Chapter One

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The yellow pansy field stretches out a few yards ahead before being cut off by a dusty riding path, glowing a beautiful gold as the morning sun envelopes each individual flower in its warmth. The small field is fringed with grass, which shimmers in the sunlight like emeralds because of the fallen morning dew that rests on each individual blade.

The combining scents of nature float to my nose as I wish that this were a perpetual moment. My eyes close on their own accord as I take another deep breath, the fresh air calming my racing heart. Vesper snorts beneath me as he shakes his regal head, making pollen float around like little specks of sunshine. I pat his neck and gather some of his plentiful mane in my hands.

He stomps his hoof and I gently nudge his sides. Let's go home.

We weave around the golden field, walking along the worn bridle-path for a few moments before nudging him again. This time Vesper leaps forward into a steady canter before fluidly starting to gallop, his hooves thundering on the ground and leaving a dust cloud in their wake. As his speed increases I tighten my knees' grip on his sides and laugh with euphoria. When his speed steadies I lift my hands from his mane and spread them wide, wind billowing against them.

As we get closer to home, I lower my hands to Vesper's neck and steer him gently towards the harvested fields of our neighbours. He understands where I wish to go and gallops on, his ears pointing to the direction of the first fence. I laugh as he whinnies when we lift off from the ground forcefully and land on the other side

We keep galloping on, jumping over fences before riding towards the stream that borders my father's property. Vesper slows to a walk and wanders down the stream-bed and into the shallow water. As it cools his hooves, Vesper gulps down some of the spring water.

When Vesper feels refreshed, he climbs out of the stream and we walk along the beige walls that surround our home. I pat Vesper's perspired neck and lay down, my head on his arched neck and my body limp over his withers and back. He snorts as he walks on, clearly unimpressed by my idle act. I chuckle and rub his neck, but when I stop, the only sounds left to hear is the stream and the steady thumping of Vesper's hooves.

The sky turns a bright phthalo blue as we walk through the gates and into the yard that lies in front of my home. I sit up just before one of the stable-boys starts to approach with a halter, already unsettling Vesper,

"Sir Derek, please do not come closer with the halter, Vesper despises being handled by other people - especially when tack is involved."
He nods and quickly steps away, placing the halter on a hay bale before slowly coming closer again with hands held up in surrender. I swing of off Vesper, one hand staying on his shoulder.

"Miss, there is no need to call me sir, I am but a stable hand."
I smile at him and place my hand on his skinny shoulder,

"To me, you are no less a lord than a stable hand."

He shrugs his shoulders awkwardly and my hand falls back to my side as he turns to the stables, a big smile on his reddened cheeks.

I giggle, which makes him turn to me again before walking on. I start to walk with Vesper, my arm wrapped around his neck and my head resting against it. I walk with him to his grassy field and close the gate after he walks into it. I smile as he trots around the field, smelling the flowers that are scattered around.

After I give Vesper a green apple, I turn away from the stables and walk towards the house, where my father is waiting at the dining table with a frown between his brows. I kiss his forehead, smoothing out the frown,

"Papa, what has you so worried?"
He smiles meekly and gives me a cup filled with warm water and ground coffee beans.

"Your sister."

He hands me a letter and I recognize my sister's hand. I start to read the cursive script,

Dear Papa,

How have you been? Has Willow caused a lot of trouble?

I was wondering if you would consider letting my sister become my lady in waiting as I stay at court for the Debutante Season. It will start in a bit more than a week and continue till the next spring. Her company would greatly please me since we have been so distant after I went to finishing school. If you agree to let her join me at court please send a letter in return and travel over to the palace as soon as possible. Put a flower by Mama's gravestone for me and please consider it Papa. And give this letter to Willow, so she can decide as well,


p.s. Willow, you can bring Vesper along, there are spare stables for him and other debutante horses.

I look at my father and I can see how he is taking the news. He doesn't want the last part of his family to leave as well. It has been hard enough with James and Mama and Harper, he doesn't want me to disappear as well.

I embrace my father,

"I'll write her a letter, telling her I won't go. I'm happy here."

He chuckles and picks up the letter again when I move to sit in the chair next to him.

"No, no, you're going to go. This is a huge opportunity for you and I will be fine here on my own."

"But Papa-"

"No buts, you're going, you will love it when you get there and if you don't just ride home with Vesper."

I smile at my father and embrace him again,

"Thank you, Papa, I will watch my rambunctious sister closely, even if she is a year older."

He chuckles,

"Do that Willow, but think about yourself too. Don't let yourself get caught up in the complicated life of the debutantes."

He gives me a smile which I return before running up the stairs as my father calls behind me,

"I will send Frank out with a message to her, saying you will arrive this afternoon."

"Thank you!"

I call back before reaching my room, in which I remove my tunic and breeches, replacing them for a pair of loose silk breeches that have drawstring waist and a loose cotton tunic. I then wash off the dust and dirt from the ride that has settled on my face and arms.

After cleaning myself, I drag my trunk from the corner of my room. I would need most everything I have here, so I start with my dresses, of which I have few.

Mary, one of our maids, walks in and assists me, but not before staring at my appearance,

"Miss Willow, I must insist on commenting on those...breeches. You cannot possible take them with you to the palace."

"Oh, but Miss Mary, I must. If I leave them here, you will burn them."
She laughs with me and doesn't argue further,

"Ah, Miss, you know me too well."

I smile and take all my dresses, day and evening, ball and lounge and place them on the bed for Mary to fold and then place into my trunk. I then pack my tunics and shoes, of which few are lady shoes and most are riding boots. I take my small amount of jewelry, folded in paper, and lay it on top of the numerous books I am taking with me.

My corset stays on my bed along with a travel dress and my petticoats, which will be placed into another, smaller trunk along with some riding gear and two packages Papa had sent up without letting me open them.

As I smile at my folded clothes, a knock echoes through my room and when Mary opens the room, it reveals my father.

"The message is sent and should be back before noon. The weather is good and the trek is not too long."

I nod and Mary pulls me behind my paravant where she tugs off my blouse and replaces it with a cotton under dress,

"Willow, give Harper her package and open them for the Inaugural Ball."

"Yes, Papa,"

"And don't forget your breeches."

He chuckles, probably seeing the pile of them still on my bed. I laugh with him and Mary tightens the laces gently so to make it seem as if the under dress wasn't even present.

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