episode 15

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Hikaru, your cell phone is ringing Hikaru Kaoru, you answer it Oh, no that ringtone is his highness's. Why should we have to be awakened three mornings into summer vacation by his ringtone? He wakes up too early. Hello? My daughter! My daughter is gone! I can't get through to her! She must have been kidnapped! Contact the police! We have to request an emergency deployment of the SDF, just in case! Hold on, sir, calm down. What, now? Huh?! Haruhi has gone missing?! Eh? Haru-chan has gone missing? Bankrupt, and fled by night? That's right! I've called her every day, again and again, since the first day of summer vacation, and I can't get through to her papa's work, either! I'm sure they were unable to pay their rent, and were forced into servitude! Otherwise, why else would they flee into the night?! Waah! Haru-chan! Sir, you're too loud. You could just call her cell phone. Cell phone? You think Haruhi would have something like that?! I know There is a secret society among the commoners, called the "fly-by-nighters. " Forgive me for interrupting your dramatic delusion, but Haruhi is in Karuizawa. Not only did Haruhi go bankrupt, flee by night, and get kidnapped, but she's in Karuizawa? Calm down. Thank you very much. Welcome! I've come to Karuizawa to spend my summer vacation working at a bed & breakfast. "The Refreshing Battle of Karuizawa!" So Haruhi is in Karuizawa. Yep. Good morning. Your breakfast is ready. All right, we'll be right there. Excuse us. It's just no fun not having any of our playthings around, huh? I was a little anxious about not telling anyone in the Host Club that I would be coming here, but I doubt that even they have so little to do that they'd come bother me all the way out here. The scenery is nice, and the air is delightful. I should be able to get some studying done up in these highlands. This year, my summer vacation Haruhi! ! Are you all right?! Daddy is here! ! could just be the worst vacation ever. My word! What cute boys we have here! Are you all friends of Haruhi? He's a flittering tranny. You can call me Susuzu-chi! He was a friend of Ranka-san, together at the same shop, way back. How do you know that? Yeah, really. I started this business here two years ago. It was my dream, you know? Running this adorable pension! But why is Haru-chan working here? Ranka-san is away on business, and while he's away, he's worried about Haruhi, so he had him take her in. Like I said, how do you know this? Yeah, really. Take her in, he says! I still can't afford to hire any employees, so having Haruhi come here has been a tremendous help! She's really such a hard worker, I feel sorry that her wages are so low. Oh, Haruhi-chan, you're so cute in that apron! I made it by hand! And you did a good job, at that, Misuzu-chi! A job, huh? So that's why you turned down our invitation to go to Bali, is it? And we asked her to go along with us to Switzerland, huh? Yeah. I don't have a passport, after all. Which is why I suggested that we use one of our domestic resorts, at a discount. How come you guys are inviting Haruhi out by yourselves like this? Are you just out for yourselves? Have you no sense of solidarity? I work so hard as your president, day in and day out, to come up with plans so that all of us can enjoy ourselves together --You turned off your cell, didn't you? --You can't do that! But it's such a pain. "Cell?" You've got a cell, did you say? Yeah, but I should say, it's one that we've lent to Haruhi. By the way, it's one that's only for friends. Sir, you're our "senpai," and all. That must be nice, huh? Then, I'm also in the "friends" category that includes daddies. There is no such friends category. Look, just leave, please, everyone. We'll all see each other come the new term anyhow, whether we want to or not. We're all free to spend our vacations on our own, right? School rule number 9: Part-time work is prohibited. Er um is that right? Did you hear? That girl has a job without the school's permission! My, she has some nerve, huh? It's nice to come out to Karuizawa once in a while, to get out of the heat, huh? I have gotten tired of going overseas. It is true, you are free to spend your vacation on your own. In which case, you would have no grounds to stop us. Let's all stay here at this pension, in the VIP guest rooms. N-No! ! Good