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10. Founder’s Day

Founder’s Day was stupid if you asked Zandra. To her it just sounded like an excuse to dress up and have a party so that is why she was not participating though she was going because afterwards Tyler and she were hanging out. She had just gotten to the high school when she saw Elena and felt a shiver run down her spine. There was something dark around her, it was like being a doppelganger and surrounded by two vampires who wanted her was changing Elena and Zandra didn’t like it at all. Zandra saw Tyler, Matt, Caroline, and Bonnie so she went over there.

“You made out with his mother and then beat him to a pulp. You’re going to have to do better than I’m sorry,” Caroline said to Tyler and her and Bonnie walked away.

“She’s right you know,” Zandra informed him.

“I thought you were supposed to be my best friend,” Tyler sighed.

“Tyler I am but I’m not going to just say that you’re right because of that. What made you act like that anyway?” Zandra asked curious.

“I don’t know Zandra. I mean it was a full moon and I just felt angry because my father was being a dick and a bunch of other shit. It was like I lost control,” Tyler explained and then walked away.

Zandra thought about what Tyler said to her. It sounded like werewolves and that was genetic so Zandra didn’t know but it was possible. She wasn’t going to say anything unless she had more proof though. The only thing she had was her gut, some symptoms, and the feeling she always got when someone was a supernatural being and that was not enough.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra couldn’t believe Elena right now. She claimed to be only in love with Stefan but there she was flirting with Damon. She heard stories about Katherine and from where she was looking it seemed like Elena was starting to become Katherine 2.0. She saw Jeremy walk away from Elena and her look over at her. She looked at Tyler, Caroline, Matt, and Bonnie for help but they walked away to give them space.

“Zandra talk to me,” she said stopping in front of her.

“I have nothing to say to you Elena,” Zandra stated not looking at her.

“Look it’s not like I asked for Isobel to choose me or for Stefan and Damon to both has feelings for me. Maybe if you stopped being a bitch you would have a boyfriend,” Elena said.

“You’re out of line Elena,” Caroline said stepping up to stand by Zandra while Tyler stood behind her.

“Elena just so you know if I had to choose between Zandra and you as a girlfriend I would choose her every time,” Tyler said wrapping his arm around Zandra’s shoulder.

Zandra watched Elena walk away in a huff and couldn’t believe it. It hurt that her sister would say something like that but it just proved to her that Elena was changing because of the supernatural world. Zandra would do everything in her power to keep Elena alive because they were sisters but after that she was done.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra laughed as she made another shot once again beating Tyler who just gave her a look of annoyance. He turned to start another game when he saw his father come up to him and grab his arm. Zandra knew something was up by the gut feeling she had as well as the look on the mayor’s face.

“Mayor Lockwood is everything alright?” Zandra asked.

“Look Tyler just go home and take your friends with you please,” the mayor pleaded.

“Fine,” Tyler agreed knowing that his father never begged before.

Tyler took his father’s keys and all of them walked out of The Grill. Zandra told them to let her talk to her father really quick who was standing by his car. She walked up to him and saw the look on his face and she knew something was up.

“What’s going on?” she asked him.

“The tomb vampires are here and after the founding families,” Alaric told her.

“Damn it! Give me a stake now,” Zandra ordered.

“What’s wrong?” Alaric asked handing one to her.

“Tyler and Caroline are waiting in the car for me. I need to go so I can protect them,” Zandra told him.

“Be careful,” Alaric called out.

“I will I promise. I love you,” Zandra said running to get to Tyler.

She got into the backseat next to Matt and told him to go. They were driving when Tyler started complaining of a headache which meant that instead of deactivating the device to detect vampires Bonnie kept it active. This confirmed that Tyler was indeed a werewolf and his life was going to be interesting from now on. Matt and her yelled at Caroline to grab the wheel but the car lost control crashing. The ambulance came getting all of them out of the car and Tyler was on the ground unconscious while Matt and Caroline stood a few feet away with Zandra kneeling on the ground praying that Tyler would be alright. The paramedic looked into Tyler’s eyes and jumped back seeing something weird but before anyone could question it Tyler woke up. Unfortunately there was a new problem of Caroline who had fallen unconscious on the ground. Zandra held back a sob and wished that her friends would just be okay.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra was sitting next to Matt in the hospital chair when Tyler walked over. She knew that Tyler was only standing because he didn’t know if Matt wanted him. She nudged Matt and saw that when he looked over at Tyler there were tears of relief in his eyes.

“I’m glad you’re okay. Sit down,” Matt said.

Tyler sat down next to Zandra and she leaned her head on his shoulder closing her eyes. Caroline’s mother walked in letting them know that she was in surgery and didn’t have a good chance. Zandra cried letting Tyler wrap his arms around her.

“Tyler you need to call your mother,” Sheriff Forbes said crying.

“No,” Tyler denied figuring it out right away as soon he saw her face.

Zandra followedTyler as he ran out of the hospital and stopped right outside by the side of the building. He punched the brick wall and she grabbed his arm pulling him around to face her. She pulled him into her arms and held him as he cried for his father because even though he was a dick he was stillTyler’s father. In one night life had changed for all of them they just didn’t realize yet how much.

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