episode 21

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At midnight, the carriage was sure to become a pumpkin. However, it wasn't some old witch who had cast this spell. All right, let's move on to the next item on the agenda. I would like to discuss the plans for next week. Plans? Halloween. Haruhi-kun, you became an honor student here starting in high school, so you wouldn't know about it, huh? Here at Ouran, during the grading of our in-school trial exams, we're allowed to take off until the last day of October every year, and hold costume parties here on campus. Also, to promote camaraderie, we are allowed to take a whole day and use it however we like, as a class event. An event? Well, usually, we have tea parties, watch movies, and so on. Not good enough! Not good enough! Not good enough! ! Halloween! It's the day that signals the end of summer, and the start of winter. Halloween The day when people come out against the spirits and devils that come by, by making themselves look like them. Halloween It also, in time, became a festival of dressing up in costumes, and playing pranks. Some people don't wait for permission to have costume parties and engage in cosplay all year round. So, what's with that uniform? To tell you the truth, this is the uniform for the girl characters who will be appearing in "Uki-doki Memorial 2," which isn't scheduled to come out until next spring. obtained top-secret information" I obtained some advance, unannounced information, and made this. Hoshakuji-san, we're having homeroom. Please come down off of the desk. Cosplaying and having tea parties is something we do all the time in the Host Club. What good is having Halloween without any further stimulation? -lation? -lation? Um, this is to be a class event. I hereby propose that we have a Halloween special test-of-courage tournament! A Halloween special test-of-courage tournament? We'll ask the superintendent to open the school to us at night. Then, we all take turns dressing up as monsters, and scaring each other. It will make for wonderfully high-spirited, exciting communication! Great! That sounds great! We're in! I like the part about the school, at night. --The school at night, huh? --That could be kind of exciting, all right. I just thought of a really scary idea! Everyone takes turns as frighteners, and one-by-one, we test our courage! Going one at a time wouldn't be very efficient, would it? We also have to consider time allocation There should be at least three or four at a time. It would be better if it were really scary, right? For anyone who runs out in the middle of it we'll have them featured in the paper as "Minister of Pantywaists. " --Seconded! --Seconded! Okay then, um does anyone have any objection to a majority vote? Is anyone opposed? Is there really no one? Very well then, for 1-A's class event we would like to settle on the Halloween special test of courage proposed by Hoshakuji-san. "Until the Day it Becomes a Pumpkin! " "The Host Club is now open for business" Trick or treat. Give me some candy, or I'll play a prank on you. Halloween isn't until next week, but at the Host Club, a special Halloween week begins today. Tamaki-kun, you're a vampire this year, right? You look just fantastic. Can I get a treat from you, in the form of some blood? I cannot give you any. So please, play your trick. Then, here comes the kiss of death. Me next! Hey there. You guys are late. Hurry up and get changed. Oh, from now until Halloween day we're skipping club activities. --By your leave. --What?! How come? We have a class event until Halloween day, so we're busy getting ready for that. Then it can't be helped. That being the case, carry on! Hang in there! Wait, wait, why are you taking Haruhi with you?! Well, Haruhi is in our class, after all. We're having a special test-of-courage tournament at the school, at night. The school at night Wah! I'm scared, Hikaru! I'm scared! I'm scared! I'm scared! Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh! Wah! I'm scared, Kaoru! I'm scared! I'm scared! Haruhi, are you seriously planning to attend such an improper nighttime event? Well, class camaraderie is important, and all. Camaraderie? Camaraderie, you say? What kind of camaraderie is that?! How trampy Letting his little girl go playing around at night is something that Daddy something that Daddy absolutely forbids! There was the magic spell. We may just be members of a club, but his highness calls Haruhi his daughter, and pictures us as members of his family. Okay, let's go, Haruhi. Adieu, sir! Hey, wait! Include me in your event, too! Nekozawa-senpai, when did you I just heard something quite interesting. Is that right? You think it would be fun, too, Belzenef? If it's unfathomable terror they're after, those of us in the Black Magic Club will have to do our part, as well. By all means, let us give the 1st-Years a Halloween present they won't forget. What should we do about the budget? Once we start going in for the ghost costumes, there'll be no end to it. Following the commoners' rule of keeping it under 300 yen on the cheap will make things interesting. We might have people who will faint, --so maybe we should have a doctor standing by. --They all seem to be enjoying themselves. Huh? Nyctophobia? Chairman, you can't handle being in the dark? You can add to that horror-movie-phobia, ghost-story-phobia, suddenly-being-startled-by-a-bang-phobia, as well as TV-commercials-for-scary-movies-phobia. What is it with those things? I wish they would stop showing them all the time without giving us any warning. Where are the human rights for us scaredy-cats? For that matter, why do all the other classes get to have the usual tea parties and such, but ours is the only class unanimously choosing a test of courage?! I don't understand the point! It's autumn already! Chairman, calm down. Sorry, Fujioka. If you didn't want to, you could have opposed it. Chairman, if you spoke up, we all would have gone along. It's just that doing so would seem like, as chairman, I'm lording my authority over everyone, so I didn't want to. That's why I was hoping to be rescued, by you, Fujioka! Like I said, calm down. Sorry. How was I supposed to rescue you? I desperately sent out signs to you, Fujioka, to have you oppose it, because you didn't seem like you were interested in this sort of thing. Does anyone have any objection to this special Halloween test-of-courage tournament? Is anyone opposed? Is there really no one? If even one person was against it, I could have brought it up for discussion Sorry, I had no idea. I beg you, Fujioka, tomorrow, be in the same group as me! I think that somehow, if I'm at your side, your presence of mind will spread to me, and I can remain calm! Chairman Also, keep this absolutely secret from Hikaru and Kaoru. Chairman, you're a scaredy-cat? Ah, this is where you all are. I'm asking who wants to be in which group right now. Okay! The four of us will team up together! Okay, then you four will be B Team. Good luck to us all, Chairman. This is a disaster! You poor boy Do you know, Kaoru, about the story of the clock tower witch? Yeah. Long ago, a girl student who was dressed up like a witch on Halloween took a tumble from the clock tower. Ever since, anyone who sees her on Halloween is cursed. S-Stop that! Hey, cut it out. What good is it to scare someone on your own team? It's our turn to be scaring the others right now. But no one has come yet, and we've got nothing to do. Chairman, pull it together. It's all right. Look, I borrowed this book, titled "Ways to Get Through Scary Situations," from the school library. Fujioka Let's see, what have we got in here? "Ways to cope when dealing with scary situations: Number 1" made by Haruhi for 300 yen" Mm-hmm "Just bear through it. It will be over eventually. " "Number 2: Chant 'Away, spooks! ' ten times. " "Number 3: If you see something, pretend you didn't. " No! None of those solve anything! Wah! I'm leaving! Call me Minister of Pantywaists, or anything else, just let me out of here! Hmm, are you sure? Even if it means your dear Princess Kurakano laughs at you? Oh yeah? Chairman, you like Kurakano-san? N-No! We've simply been friends since we were little, and this doesn't have anything to do with it! We're just childhood friends! Okay, okay, we got it, we got it. Chairman, you said you didn't want to lord your authority over us but it's really that you couldn't oppose the plan, because you didn't want to look timid, huh? No. That's not the reason why I couldn't oppose it. I I just It would be better if it were really scary, right? right? right? Huh? It was because Kurakano-san It was because Kurakano-san seemed to be looking forward to this test of courage. Oh, crap! He's pure! He's taken the pure-hearted line! He's from the land of those we must not pick on! Ah, our own filthiness stands out in sharp relief! But, if that's the case, we have to work with him even more now. Am I imagining things? There was some sort of white figure, outside the window, just now. S-Stop! Not you too, Fujioka! What