morning, my sleepy-headed Senpai. Haruhi made you some breakfast. Oh, good morning. Come on over here, and let's eat together. No, mm-mm Senpai, you're a guest here, and Haruhi is an employee. When it's just the two of us, we don't need to worry about that, do we? You need only stay here, next to me. Senpai Um Senpai? I'm sorry, I'd like to let all of you stay here, but unfortunately, I only have one guest room available. Just one room, you say? What else can be done? Very well, I, the president, will represent everyone. Tama-chan, no fair! Are you just out for yourself? Have you no sense of solidarity? You're the one who was complaining so much about it before. Am I being unfair? Am I out for only myself? Hey, sir, we just came up with a fun game. Want to play with us? We call it the "Guestroom refreshing job contest in Karuizawa. " We'll work all day here at this pension, where they say they are shorthanded. And, whoever leaves the best impression on Misuzu-san gets to stay as the guest. Sounds fun! All right, all right, I'm in on this plan! Yes, if the one who I choose as most refreshing stays here, then it will undoubtedly lead to increased popularity for my pension! Our finest regards to you! I'm going to work you to the bone! Until I make my decision, I will not treat you as guests! "Summer restless" Ha ha sounds like fun You know, this is the first time in my life that I've ever held a hammer. A job can be pretty harsh, huh? You there! Complaining is forbidden! Minus three points! It hurts it hurts You look disgraceful. That's minus another-- Hmm? You can't persuade me with cuteness, either! Hi! Come on in! W-We have reservations to stay here. Ah, yes, yes, we've been expecting you. Make yourselves at home, okay? Allow us to show our booked guests to their room. They are quite forward, but they are loveable characters, so plus five refreshment level points. Oh, Takashi-kun, the legs on that table are wobbly. Could you fix it for me, out in the yard? Understood. Nothing wasted in word or deed! Plus five refreshment level points. Um, what's a refreshment level? Haruhi-chan, do you know what guests are after when they come here to Karuizawa? Let's see the cooler weather? That's not the only reason. It's what they can't experience in the city--the refreshing air, the refreshing scenery, and the refreshing boys! They all come here to Karuizawa in search of refreshment. This is a contest for them to see who has the most refreshing appeal to the girls who have come here to Karuizawa! That really sounds like fun Or should I say, this vividly calls to mind a certain someone else. Then again, this is just like how it is at the Host Club, at school. Kyoya-senpai, you're not taking part in the game, are you? No. Even if I did win, it wouldn't do me any good to stay by myself at this pension. I'll just watch here as much as I like, and then leave for the cottage. Cottage? You mean, your family's, Kyoya-senpai? Yes, that's right. Everyone has one in the area. Then they do have places to stay. So go stay there, guys. So then, about this refreshing contest Who do you think will win, Haruhi? Shall we bet on it? No thanks. I have no idea. No, huh? It's easy to tell from just a glance. First off, Honey-senpai is visually more "cute" than "refreshing," so he's out, right? Tamaki may be refreshing, when he keeps his mouth closed, but he's too heated up about winning the contest. He's flat-out sweltering. Ordinarily, you'd figure it's Hikaru and Kaoru However, we have a dark horse. Fantastic! Refreshing! Plus 20 points! So then, it's Mori-senpai? However, if Honey-senpai drops out, Mori-senpai will back out, too. He's only in this to tag along with him to begin with, after all. Which means that clinches it for us, all right. Oh, yeah, I noticed earlier that the available room is only a single, so even if you won, both of you couldn't stay. Oh, that's okay. We'll bring a bed over from our cottage. Even if we don't, we can squeeze ourselves in and sleep together. You two really are always together, aren't you? I suppose. We were together when we were born, and we never had any other friends. Up until a few years ago, we thought the whole world was made up of nothing but idiots. You don't say. But then We wouldn't mind including you, Haruhi. How about the three of us sleep together? No, I'll pass. The contest hasn't been