? Now, did you get the kotatsu ready, and you're just hiding it from me? Don't get so carried away! Kotatsu are only used in the winter. If you want to sit under one, wait until winter. You big dumb ass. Oh, that's an evil-looking face. Is that what you really look like? Kyoya, I just had an incredible idea! Let's form a club! We can start our activities as soon as we get into the high school. We'll make use of our good looks, and call it the Host Club! Go to sleep before you start dreaming. I've thought about who the other members would be. Haninozuka-senpai and Morinozuka-senpai, from high school, and the twins from 2nd Year. The more I listened, the more nonsensical his plans were. But I got the feeling that if I shared his world, I would see something different from anything I had seen before..
As a special event during our school festival, today and tomorrow, the Host Club will be opened to the public. We will entertain our guests even more extravagantly, and in full bloom than usual. Next time, "The Host Club Declares Dissolution!" Ouran High School Host Club will be waiting for you, next week!

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