are you talking about?! T-This is a sneak attack by those A Team guys, right? It's not their turn yet! Follow the rules, will you?! That hurt! Nice shooting. That hurt That hurt It couldn't be the clock tower witch? Are you the ones who kicked my skull? Who's there? Nnngh Frankenstein The wolfman! Chairman, where do you think you're going? Calm down! My terror strategy was flawless. Kyoya-kun, you're not joining in? No, I'm not. Damn it, we're locked in. Youch What is this? Are we some kind of prey? I mean, Kaoru! --Where's Kaoru?! Where'd Kaoru go?! --H-Hold on! Don't thrash around, Hikaru! I'm going to cut this net right now with my scissors. Oh, Haruhi, I see even you have a girly side. What do you mean, "Haruhi, even you have"? Hikaru, you've got a smart mouth. What about you? What do you mean, "Hikaru, you've" got one? Kaoru isn't any different, is he? When Kaoru is by himself, he stays relatively sensible, and calm. Hikaru, when you're by yourself, you're annoying, and thoughtless. Is that so? Okay, hold still for a minute. W-Why are you positioning yourself like that Sorry, but I can't move around any other way. It might be awkward, but just put up with it a minute. Nah I wouldn't say "put up with" I-I can't allow this! If you run out there now, our plan will be ruined. It's no use. It doesn't sound like anyone is outside. This is going too far, to put it mildly, A Team. Which one are you? I'm Kaoru. Are you scared to death? No, it's like, I got so scared that it doesn't matter anymore. Ah, man, our plans have been completely ruined. The truth is, we had a whole heartwarming scenario prepared, where once Princess Kurakano came around, we were going to scare her like crazy, and have you go in to comfort her, Chairman. Well, I'm grateful to hear that, but really, it's all right. For one thing, Kurakano-san is more a fan of Fujioka, and all. Haruhi-kun! It doesn't look like Fujioka has any interest in Kurakano-san right now, but before long, they might fall in love with each other. No, I swear to God, that definitely will not happen. --Why not? --It just won't. Still, this might sound like I'm making excuses, but right now, I really don't feel like doing anything about it. It's fun just being on the class committee together with Kurakano-san, For now, I don't want to wreck the relationship we have currently. So in other words, that's what your spell on the carriage is, Chairman. Sure, that way of thinking is fine. If you can keep on running the way you have been, that's not so bad. I'm sure that keeping a family setting, with fathers and daughters, is his highness's magic spell, to keep our current relationships from being ruined. Huh? Neither his highness, nor us, had ever played with many other friends. He wants to enjoy things the way they are now as much as he can, and so do I. Sorry, what are we talking about? But, at some point, there's a good chance that it will all turn into a muddy pumpkin. Kaoru! Are you in there, Kaoru?! Kaoru! Hikaru! --Hikaru! --Kaoru! Huh? Where's Fujioka? Weren't you together? "Ah" Ah, whoops. I forgot. Hikaru, no fair! After we got out of the net, you ran off by yourself! Sorry. Ah, they're coming back! Oh my, we were so worried about all of you! Where did you go off to, and leave your post? We called off the test of courage to look for you! Huh? That was all of you playing tricks on us, right? Huh? We didn't do anything. Aaah! What's wrong? Just now, outside the window There was something white out there! They sure got us. That rotten Nekozawa-senpai If you look closer, it's clearly Belzenef, isn't it? I heard. Kazukiyo-kun, you're really a scaredy-cat, but for the sake of the class, you put up with this? Uh, no, um, well sorry How big of you! I have a newfound respect for you! Nice mood, huh? I guess the spell on the carriage can't go on forever, after all. What are you talking about? Hikaru, no fair! After we got out of the net, you ran off by yourself! Sorry. Well, if he ran towards me in that situation, I guess it's still all right. Huh? Nothing, it's my own little joke. Come on, come on. Still, when Hikaru starts realizing that he wants to take the next step forward Once that happens, what am I going to do?
Eh? Mori-senpai has an apprentice? Just a minute! That apprentice is the Kasanoda Syndicate 4th? You mean, someone like that? Next time, "Mori-senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate! " Ouran High School Host Club will be waiting for you, next week!

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