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Chapter 8

Chapter Text

Zandra smiled at Caroline as she talked excitedly about the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. She wasn’t into those things but Caroline was and she was going to support her friend on this. Bonnie came back to school today but she seemed more cold not that she could blame the girl. It was time for dance rehearsal and her as well as Bonnie came to support Caroline since Matt had to work and Zandra didn’t have anything better to do since Tyler was busy as well.

“Hey,” Elena said standing with Stefan.

“Hey,” Caroline said back and walked away but stopped when Elena stepped in front of Bonnie and Zandra who were both glaring Stefan.

“Can I talk to you guys?” Elena said.

“Right now?” Zandra asked.

“I’ll make it quick I promise,” Elena said.

Zandra sighed looking at Bonnie and the two girls went out into the hallway with Elena. She loved her sister but she just didn’t get it. Bonnie was pissed at the Salvatore brothers for her Grams death and Zandra didn’t blame her. Granted it wasn’t all their fault it was Grams fault as well for doing the spell knowing it would kill her.

“What’s going on Bonnie?” Elena asked looking annoyed.

“Really Elena,” Bonnie said annoyed that she wasn’t getting it and Zandra didn’t blame her.

“You’ve been ignoring me and you won’t look at Stefan,” Elena continued.

“Elena you really don’t get it do you. My Grams wanted that tomb sealed to keep the vampires in and protect me and this town. She died opening it for Stefan and Damon. I can’t look at him because I hate him Elena. I blame him and Damon for my Grams and I don’t want to put you in a position where you have to choose so please leave it alone,” Bonnie begged walking away.

“Give her time Elena. I mean it wasn’t your fault but her Grams is dead and she needs someone to be angry at so just give her some time because she’ll get past it Elena. When Isobel died I was angry at the world the only person I wasn’t pissed at was my father and I wanted to punch everyone I saw until finally I realized that sometimes there isn’t a reason or a way to stop things from happening. Sometimes it’s just fate,” Zandra explained walking away and hoping that Elena listened to her.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Alaric looked at Zandra and smiled at how beautiful she looked right now. She was wearing a white sleeveless pleated eyelet dress from SL Fashions and the only reason that Alaric knew that was because she had told him about it. She was also wearing a black leather jacket and ankle length black cowboy boots. Her hair was curled in waves and she never looked more beautiful. Looking at her Alaric realized just how much his little girl has grown up and he smiled at her.

“Do you still want me to find out about Isobel?” Alaric asked.

“Yeah I need answers Dad,” she said looking at him with eyes that were the same as his own.

Alaric nodded his head in understanding but he was hesitant too. He hoped that Zandra didn’t get her hopes up too high because Isobel had willingly abandoned them but Zandra was right she did deserve answers. Right now though they just needed to get through the Miss Mystic Falls pageant and then they could deal with the rest of it.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra was standing with Bonnie while Alaric was with Jenna as they waited for the whole party thing to be over with. Stefan had bolted and Zandra suspected something was going on but ignored it so she could be there for Caroline. Bonnie and her both walked outside when they saw Damon and Elena leave in a hurry. Zandra was shocked when she saw Stefan covered in Amber’s blood and she was pissed. She was just about to put a stop to it when Bonnie beat her to it. Afterwards Stefan ran off in a hurry and they had to deal with the girl. The sheriff showed up shortly afterwards and Zandra tried to hurry off with Bonnie not wanting to deal with this because she could see that Elena was going to make up an excuse.

“Bonnie, Zandra wait,” Elena called.

The two of them stopped and turned to face her. Zandra could see the look on her sister’s face and was angry because she was about to hear an excuse.

“This isn’t Stefan,” Elena started.

“Do you really believe that? This is Stefan and your naïve if you think that it isn’t,” Zandra said walking off not bothering to wait for Bonnie. She was done with Elena making excuses for the Salvatore brothers as well as herself and then holding a high standard for others, it was annoying.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Alaric sighed as he watched Zandra walk into her room in frustration. He understood and agreed that Elena needed to stop making excuses for the Salvatore’s because if she didn’t she would lose her friends and family. He decided that he needed to focus on finding Isobel like Zandra wanted hoping to feel useful. Little did he know that it wasn’t something that anyone was going to like?

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