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6. Problems

Zandra felt bad and she really hated herself as well. Ever since finding out that Elena was her sister and her mother Isobel was a vampire she’s been avoiding everyone. The only things that she has focused on were school and training. Her father had gotten lucky thanks to the ring Isobel had given her which was great but she just couldn’t help the bad feeling she kept getting. She didn’t understand what she was either but she didn’t care right now either. The problem wasn’t that she hated Elena she loved the girl even before finding out that their related but she was just feeling too much right now.

She was with her father at the school since he didn’t want her alone what with the storm and everything that was going on. Zandra sighed as she read the book her English teacher assigned for class. Her father was getting her something to eat from the vending machine. She heard talking and looked up to see Elena enter with Damon and was pissed. After everything Damon had done she was acting like everything was all good.

“What do they want?” Zandra asked.

“Zandra I know that finding out I’m your sister was hard,” Elena started.

“The problem isn’t that you’re my sister, the problem is that you and Stefan seem to forgive everything Damon has done and I’m sick of it. He turned Isobel fine that is whatever. He killed my father not knowing that he would come back. Do you know that I would have been an orphan if he didn’t have that ring? And here you are not caring,” Zandra yelled tired of everything.

“You heard my daughter if she doesn’t want me to help you I’m not helping and neither is she,” Alaric said.

“Please you’re my sister,” Elena begged.

“If we were really sisters you wouldn’t try justifying what Damon has done,” Zandra said angry and she knew that it would hurt Elena which is what she wanted.

“Not even if the woman helping knows where Isobel is?” Damon asked.

Zandra hated him even more in that moment because the vampire knew that would work and he used it to manipulate them anyway. She hated Elena more than ever now because she wasn’t saying anything to stick up for them or stop Damon. After this rescue Zandra was done with her sister. She didn’t need a sister that wasn’t going to stick up for her family or act this way with a vampire.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Zandra couldn’t believe that Damon lied but she should have suspected it. She was pissed beyond belief when she saw Damon snap that woman’s neck and knew her father felt the same way as she did. She couldn’t believe the way her life had turned out and was just pissed. She wanted nothing to do with this mess anymore and she didn’t care if her instincts instructed her to help mediate the supernatural world and keep peace she could not handle Damon Salvatore anymore. The thing that made her happy though was the fact that her father punched Damon and walked away. It was the highlight of her life and she enjoyed it.

~Zandra Saltzman~

It was a founder’s party and Alaric and Zandra had to show so they were dressed up. Her father looked good in his suit and Zandra was wearing a simple black lace dress with a black leather jacket and black knee high boots. She sighed when Alaric and she walked over to Elena and Jenna. Her father asked Jenna to dance and smiled at them because her father was happy at least.

“Zandra I know that your mad,” Elena started.

“Look I hate Damon and I probably always will but you’re my sister and besides my father the only family I have left so I’m going to have to find a way to deal with that but you can help by not making excuses and trying to justify shit all the time. No one’s perfect and instead of running from their problems they need to own up to them not make the excuse of being a you know what their main reason to get away with shit,” Zandra said coldly.

“Alright I get it and I will try my best to respect that,” Elena said smiling sadly at her.

“You do that,” Zandra said walking away.

She was standing by herself when a hot guy, Tyler Lockwood more specifically walked up to her. He was cute not in the I want to sleep with you way but the your good to look at way. She heard he was a jackass though but she liked to make her own opinions of people before deciding.

“Hey your Alexzandra Saltzman right?” Tyler asked.

“Yeah though I’ve been in town a while now,” Zandra said laughing.

“Sorry I tend to be the typical jock,” Tyler admitted.

“I highly doubt that there is anything typical about you,” Zandra flirted.

“Oh I don’t know about that,” Tyler flirted back.

“How about you be my friend and we decide to see if you are more than the typical jock,” Zandra suggested.

As Tyler agreed with her about their friendship Zandra found herself thinking that this could be the start of a beautiful friendship. Besides with the way she was fighting with Elena she would probably need some new friends around here and Tyler seemed like a good one to have especially since his father was mayor of this esteemed town.

~Zandra Saltzman~

Alaric looked at Damon still pissed at the man mainly because he always used the excuse of being a vampire to declare his actions justified. So he wasn’t friends with the man at all and he refused to be. The problem was that Damon now had a point because the vampire had killed John Gilbert who had come back to life like Alaric had when Damon killed him. He agreed with Damon that John knew a lot of things, things that were important and he had to figure out what the man knew not only for his sake but Zandra’s as well.

Later as he listened to the man rant about all the things he knew he just couldn’t help the feeling of betrayal that ran though him. He thought that Isobel loved him but the more he heard the man he questioned. The ring he wore wasn’t even a gift to him it was originally a gift to Isobel and the original owner was John Gilbert.

“I die you don’t find out anything about your daughter,” John had said to him.

It was that information alone that made him let John go. He had all these questions and so did Zandra. Neither of them knew what was happening to her and instead of being helpful John was using the information to blackmail him. He hated it and he hated how weak it made him. Alaric silently vowed to get the information from John Gilbert so he could help his daughter. He just hoped that both of them would be strong enough to survive the emending danger that was coming their way.

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