Illnesses, lies and love

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This story idea was from @yins1n. Hope you enjoy ;)

Marc's POV

My life was hard. Having to deal with vomiting, shivering, passing out and seizures doesn't make it any easier for me. At least I have my friends who support me. I was making my way to the art room when I accidentally bump into Lila. She turned around and looked at me. I apologized " I-I'm sorry Lila. I-I didn't mean to bump into you." She looked at me and then a grin formed on her face " You do make a scene with your 'illnesses'. Just to let you know, I don't care about you." I took a step back from her " W-What b-but I didn't d-do anything." She took a step forward         " Well, what if I tell everyone that you pushed yourself on me?" My eyes widened. She only snickered " That's what I'm going to do.". After that sentence she started screaming for help. When she looked back at me she pushed me. I stumbled backwards and suddenly didn't feel the floor beneath my feet. The next thing I knew was that I fell down the stairs. I hit my head on the ground. I was feeling numb. My hand twitched a little but my body was numb from falling down the stairs. I felt something warm on my head. I wanted to see what it was but I couldn't move. I just lied there, waiting so I can stand up and just leave.

Nathaniel's POV

Me and the others were in the art room. Max and Kim decided to pay us a visit. Suddenly we heard a scream from the hall. We all got up and rushed to were the scream was coming from. When we got there we saw Lila, standing by the stairs, looking down. When I looked down the stairs my heart stopped beating: there on the floor was Marc, bleeding and twitching. He had a seizure. " What happend?!" Asked Rose. Lila turned to us " I... I didn't know why he did it... He... pushed himself on me!" For a moment I was in shock but then anger boiled inside of me " Lila, do you really think, I'm stupid?" She looked at me confused. I was almost shouting " I'm going to repeat myself. Did you really think I'm FUCKING stupid?!" She was in shock but I continued " Do you really think I'll believe you telling me that Marc pushed himself on you? I think the fuck not!" Everyone glared at her. I was to angry to notice what was happening to Marc.

Marc's POV

I woke up with a blurry vision. When I  could see again, I noticed that I was still on the same spot. I must've passed out. I found the strength to push myself up. When I looked up the stairs I saw everyone from the art room talking to Lila. I didn't understand what they were saying. I was still twitching a little. I probably got a seizure from falling down the stairs. My legs hurt but I still walked away. I didn't want to look anyone in the eyes at the moment. I'm afraid they'll hate me. I walked out of the school to get some fresh air but I tripped over my own foot. I hit my head again on the ground. My ears started ringing and my vision got blurry. The only thing I could hear was my heart that was beating fast and my breathing which became unstable. My hands started to twitch again. I decided that I'll just lay there. Trying to calm down. I reached to my head and noticed something sticky. When I looked at my hand there was blood. I had a seizure, my legs were hurting, my head was bleeding and I started to lose consciousness. Today was not a good day.

Nathaniel's POV

Lila was in a corner and she knew it. After she tried one last time to convince us that she was telling the truth Alix snapped " STOP LYING ALREADY! WE ALL KNOW IT! MARINETTE WAS RIGHT! YOU ARE A LYING SNAKE!!!" Lila ran away after that statement. I looked down the stairs where Marc was lying but he wasn't there anymore. I panicked and looked around. Alix came up to me " I'll help you find him." I thanked her and we started searching for him. We didn't really know where he could've went but the blood where he was pointed into the direction of the exit. We followed it and went outside. Right next to the door was Marc. He was unconscious. We called an ambulance and Alix left to get a teacher. I got a message from Kim that Lila got expelled. I felt a wave of relief and happiness when I read that. Marc got taken to the hospital. He wasn't in a coma but all of his wounds and the seizures were tearing at his energy. He was sleeping everytime I visited. I wished he would be awake when I was there. The others visited as well even Chloe. The other day Lila showed up. She was still defending herself, saying that she was innocent " I swear you guys, he really was hitting on me!" Kim interrupted her " Uh, you do know that he and Nathaniel are dating? As far as I know, they didn't even kissed yet because Marc is to shy and your seriously saying that Marc hit on you?" Lila didn't comment further on that and left, embarrassed. A week later Marc finally woke up. He had to stay in a wheelchair, from the damage he took when he fell down the stairs. I stayed with him all day, helping him with everything and reminding him that I'll be there for him.

I am not dead. This was an angsty story and I'm not sure if I wrote it ok so if you guys want me to do another one, just tell me. I'll try to post more stories. I still hope you enjoyed :D

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