decided yet. There are many ways to make this game more interesting. This guy is always scheming something, which makes him that much more refreshing, huh? Huh? Kyoya-senpai, are you thinking of assisting his highness? Even so, we don't intend to lose. Owner, I'm done fixing the fence. The finished work is completely unrefreshing. Minus three points. He's trying too frantically to be refreshing, so he's utterly negligent in his work. Is he right in the head? He's never held a job before, you see. Ah, that's cold! Sorry, sorry. Look, the watermelon is chilled. Let's eat it together with our guests. Wow, how refreshing! Oh, no at this rate, I'm going to lose to them I want to win this, no matter what. I want to win, and deepen my friendship with Haruhi, and then I have to make sure I get into Haruhi's official "friends" category! Before going into how low you set your goals, could you try not to be so melancholy? Kyoya, can't you understand how I feel, as a father for his daughter? Let me offer you one bit of advice. This is a trick that only you can pull off. Just don't mess up your music selection. Let's stop in here for some tea. We've been done in. Huh? Kaoru, are you by yourself? Where's Hikaru? He went to go get some garbage bags. Oh. You think you're going to win the contest? I'm not sure. That's Kyoya-senpai for you. His highness didn't even realize that there was a piano here. Look out! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Are you all right! ? It was close, but we're safe. --Right? --Uh, yeah. Thanks. Kaoru! Kaoru, you've got a cut on your face! Mm-hmm, I got a little cut. Hikaru? Don't scare me like that. Mm-hmm, sorry. I'm all right. Bravo! Bravo! What fantastic, refreshing brotherly love! Misuzu-chi is touched! The winners are the Hitachiin Brothers! It can't be seriously? Congratulations. Don't mention it. H-Hold on, you don't mean That was planned? Well now, who can say? Really, I'm all right. Besides, we won without having to use our refreshing brother's quarrel plan, right? Mm-hmm. I told you, I said I was sorry, didn't I, Kaoru? I don't remember kicking you out of the bed. What am I supposed to do? I slept on the cold floor, and now my back hurts. Breakfast, please. I'll have toast with Brest butter and garnet seal syrup. Also, bacon and eggs, and I'll take some Beasley cereal. The kind with the dried fruit in it. After that Hold on. We don't have that on the menu here. Hey, you! Don't be so fussy, you fiendish brothers! Do you think you're some sort of affluent aristocracy?! Well, actually, it's the truth. And I might point out, so are you. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. " That's my general rule. When in Karuizawa, enjoy Karuizawa. That's my ironclad rule. Cold pasteurized Jersey steaks, with fresh juice from Shinano, highland vegetables, and the finest smoked salmon, cooked slowly over cherrywood chips, which are the pride of the local community. Freshly baked Campagne breads, with homemade jam, so you can taste the natural flavor of the ingredients. Help yourself. Why have you become such a huge fan of Nagano? He came here too early this morning, and had nothing else to do, so Misuzu-san showed him everything. This goes like this, see? Mm-hmm, I see. While you were slumbering the day away, I even made up a guide for our training camp. Such is the thoughtfulness of your president. You really don't have anything to do, do you? Haruhi, while you are in training here, you are not to treat me as your senpai. That is the first of the rules in here. Uh-huh What is this? It's written in here that rule number 5 is to get up at 6 a. m. Are Kyoya-senpai and Honey-senpai observing these? Oh, sorry, sorry, sir. We made you remember something terribly scary, huh? 'lo! Arai Produce! Okay, thanks so much. Huh? A working boy? Are you in high school? Yes, I'm just helping out at my uncle's shop over summer vacation. My, how refreshing! Haruhi-chan, would you put these in the refrigerator for me? Yes. Haruhi? Fujioka Haruhi? Arai-kun!
Why should Hikaru get to go on a date with Haruhi? Hikaru, where should we go first? I forbid any indirect kissing! I forbid any couple-eating of ice cream! Next time, "Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date!" Ouran High School Host Club will be waiting for you, next week!

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