Chapter 5

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        "Okay so what is it?" "I'm so sorry to tell you this ms. LeBlanc but your sister Hayley was in a terrible shooting and we don't think she is going to make I-" I hang up before they could ever finish their sentence. For some reason I got mad about it and threw my phone a cross the room.
        "What the fuck Annie calm down!" I look at Kenzie. "How the hell am I going to calm down when Hayley is about to die?!" I grab my phone and walk out of the house. I hear someone running behind me but I ignore them and keep walking.
         I've never acted like this before. But Hayley.. we used to be as close as me and caleb were. But when caleb died I blocked everyone out of my world. Except for Kenzie and Jayden. I get to my house and walk to my parents room.
         "Why the fuck didn't you call me?!" My mom looks up at me. "You blocked us out. We figured that you would care less so we didn't call." I got even more angrier. "THATS YOUR WHOLE FUCKING PROBLEM!! YOU JUST GIVE UP WITHOUT EVEN TRYING! YOUR GAVE UP ON ME BUT NOW YOUR GONNA GIVE UP HOPE FOR THE DAUGHTER OF YOURS WHO IS ABOUT TO DIE?!" "ANNIE SHUT UP! DO YOU THINK I LIKE THIS? NO! I DON'T WANT HAYLEY TO DIE BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS!" 
        "YOU KNOW WHAT MOM?! GO FUCK YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANYONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF!" I was so mad that I slapped the shit out of her and stole her car and drove to the closest hospital. I walk in to one and when up to the counter lady.
          "Hayley LeBlanc?" "Umm she is in surgery right now but you can see her in about 4 hours." "Okay thank you." I walked over to the waiting room. I got my phone out and seen about a trillion texts from my mom.
         Texting P.O.V

    "Annie come home right now we can talk about this!" I reply. "No I'm not coming home. I don't understand why you wouldn't have called me in the first place and everything I said back there I ment so leave me the hell alone." I close my phone and silently cried.
       I felt like a little piece of my heart was gone. Caleb's gone and now Hayley. I just hope she is okay. Then my phone pings again. I cut it on and see a text from Kenz. "Hey Ann's are you okay? You looked really mad. What happend?" I text her back. "I'll tell you later. I don't want to see or talk to anyone right now."
       She leaves me on read. I cut my phone back off and I through my head back. I let out a big sigh. What am I going to do with myself? I cut Hayley completely out of my life when caleb died and now she might die. I feel like this is all my fault. I should have been there for her.
        Then my sadness went away and anger came across my mind. I swear if she dies I will kill the basterd that down it to her. *later on* Its been 4 hours and they still haven't called me back to see her.
       I cut my phone on to see what time it is. My phone showed 6:30 PM. I cut my phone off. Then a nurse comes out. I look up at her. "Is anyone here to see Hayley LeBlanc?" I stand up and walk up to her. "I am." "Okay well just to let you know she is unconscious and is recovering from the surgery." I give her a death glare. "Just take me to where the hell she is." "Okay come on!" She takes me to her room.
        The door closes and I looked at Hayley laying in a hospital bed unconscious just like the nurse said. I couldn't help it. My eyes filled up with tears and they start flowing down my face. I walk over to her and put my hand on hers.
       "Haybug. I'm so sorry for everything. I'm the worst sister ever. I blocked you out when caleb died instead of comforting you. I know how much caleb ment to both of us. I regret everything that I did. I regret not being there for you. I regret blocking you out. Please just don't leave me. I love you and I'm so sorry. Please come back." After i said those words i broke down in tears. One tear fell from my cheek and landed on Hayley.
        Hayley's eyes slowly starts to open. "A- annie?" I look up. "H- hayley?" I start crying even more harder. I cuff my hands over my mouth. I couldn't believe it. After everything that I had done in the past God brought Hayley back to me.
        I hug her. I hug her really tight. "Ow okay Ann's be careful I'm still hurting." "I'm so sorry! It will never happen again." "Annie what are you talking about?" "Hayley every since caleb died I completely blocked you out of my world but I promise it will never happen again! I love you so much!" She weakly smiles. "Its okay Ann's I forgive you and I love you to."
      I smile for the first time in years. "Now can we go home?" "I don't know Hayley she didn't say." The nurse come in. "I see your wake." Hayley looks at her. "Oh no not you stay the hell away from me!" I look at the nurse. And I realize what she was talking about.

         To be continued....


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