The walk

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I never saw a horrified look on Alissa's face like I did today, as we were walking she thought she would never see her family again. A Taliban came out of no where and started shooting, there was no cover where we were walking. She froze and we all started shooting as she stood in fear. If anything happened to her, I would be there, she's like a sister.

It was a peaceful walk other than that, nice and cool, even though our backs were in pain as we continued walking. All you could hear was boots stomping up the paths, able to take a break from shooting and allowing us to think for a bit. 

I never thought I would be back in a camp with a few other guys, the bunks are nice for what we got I suppose. Laying down after walking hours through terrain vehicles and copters can't get through is harsh on your back, especially with the gear we carry. Laying down in the best thing yet.

It's sad to miss your 3rd year anniversary. I miss her so much, I hope I can see her beautiful face soon, hear her kind and soft voice as she helps people in need. She's my everything. She really is.

I really hate myself for putting her through this, anyways, ima rest before I pass out on my journal. Night.

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