Chapter 4

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     "Hayden I don't know..." He looks upset.. "Umm uh okay." "I think we should just go to bed and pretend nothing happend." When he said that I don't know why but it felt like I had a little crack in my heart.
       "Uh yeah okay." I turned over. I tried going to sleep but I couldn't. This would be the time I need Caleb... I silently cried for the first time in about 2 years.
         I finally went to sleep. *NEXT MORNING* I woke up in a bad that wasn't mine. I turn around and see Hayden I quickly remembered what happened last night. "Fuck." I whispered to myself.
        I got up and put my clothes on. I got my phone and ran out the house. We have school today but I'm not going. I ran all the way to my house. I went through my window because my parents would probably wake up and fuss at me for not coming home last night.
        I laid down and got on my phone. I texted Kenz and Jayden on our little group chat. "Hey wanna skip with me today?" They instantly texted me back. "Yeah of course!" "Meet in our spot when school starts." I put my phone down.
       I got kinda hungry. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. Of course my mom was down there in the kitchen. "Where was you last night?!" "Don't worry about it. It's none of your business."
      She gets up. "You know what that's it I'm tired of you running your mouth to all of us your grounded for a month." "You cant do that and you won't." "Whatch me Jullianna." "Stop calling me that. See this is why I hate you so much! You don't pay no attention to me and that is why I do the things I do now you can listen and pay attention to me or you can stay the hell out of my life forever." I walk out of the house and went to my hideout which is the one I called our spot. That's where most of the spray cans are
         When i finally got there i walked in.

 That's where most of the spray cans are         When i finally got there i walked in

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     I see Kenzie and Jayden in the livingroom. "Hey boo." "Hey!" I sit down on the couch. "So what's up?" I look at Kenzie. "The sky." She rolls her eyes. "I mean why don't you want to go to school?" "Reasons." "Oh okay." We watch T.V. for a while. Then I get really bored.
     "Hey Kenz and Jay wanna go spray paint?" "Of course." I grab my bag that I have for here. We start walking towards the east side of the city. The east side is where you go to get hurt, spray paint, kidnapped, high, or drunk. We only come here every once and a while.
       We find a building and I spray painted one side. While Kenzie had hers and Jayden had her side. We all have different sides so the all wouldn't be mixed together.

 We all have different sides so the all wouldn't be mixed together

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Annie's paintings on her side^^^^

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Annie's paintings on her side^^^^

Jayden's painting on her side^^^^

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Jayden's painting on her side^^^^

Jayden's painting on her side^^^^

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Kenzie's paintings on her side^^^^

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Kenzie's paintings on her side^^^^

      When I was done I walked over to Kenzies side and seen her paintings. I saw the one where it had Maddies name. I actually forgot Maddie had passed 3 months after caleb. That's when me and Kenzie changed and met Jayden.
      "Hey." She looks at me. "Hey." "You done?" "Yeah." "Okay let's see if Jayden is done. We walk over to Jaydens side and I seen her painting. I actually kind of admired both of them. "Hey Kay you done?" She looks at me and Kenz. "Yeah let's go." We start walking back. We walk back to the hideout. We watch the movie the last summer.
        In the middle of the movie I got a phone call. It wasn't in my contacts which was wired. I answer it.
   Call P.O.V.

      "Hello?" "Hi is this ms. Leblanc?" "Who's asking?" "This is the hospital. We have some bad news...."

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