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Nathaniel's POV

It was a snowy day. Adults were sitting in cafes, drank coffee and kids were building snowmen. In all of that you could hear Rose scream "SNOWFIGHT!!!" immediately two groups were build: Rose, Julieka, Max and Kim vs. Alix, Marinette, Marc and I. The rules were simple: If you get shot, you're out. We build snow walls to protect ourselves from the snowballs that were flying our way. Alix and I were throwing the snowballs while Marc and Marinette made ammunition. Suddenly Kim ran over to our side, dodging every snowball we threw. He was to close and almost hit me with a snowball but Marc grabbed me and threw me out of the way. He got hit with the snowball right on the forehead. Alix hit Kim with a snowball. I held Marc in my arms like he was about to die " Nathaniel... you have to win... please..." you could hear that he was holding back a laugh so I played along " Of course... I'll avenge you!!!" Alix laughed and Marinette just snickered. I let Marc go and he left with Kim the battlefield. The battle went on for fifteen minutes but we won the battle. Rose sighed " Aw, we almost won." Max wiped some snow of his jacket " We would've won if Kim didn't ran over there." Alix shrugged " We are not responsible for him. Also he killed Marc." Marinette spoke up " But he got disqualified because he saved Nath." Julieka looked around " Speaking of those two, where are they?" We all looked around and that's when I saw them they had eight cups with them. We went over to them and took one cup. Marc explained that Kim bought them all for repayment and prices. We sat somewhere down and drank hot chocolate and talked. I sat next to Marc " You're a real hero, you know that right?" Marc giggled " Well, I couldn't just let you die." I played my arm around his neck " Aaand what was that dramatic part?" He shrugged " Fun?" He took a sip of his hot chocolate. I took his chin between my fingers, turned him to me and gave him a short kiss. He giggled and kissed me back. His nose was really red. I smiled " You look like Rudolph the red nose reindeer~" he blushed and laid his head on my shoulder. We just hugged while talking and laughing. Cold days are always fun.

Hi. I know that I take long to upload. School is mean. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this one. It's a bit short. It was still fun:)

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