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Good morning people who are reading this, if it's my baby, I love you.

Why am I such a let down, I should have fucking put my dreams side for her. My fuckin hand hurts now, I punched some things as I waited for anything, anything that allows me to stop thinking but no. I don't know what's wrong with me, I really don't know. 

I wish I could be there physically and mentally, I really wish. But she has to worry and be lonely, well, unless she cheats. She wouldn't though, she's to soft and trustworthy, so loyal.

I hate myself, I always thought the military would be good for myself, give me time to find my true self and actually be a part of something. Now it's just torture for my close friends and family, yeah, college and everything is a nice benefit but is it really worth it? Even with the things you do and accomplish, they should at least treat us nicely since it could be our last day.

Any day I could die, any time, any place, and leave her alone.

Think about that, let it sink in.

Leave the love of your life, alone, in the harsh world. 

I love you.

Soldiers Diary: AfghanistanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt