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It's been a rough couple of weeks, I have been hit with major depression, it has affected me physically as well. I have been cutting and making myself seem like nothing, I don't laugh or talk to my buds how I used too. I'm slowly dying, not just mentally. I am pretty sure I am sick, I have been throwing up and coughing up a storm, I have been taking medication that they have stored for us, it helps a bit.

It hurts a lot, to never see your family or friends while in this situation, you would think one call a week would be issued but I guess not for us considering we are closer to enemy territory.

My depression gets worse and worse, the cutting, the sickness, everything has been going wrong. Just thinking about the fact that I might never get to see Liz again really doesn't help either. I wish I could be there for her, to support her, just once. 

I never thought I could hurt so much, my arms, my stomach, my chest, my back, they are all fading out on me. I don't know what to think or do anymore. Anyways, it's time for my walk, bye.

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