Thank you

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Before we start this story, I want to thank the military members who are active duty and veterans.  Thank you for facing the consequences and other things to join the military, when I was little (I'm 14) about six or eight, I had planned to join the military right out of high school. I have sticked to that plan since then, now that I am getting closer to getting to that point, I have pushed myself to the highest limits possible. I have traveled, Studied, exercised, and hurt. I have pushed myself to the limits that Navy SEALS must go through, my father and brother helping me and staying by my side. I have gone through many things, including some of the BUD/S training, not all of it, but most on my own.  I actually used to want to become a Navy SEAL when I was younger but than my father ruined those dreams by telling me there has been no females in that specific category. I used to think  'If I push myself maybe I could, if I get past those requirements I could be the first to make it past' but I stopped, I still think I could but there's a low possibility. 

The training methods the military branches use are harsh, the drill sergeants can seem harsh but that's another way of motivating you, to keep you going even in the low which you have to do anywhere if you make it. Yes, you all my have different opinions but none of them will change mine. 

You deserve all the honor, all the respect in the world. Yes, a lot of people don't give it to you, but you really do. 

Thank you.


Also, for reference, if you do not know military time like the way i am doing so in this story.

Love you guys. <3

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