No mans land

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If, whoever is reading this, does not know what no mans land is, it is  disputed ground between the front lines or trenches of two opposing armies. I, sadly, was heading towards it to enter a Taliban infested district. Who ever reads this journal, be prepared for anything, I mean it, anything. 

My names James Collins, I am a army specialist or was if I'm dead. I miss my home, I really do. I have no way to contact anyone, not even anyone I love unless we find a base so I can write them a letter. We are far from one.

Anyways, we are almost there, hopefully there's more heard from me, fill this whole thing up.

How am I expected to kill a women, that just makes it worse for us. She was running at us begging for help but it was a trick, tried to end us with a bomb. I would expect for the women to help or stay out of it, but I guess not.

I always thought Afghanistan was all sand but no, huge terrains covering a few places, especially a good hiding places for Taliban. I never thought I would say this but I'm now scared of the woods and hiking. Saw one of my bodies get blown up as he walked ahead, he was a good man, didn't deserve any of that. We are treating him as good as possible, but we are far from a base or camp. Time to carry, bye.

You think it is fun to shoot guns until you murder someone, another living being with feelings and family. Yes, they are harmful to people but it still sucks, especially for the guy being shot at and on the man who is shooting. Everyone takes advantage of small things, never caring about the advantage and disadvantage of living free, men and women die daily just for these people we don't even know. It's a lot to handle if you take it deeper into the mind.

I miss my family and friends, but this is for them and all the people who hate us and support us. No matter what, I'll save anyone even if they hate me. 

I remember meeting Alissa's little boy, three years old. She's been here for two years, only seen one year of him while in the hospital and after. He loves her so much and cries every day for her, it affects a lot more than the warrior, it affects their loved ones. I have never seen myself as a dad kind of guy, with the shit I have seen, I couldn't leave my girl with a child only her for her to support the kid. 

I miss my baby, I really do. She's the sweetest little thing ever, beautiful blonde hair, green eyes, freckles, just perfect. She's so kind and supportive, even if I'm gone a lot. We are high school sweethearts, she was worried at first but now she pushes through it and does as much as she can.

When I get back, I got to do something for her. Even if it costs me my life, she deserves so much for dealing with my bullshit. She's my forever.

Almighty God, You know every veteran by name. You know their deeds, their hard work, and their perseverance. You know their needs, both material and spiritual. Please draw each one closer to you and grant them all the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7), the peace of Christ to rule in their hearts (Colossians 3:15), and 'joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand' forevermore (Psalm 16:11).

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