Chapter 2

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History Repeating 2

Zandra hurried into history class, the same history class her father was teaching. He taught every year including junior, the grade she was in because of her being smart enough to skip a grade. She just hoped that her father wouldn't embarrass her too much. Unfortunately it seemed like that wasn't going to happen because just as she sat down next to a girl with brown hair and brown eyes and tan skin who kept glancing at a young black girl who looked tired. Her father walked in introducing himself and causing everyone to come to attention.

"My name is Alaric Saltzman," her father greeted.

"This here is my daughter Alexzandra Saltzman if you could please make her feel welcome I would appreciate it," he said pointing at her.

"Just for that your not getting anything greasy for a week," Zandra growled out under her breath and heard Elena laugh causing her to smile as well.

After class Zandra left but stopped when she heard someone calling her. She turned and saw Elena and her friend come up to her. Looking at Elena she was reminded of her mother in a way but that wasn't possible so she shook her head of that thought.

"I'm Elena and this is Bonnie," she said smiling.

"Zandra," she said smiling.

"I know it's probably weird coming to a new town where everyone knows everyone but you can now count us as your first friends," Elena joked walking with her.

"Yeah it's a strange small town," Bonnie said and there was something serious in her tone but Zandra ignored it.

As she talked with the two girls throughout the day she realized she actually liked them and felt Elena's pain of losing her parents because she had lost her mother. Her and Elena were walking outside after school while Bonnie ran to her car when she saw Stefan Salvatore, vampire and apparently Elena's love interest. Not wanting to be around him Zandra said goodbye and walked around to a table to wait outside for her dad when she saw Bonnie being harassed. Not wanting her new friend hurt Zandra walked over to stand next to the girl.

"Get away from her jackass," Zandra said.

"This isn't your problem go away little girl," he said and saw his eyes dilate making Zandra realize that he was a vampire.

"How about I don't and you leave instead," Zandra glared feeling relieved that she could never be compelled even though that fact caused her and her father worry.

"Remember what I've said Bonnie," He said smirking.

"Are you okay?" Zandra asked putting a hand on her shoulder.

Bonnie gasped and was pulled into a vision that was confusing but it made her think something weird was going on with Zandra though it wasn't bad like Stefan and Damon which made her less tense. She justed nodded her head at Zandra and left because she knew the girl would think she was crazy.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra and Alaric walked into The Grill and took a seat at the bar. She had talked with her father in the car about what happened with Bonnie and he told her to wait and see what happened. She understood because you were never supposed to walk head first into a situation without thinking everything through. Zandra noticed her father glance over at a woman with blonde hair and smirked.

"I'm going to walk home and leave you to your fun," Zandra said standing.

"Zandra," Alaric sighed.

For a while now she had been on him to move on and be happy but he couldn't yet. He had her to think of and plus he wanted to find Isobel's killer first. Besides he was he father and he was suppose to be taking care of her not the other way around.

"Have fun Pops," Zandra said kissing his cheek.

Zandra walked out hoping that he took the opportunity to have a little fun and be happy. The town was infested with vampires that needed to be dealt with but that didn't mean they couldn't be happy. As she walked home she felt a cold wind blow indicating something supernatural it was like it was warning her she just didn't know what it was warning her about.

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